Disco Doll ~ Part 12

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Jacie went to extreme lengths to help a pretty girl struggling with her past. The result was an unexpected twist of fate.

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Battle of the Bangs

By Shauna

Copyright © 2018 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
All image originals sourced from Creative Commons.
All movie-related references made in this novel are trademarked by Paramount Pictures, Disney, Universal Pictures, or Marvel. All other characters are completely fictitious and any similarities with actual persons are purely coincidental.

Author’s Note:

The second book is slowly coming to an end—only one more chapter… I hope everyone is still enjoying the story.

This chapter will finally reveal the secret behind Jacie’s and Dite’s kidnapping! Let me know if you had it figured out before reading the story! :-)


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Part Twelve

I yawn like totes wide enough to swallow the Death Star as Momma drives Day, Kim, Em, and me home. Kim is like already fast asleep on Em’s shoulder. Em just like shrugs and grins at Day and me.

What? Kim wouldn’t like crash last night—it seems that the Sandman has totes finally like caught up with her! Of course, he had visited us several times last night while Kim was fighting him off!

Momma grins and asks, “Did you girls have fun, last night?”

I can’t help but like get caught up in a fit of the giggles when I suddenly realize that every girl here has some ‘extra’ skin—except the one that’s sound asleep on her girlfriend’s shoulder! I wonder what that means?

I like get some looks and focus…

What? I’m like overloaded with caffeine!

Anyway, I reply, “Yes, Momma. I like guess I owe the Circle that sleepover in the Family Room, now? I just need to like sleep ahead for a few weeks if Kim is going to be there!”

She nods sagely and says deadpan and in a totes serious tone, “Yes, I guess you do!”

We all giggle…

What? Sleep deprivation and ‘mones! A like totes devastating combo!

Momma pulls up to the garage and hits the opener just as Uncle Chuck comes out the door with a packed suitcase in one hand and his phone in the other.

Momma opens her window before she pulls into the garage and asks, “Chuck, what’s up?”

He says, “I have to get to the airport. I have a lead on the case and need to get back to NYC, tout de suite! Don’t worry! I’ll call a cab!”

Momma says, “Nonsense! Girls…out! Chuck…in!”

We all like pile out and give Chuck an inquisitive look as he loads his suitcase into the trunk. He gives me a hug and says, “Take care of my girls, OK? I have a really good lead. If it pans out, I may be able to finger who has been after you!”

I squeeze him back hard and say, “They’re in the Circle’s hands! There like are no better! But you like be extra careful, OK? These idiots are totes no one to toy with! I can certainly like vouch for that!”

He nods solemnly and says, “Jacie, you know what? I believe you! I’ll let your parents know what I find out through Barn! And, yes, I promise to be careful!”

With that, he climbs into the car and Momma backs out of the driveway and roars off with him—I assume to the airport…


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After a deep two-hour nap, I’m in the kitchen with Em and Momma, who has returned from dropping Uncle Chuck off. I’m on my second cup of like really strong, black coffee…

What? The others? They’re still deep asleep and snoring like you wouldn’t believe…

Anyway, we’re like discussing Uncle Chuck’s optimism that he may know who is behind Dite’s and my kidnapping and who tried to kill me…

What? Of course, it was Gio Franco and his crony! But who paid them?

I look down as my phone beeps and I notice the little FBI controller app turn off the monitoring one.

What? I figured out a way to have it notify me when things change.

What? No, the FBI doesn’t like know—well, not that I know of!

Anyway, I’m just about to like say something when the doorbell rings. Momma looks at me and we both shrug at the same time.

I shake my head and go to answer the door. To my surprise, Special Agent Jerry and Agent Slim are at the door.

Agent Slim says, “Hi, Jacie. Mind if we come in?”

I shrug and fight a yawn, then motion them in and point to the kitchen.

Momma is as surprised as I am…

What? Normally, they like make an appointment—or give us a heads-up, or something. We’ve also like not heard anything from them in days.

Momma says, “Well, hello Gentlemen. What can we do for you?”

