Annoyed and really sorry

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As some of you are aware, I don't have my own internet connection, I have a bit of a time share thing at my parents - hence only uploading stuff on Sunday and Wednesday. (i'm writing this on my phone if you were wondering) it really is my lifeline through which I publish and indeed some sites I can't access fully through the phone (ebay, Amazon etc)

So imagine my dismay when I turn on the machine this evening and it won't start. Well it sort of starts but it won't go beyond a system analysis screen. Seems my brother has been playing and instead of telling people it's not working has just kept quiet. As far as I can see, something he's downloaded has killed the main hard drive preventing it from booting.

So to cut to the chase, i'm unable to upload the new Gaby book, or put a new chapter up here. It's a major blow to say the least, hopefully i'll be able to get on line Wednesday using my laptop and get stuff up but knowing my luck there will be some problem.

So from me to you, very frustrated apologies.

Other than that life is okay, today had a nice trip up into the Dales for lunch at Ripon before a short visit with the Grand son. Friday's plastering should be almost dry by now, it was well on its way this morning, so I can look forward to plumbing, cabinet building and tiling before mid week!

So for now, sadly, its bye for now


See you when we can, then

Podracer's picture

:( Still, the sun is shining over them there hills, and we know more tasty words are in the pipeline.
'twas the Yorkshire Wolds for me today.
Did you get an email from me last week? No reply was required, just wondering if the address still worked.

"Reach for the sun."

not seen a mail

Maddy Bell's picture

Did you send to Maddyannebell?



Madeline Anafrid Bell

Ah, that'll be it then

Podracer's picture

Re-sent. More than one email account, and the one I use by default had the other address in its noggin. Cheers!

"Reach for the sun."

I can't

Maddy Bell's picture

Access the maddyannebell account as yahoo randomly changed the password! Have pm'd correct addy



Madeline Anafrid Bell

What about a Mobile Dongle

most of the Mobile operators (and even Tesco Mobile) have very good rates for a data only connection. Cheaper than paying for a Landline and includes a decent data allowance.

As for your PC problems, I'm too far away to help at the moment. I guess that you won't be letting anyone use your PC again.
There has to be some local PC-Guru who can help?


Locking down your machine

It would help if your brother has locked down permissions that prevent him from downloading or installing everything, aka a limited user account.

It’s up to you but hopefully you had a serious chat with him about it and if he can’t be responsible, don’t give him an account on your machine.

God knows what kinds of malware you have on your machine now.

Frankly, it is likely that a lack of internet access is the least of your worries as any financial transactions you have done on your machine may also be compromised.

There is even the possibility any file you plan to upload is compromised.

Wait until your machine is deloused before you do anything else with it.


Maddy Bell's picture

Not my machine and I have no 'back office' access. Bro reaps what he sows - it's up to him to get it fixed.

My machine has intentionally been kept off the net to prevent malware etc getting on.

Will have to check out the dongle thing - had planned to do that last year but for various reasons ie I was ill, it never happened. I can use it with my laptop which keeps the PC clean.

Still very annoyed.



Madeline Anafrid Bell

I'm just glad you have internet access

WillowD's picture

Even if it is sporadic. The world wouldn't be as fun if Gaby wasn't romping through it.

And do keep telling yourself that brothers are a nice thing. They can be useful. At times. Occasionally. At least once or twice in a life time. I'm sure if it. Maybe.