The latest part of Tammy's current story, Moving On, has just been published on here (expect weekly chapters) but much of my time is being spent on the first Tammy stories, Tom's Fireworks and Tamara's Debut. Both have been extensively revised and many many typos fixed and new material added! I'll launch these as a 430 page novel on Kindle next week, with any luck, but the original serialised book will remain on BCTS.
Thanks for Keeping the Original Version Posted
Your update is much appreciated.
I'm enjoying the current series. thanks for sharing.
much as
I love the story I have to admit that the latest chapter has me scratching my head about what is going on - no wonder Susie is confused!
Just out of interest, what size type are you publishing at?
Madeline Anafrid Bell
The font is Liberation Serif 12.
All will become clear with Suzie idc.