Special Agent ‘J’

What? No…not really. No resemblance at all to ‘J’ on Men in Black… I mean…maybe ‘K’, but, well, like ‘Jerry’‘J.’ Get it? It’s just easier…

Anyway, ‘J’ gets right to it, “We were monitoring the last couple of hours of feed and understand that Chuck Connors has a lead and left this morning to chase it down?”

Momma nods, “That’s right. He thinks it’s a good one. He’s going back to the clinic in Texas—that’s all I know, though.”

Agent Slim—‘S’?—seems perturbed, “Why didn’t he say something to us? We had a deal! Why is he going there?”

Momma shakes her head, “I don’t know. He didn’t say—on either count.”

‘J’ says, “Well, that just chaps my hind-end! We gave him access to the phone app information that we have; he could have at least let us know that he found something.”

I give him a funny look, “How do you like know that whatever he found is linked to the phone app?”

He shrugs and says, “I don’t—but, he still could’ve reciprocated. There are so many moving pieces to this with the Mexicans and the Greeks… I really don’t need a rogue detective to worry about mucking up things on top of all of that!”

Em gasps, then nearly shrieks, “Don’t you dare! You have no idea! I wouldn’t even be here if not for him!”

He looks at her, half in surprise and half in aggravation. Then he seems to have an enlightened moment and says, “You’re the Levine girl he rescued, aren’t you?”

Em just nods—she’s like in a huff.

What? I totes get it!

Anyway, he nods and says, “Look, I’m glad he was able to save you—but, this is different…”

She shrilly breaks in, “Really? How is that? Do you know what they were doing to me? Do you know the danger he put himself in for me? He’s like that when it comes to family. Like it or not Mr. ‘Special Agent’, Jacie’s family, now! And, no…not in the Mafia sense!”

I groan…

What? I’m afraid that may be all-too true, though…

‘J’ looks at Em and I suddenly picture Em as ‘M’ in James Bond…

I giggle as I picture that conflict. ‘MIB v. In the Queen’s Service’

What? OK… Like I said, ‘mones plus caffeine plus lack of sleep…

Anyway, ‘J’ lightens up.

Score one for the Queen!

What? I am being serious!

Anyway! ‘J’ says, “I understand, Ms. Levine. I mean no disrespect, but we’re kind of responsible for Jacie’s safety and uncovering this international crime ring.”

Em nods and says, “And I’m sure that Uncle Chuck could care less about ‘credit’. He’s only worried about Jacie’s and Dite’s safety. He’s only worried about ending this. And if it hurts the Cartel that came after me, so much the better! I don’t care about your political toes or if he stomps all over them!”

Momma giggles, “She’s got you there, Jerry. Let it rest. Chuck will do things you can’t. I’ve only known him a few days, but, I know people that trust him with their life. I know people that say he will do what needs to be done. I know people that say he doesn’t give a sh… Ummm…that say he’s not restrained by the political constraints that you’re bound to. Let him do what he needs to do—because I trust these people a H… Ummmm… A lot more than I trust you. Err… No offense…”

‘J’ looks like Momma slapped him.

She goes on, “Look, you have my daughter and her friends on a digital leash that you control. If that leash breaks, she’s put straight back into the arms of her intended murderers. You may or may not mean well, but… I trust Chuck. Get over it!

I wait for the explosion! I see ‘J’ and ‘S’ get red—then redder…

Then, ‘J’ starts laughing. I’m afraid he may choke he’s laughing so hard!

When he like comes up for air, he gasps, “OK! OK! I yield!”

He wipes the tears from his eyes and turns more serious, “But, I still want to know what’s going on! I ask that you let me know what you find out? Also, we need to record some false sessions to replace what you actually said over the past hour—that would be devastating if it gets to them!”

Momma nods and says, “I will let you know what I can—when I can.”

‘J’ seems satisfied and we start discussing the best way to send false information to the real villains…

Two hours later, we have replaced the hour of incriminating discussion with misleading ‘leads’ and have agreed on ‘discussion’ for the next hour…

When my phone is finally put back into ‘safe’ mode three hours later, I’m like totes mentally exhausted and find myself ignoring the ministrations of ‘J’.

What? ‘Of course’, he’s just looking out for me… Right?

Anyway, we’re just finishing up when the other girls finally wake up and come into the kitchen. Just to be like safe, ‘J’ checks Em’s and Day’s phones to see if the app is on them. The controller app on the Circle’s phones prevents it from replicating from ours, but…

What? No, it’s not there.

‘J’ and ‘S’ leave and Day says, “I’m not sure I like those two—I can see why Uncle Chuck is being secretive.”

Em nods gravely and Kim says, “Yeah, Daddy will take care of you, Jacie. There’s just something…off…about them!”

I nod and sigh. I know what they mean—ever since Gio, I have trust issues when it comes to the FBI…


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I jump as I feel a hand clamp over my mouth! My eyes are instantly open and I look up in abject terror at the face staring down at me…

Daddy puts his finger over his mouth to signal me to be quiet and I look over at Em and Day, both like sound asleep, as I had been moments before—and for once, not dreaming…or having a nightmare.

What? No! No Klingons!

I look at Daddy, the fear in my eyes abating, only to be like replaced with rage, then curiosity.

He shakes his head and I silently follow him out of the family room without like waking either of the other girls.

I look at the clock in the kitchen and nearly fall over to see it’s only 2:13 a.m.!

I whisper, “What’s up, Pop? This is like…”

He shakes his head and says, “Go to your room and pack for a trip—at least two weeks, maybe longer. You’ll be in a good place and can wash clothes, if need be—or get more, if all else fails. Hurry up, Hon! Your Momma’s up there and has already started pulling things together for you.”

I sigh and hurry to my room. As like promised, Momma is there and already packing my things. I ask, flustered, “Momma, what’s this all about?”

She shakes her head and whispers, “We’ll talk in the car. Be quiet…”

My head is like ready to explode, but I hurry and help her get my bag packed, then we get into the car—after Momma takes my phone, removes the battery, and leaves it on the kitchen counter.

Daddy pulls out of the garage and drives down the street without lights until we’re like three blocks from the house, then he turns them on and roars towards the airport.

Once we are underway, Momma hands me a prepaid phone with no bells or whistles. It will make calls and text—that’s like it. She says, “We can’t trust the FBI, I’m afraid to say. Chuck set a trap—Jerry and Slim were the only ones that knew that he was supposedly going to the clinic in Texas. A couple of hours ago, there was a raid by the Mexican Cartel and they were looking for him. Fortunately, no one was hurt—and he is nowhere near Texas.”

I gasp.

Daddy continues, “Chuck has hard evidence on what this all about. Unfortunately, we don’t know exactly who to trust, at the moment. It could have only been one of those two that triggered the trap—or both. We’re sending you to the one place that they won’t expect to find you, but you’re going to have to trust us and keep a low profile, OK? The teachers’ strike is going to be going on for a while, so a couple of weeks away won’t hurt in those regards.”

I feel my tired eyes bug out. Fortunately, I don’t have to go chasing them down…

What? I like have no idea! Ever since I started the ‘mones, things have been different…

Anyway, I ask, “So, where am I going—and why?”

Daddy says, “You’re going to NYC…because that’s where the mastermind behind all of this is…”

OK, I admit it—I was like totes wrong! I race ahead of the car and pick up my eyes before Daddy can run over them. Once they’re safely back in their sockets and I’m like back in the car I sound like Minnie Mouse when I ask, “Say what, now?”

Momma shakes her head and says in a serious tone, “We know it sounds ludicrous, crazy, insane…”

I feel like my head is totes going to rattle off I’m nodding so hard in agreement.

Momma continues, “But you need to trust us. Like your Daddy said, Chuck has it all figured out and we need you away from here to wrap it up. We can’t trust the FBI, but we had to let Apollo in on this, too—Dite is still in danger, too.”

Daddy sighs and says, “It looks like we’re throwing in with the Greek Mafia on this…”

I’m trembling from the raw adrenaline coursing through my veins—it’s like a totes good thing I don’t have any coffee at the moment. I fairly shout, “But who? What? Why?”

Momma shakes her head and says, “You’re Uncle Barn will explain later. Right now, the less you know, the better.”

Daddy rushes into the airport drive and right past the main building that’s dark this time of the morning, anyway. He drives on to a hangar where private planes are kept and I see Uncle Barn standing there waiting for us with Aunt Bree.

We all get out of the car and Daddy goes to shake Uncle Barn’s hand and they go off to one side to talk. Momma goes and gives Aunt Bree a hug, who then beckons me over and hugs me, too. She says, “This is all very crazy—even for Barn!”

I shake my head, “I like wish someone would let me in all of this!”

Aunt Bree smiles, “Barn will catch you up on the plane. I hope you’re OK being his co-pilot?”

OK, so I like definitely still have issue with my eyes… I find them under the plane and blurt out, “Co-pilot! Really?”

Aunt Bree giggles, “Well, you’ll basically just fill the seat and keep him awake. Normally, that’s my job, but…” She pats her pregnant belly and shrugs.

I nod sagely and say, “As long as there’s coffee!”

She laughs this time, “Hon, there’s plenty of that and more! There’s a full galley. No attendant, though—I’m afraid that also falls under the duties of the co-pilot!”

I giggle, in spite of myself.

What? I’m like still totes confused!

Momma squeezes me hard as Daddy grabs my bag and puts it into the plane. He comes out and gives me a hug, then wipes the tears from his eyes as he says, “You be careful and we’ll see you in two weeks.”

I shake my head, like totes not knowing what to say, other than, “I love you guys!”

Barn leads me onto the plane after kissing Aunt Bree, then he shows me to the cockpit. I sit in the right-hand seat and he starts like flipping switches and checking things. After a minute, I hear the engines start to roar and he pilots the plane out to the runway and quickly takes off.

I wait patiently…

What? OK, OK! Maybe not so patiently!

Anyway, I wait for him to get everything situated while I figure out how to make coffee in the galley. After I have some strong brew prepared, I pour two cups and take them up to the cockpit. I hand him one and he smiles, “Well, now! You’re hired!”

I sit down with a heavy sigh and ask, “OK, Uncle Barn… Can you please let me in on what’s going on?”

He takes a sip of his coffee and raises the cup in a salute, “Good stuff! I like it strong! And, yes, there’s not a whole to do now, but sit back and let the autopilot do it’s thing. We’ll have to stop for some fuel in Omaha, but, otherwise, it’s going to just be a long ride.”

He takes another sip of coffee and seems to like be in deep thought. Finally, he says, “When Chuck told me what he found out, I was floored, to be honest. This is one of the most callous, heinous things I’ve ever been witness to—not that this is my sort of thing. Anyway, Chuck found some strange connections that looked like coincidences, at first. There were just too many and he figured out that your FBI handlers were somehow connected with this whole sordid affair. He and your Momma set the trap for them—along with a Texas Ranger friend of mine. One that I know can be trusted. He captured several pretty high-ranking Cartel members as they were looking for Chuck at the hospital. As you know, only Jerry and Slim knew about that piece of information—although, they had no way of knowing they were the only ones.”

I nod and sip my coffee, which is finally cooling down enough to drink.

He continues, “Knowing that one—or both—of the agents was involved gave him another point in the web to look for more connections. Doing what he does best—painstakingly following the strands of the web they have woven—he found the spider at the center.”

He takes another sip of coffee and a deep breath, then like surprises me with a question, “What do you know about Tony Gioglio?”

I shrug, the look on my face clearly answering his question, but I say anyway, “Who? I’ve never heard of him!”

He shakes his head, “But you have. He happens to be the nephew of Frankie Gioglio—who is professionally known as Gio Franko. Although, I will admit that’s not a well-known fact. Very few people would know Gio’s real name.”

I feel my face pale at the like mere mention of that name. I still like have totes no idea what that has to do with anything, though. I say, “OK. But, I’m like pretty sure you’re not just like giving me the rundown on the Gioglio family tree. Who is this Tony?”

Uncle Barn laughs, “Patience! We’ll get there! So, Frankie –or Gio—is an international hit man, as you know. He’s also a card-carrying member of the Italian Mob. Now, Frankie is what you might call mob material—through and through a tough cookie. Cruel and ruthless—but careful and calculating. It didn’t make any sense why he would be involved with you or Aphrodite—especially after Apollo was able to run down through his connections that there was no mob contract out on either of you. On the contrary, relations between the Greek and Italian Mafias are pretty stable. They’re not about to throw in together, or anything, but they’re at a truce.”

I sigh.

What? Of course, it’s all fascinating, but…

Anyway, Uncle Barn gets up and gets us more coffee, then says through the steam rising from his cup, “It all made no sense. The only connection that made any sense was the Italian-Mexican one—they are throwing together in some limited cases. We just couldn’t figure out why the mob was after you or Aphrodite. There was no connection there to drugs—or, like I said, any sort of official hit.”

I shudder just like thinking that unsuspecting people actually have hits put out on them.

Uncle Barn sips his coffee and winces, then says, “So, we started looking for unofficial reasons that Gio would come after you. We still couldn’t come up with anything, though. At least, not at first. Then Chuck came up on an old case brought against then Agent Jerry—it was an internal affairs thing that was ultimately dropped for lack of evidence. There was an insinuation that he was taking bribes from the Italian Mafia in NYC. It was during that time that he also started using the FBI’s controller app that is on your phone. Like I said, the charges were dropped and he was promoted out to the west coast—but was the connection just a coincidence?”

I take a sip of my cooled-down coffee, like now totes fascinated in spite of my impatience!

Uncle Barn continues, “When Chuck then found out that the supposed bribes were from the Gioglio family, the coincidences just started seeming too odd.”

He raises his hand as I start to protest, “Hang on, Princess! We’re getting there. I promise!”

He smiles and takes another sip of coffee, then checks the controls on the plane before turning back to me and continuing, “Now, where it gets really interesting is that the idiot that actually kidnapped you and Aphrodite was just a low-level Mafiosi—more a wanna-be, than anything. But, he was a well-known friend of Tony Gioglio. Both of them, total bunglers. Both wanting to make a name for themselves—the big difference being that Tony was born into the family, while Sam, the kidnapper, was just a thug friend of Tony’s.”

He checks an instrument that is like flashing at him, makes some adjustments, and turns back to me. He sighs, “So, Tony was born with a silver Mafia spoon in his mouth and thinks he’s untouchable. Oh, he’s smart enough to not let people know that his family is part of the family, but he uses the family’s wealth and his Italian charm to get whatever he wants—or the family ties to take it, if all else fails.”

He says, “I don’t know about you, but I could use a snack… I think I saw some fresh donuts back there.”

He gets up and I give him a look…

What? It still seems like totes weird that he’s just leaving the cockpit! I like don’t care that there’s an autopilot!

He grabs the box of donuts and offers me one. I sigh and take one—a sugar-high like can’t hurt, right now!

I give him a look as I bite into it and he laughs, “OK, OK! Tony saw a girl in school that piqued his interest and he made his move on her. He used all his charm and wooed her into becoming his girlfriend—then shortly after setting his hook, he showed his true colors. One day he shows up at her house when she was home alone—knowing that he wasn’t supposed to—and proceeded to forcibly take what he wanted when she wouldn’t give it freely.”

When the girl’s mother got home, she found her daughter laying on her bed, her clothes ripped off of her and crying. It brought back the memories of her own situation from sixteen years ago—the one that resulted in the birth of this daughter and the shame and humiliation of the trial that resulted in the bastard—the daughter’s ‘sperm donor’—going free. She vowed that her daughter wouldn’t go through that same humiliation and took her to see a doctor friend, who ensured that she would not become pregnant from the attack—then she quickly packed up her things and quietly moved far away with her daughter to protect her from any public humiliation. She told her daughter that the police had the guy in jail and that they had enough to put him away for a long time—even without her testimony. It was a lie, but it was well-intentioned—if totally the wrong thing to do. She had no idea who Tony really was—nor about his connections.”

He takes a deep breath, then continues, “When the girl just disappeared, Tony got worried. He couldn’t control her if she wasn’t around, so he used his low-level connections to reel her back in. He didn’t want his Dad to know what he’d done—that wouldn’t have gone well. He had an ace up his sleeve, though. He had infected her phone with a special app—one that would replicate to all of her friends’ phones and give him an accounting of what she was doing. That’s how he hatched the scheme to have her taken care of without incriminating himself. He got his idiot friend to plan a kidnapping that would include a transgendered girl that was stirring up things at school. The girl would just ‘happen’ to be taken, too, and there would be no connection back to Tony—it would just be an unlucky coincidence that the girl was included when the apparent target was her transgendered friend.”

He looks at me and the tears streaming down my face as I wail, “So, Tony raped Barbs and was going to kill both of us to cover his tracks. I was like the red herring in the whole thing—make it look like a hate crime, but in reality I was just collateral damage in his cover-up?”

Uncle Barn nods, “Yes, I’m afraid so. But Tony’s bungling friend grabbed you and Aphrodite instead of you and Barbie. That ignited tensions with the Greeks and Tony’s Dad had to get involved. That’s how Gio—Frankie—got pulled into this—or so we assume. Why he didn’t go ahead and kill you, we may never know, but we figure Greg—the Dad—didn’t want to have to clean up that mess, so he just sent Gio to scare you—and poked Special Agent Jerry, still on his payroll, to keep an eye on you.”

I feel like totes drained. I ask, “So, why are we going to NYC?”

Uncle Barn sighs, “Well, unfortunately, while Greg has a handle on Tony and his idiots, he doesn’t have a handle on the Mexican hornet’s nest this has stirred up. The fact that Chuck’s diversion cost them some major players, along with other losses they’ve racked up in Texas because of this whole ordeal, has them fuming. We caught wind that they’re in San Fran and are targeting you and Aphrodite.”

I gasp.

He says, “No worries! Apollo is taking care of her and the others should be safe enough, but Rock has taken Barbie and her Mother to a safe house, just in case. This whole thing should be blown wide open soon—maybe even by the time we land.”

I sit there like totes blown away. It’s like totes weird, though. I seem to like have my eyeballs under control and the cotton candy in my head has like largely faded away since I started on the ‘mones. I’m like totes clear-headed on this whole thing…

What? I’m like not so sure that it wasn’t better being in Cotton Candy Land, to be honest! Being clear-headed can like suck!

Anyway, I ask, “So, what’s like the plan?”

He shakes his head and says, “Believe it or not, you’re going under cover as a student in your Aunt Grace’s school for a couple of weeks. You’re going to be an exchange student from Canada—posing as her real niece. Day’s going to stay in San Fran for a couple of weeks, but will supposedly be in Canada in your place. Kim and Em are coming back to NYC with your Aunt Mindy on a regular commercial airliner this morning. You’ll stay with Grace and Em—not be in the dorm—since, you’re actual family.”

I almost have to go chase my eyes…

I blurt out, “Canada? I don’t know anything about being from Canada!”

He laughs, “Relax, Princess. You’ll be fine. Just be vague about ‘home’—it’s just for two weeks! We should have this all mopped up, by then—at least, we’ll have protections in place in San Fran to make sure you’re OK. We have similar ones in place for Em in NYC—but that’s all I’ll say about that. The less you know about that, the better.”

I shake my head, “So, I’m like just supposed to relax and hang out in NYC for two weeks while all of this like goes on around me?”

He shakes his head and says, “No, you won’t be relaxing! Your Aunt Grace already has a full voice curriculum set up for you—the purported reason you’re exchanging places with Day. You’re going to get some special voice lessons, while Day’s going to supposedly be teaching some dance and instrumentation at your hometown school. You may even find that you want to actually transfer to the music school for your last couple of years!”

He winks, then says, “OK, buckle up, we’re coming into Omaha…”


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I sit in the back of the plane and stew while Uncle Barn gets the plane refueled for the last leg to NYC.

What? What am I stewing about? You really need to ask that? I mean like totes?

Anyway, I can’t believe that this all goes back to Barbs and her ordeal. Uncle Chuck may not believe in coincidences—but like this is totes weirding me out! Maybe it’s like not coincidence, but fate? If so, what do the Fates actually like have in store for us?

This whole thing caused me—the Jacie ‘me’—to wake up from the dead. It almost then caused me to be dead. I can’t imagine what Barbs must be going through right now—I assume that her Mother has like come clean with her, by now. I’m not allowed to contact her—or, anyone else for that matter. ‘J’ and ‘S’ don’t know that we’re on to them…

I look at the useless phone Momma gave me and sigh. I can’t even like check up on my social media feeds with this thing to take my mind off of this—it’s like totes useless. I let my mind wander and wonder how the polling is going? The last I checked on the ‘Bangs Wars’ feed, Haley wasn’t faring well—and we haven’t even like gotten to the actual contest, yet. People seem to be taking it to heart that she is a bitch—and this whole thing just showed her true colors. Not that it will like matter. If school ever does start back up—and I make it back—then I’ll totes put her bangs to shame!

I giggle a little at the thought and jump as Uncle Barn comes in and asks, “What’s so funny?”

I sigh, “Nothing, really, Uncle Barn—I was just like putting some things in perspective. I like totes thought Haley and her Dad—or some of the…err…um…suspended jocks were behind all of this. I would have like totes bet on it. I’m still going to like beat Haley at her own game and squash her bullying like a bug, but it’s sort of nice to know it’s not anyone from school.”

He nods and says, “I understand. Let’s get in the air and I’ll tell you about Apollo’s friends taking down a bunch of the Mexicans at your house while we were in the air.”

He laughs as I chase my eyes down, then says, “We may need some fresh coffee…”

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Cool plot development

WillowD's picture

What looked convoluted and mysterious now makes perfect sense.

And I like the way she is winding up at the school.


It took a bit to get there, but I'm kinda happy with the plot--there are still some things to clear up, but that's what the next chapter and book is all about! :)


Toting up the totes

So from Tribbles we go to totes, from sci-fi to valley girl? When did Jacie become Legally Blonde?

Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site

Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs

Totally totes!

Well, you're going to have to decide what you want to complain about! LOL


She can take the totes...

... and I'll take the valley girl. She has been speaking a lot like a stereotypical cheerleader. Considering her intellect it's actually a bit of a turn off to be honest. The rest of the story more than makes up for it, though. So yeah, I definitely "like" the story. I just wish there weren't quite so many likes to, "like", like.


Oh I'm sorry, didn't mean to step on Commentator's response like that. :p

If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything.

Heh Heh...

She just has to go through her phases...

This too shall pass!

Thanks for the support!


Interesting Reveal

I never would have solved that puzzle. Thanks for sharing. It seems like Grace's performing arts school is a good choice for her (Jacie). I'll be interested to see if Jill ends up there also.

So this all has to do with Barbs

Samantha Heart's picture

Now we know the reason why Jaycee & Ditie were grabbed the was the itilian "Family" one Tony who had raped Barbie in the first place. One thing Tiny doesn't realize is that Barbie has a photographic memory. So now Christina Jaycee is going to NYC to stay at auit Graces House for 2 weeks & some more Mexican cartel were captured at Jaycee''s house.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

Re: Leading back to Barbs

I remember reading about Barbs having been almost raped by a young idiot, but didn't know who the young idiot was. Maybe I just wasn't reading it properly, but it took me reading this chapter, then going back to the first part of Barbie's doll before it all made sense.

So now we know the who, and apparently the why. We also know they are gunning for Barbs, and maybe for Jacie or Dita.

This leads to Jacie getting a "vacation" in NYC at Grace's school where she will have some voice lessons, perhaps more.

Even if you wrap up this story arc, i.e., by the thugs being caught, I'd assume there will be another story arc coming soon.

Well, unless I'm completely wrong on that one. I have been wrong on occasion, but this just begs for a continuation.

It's all Barbs!

Well, not really--but it all leads back to her!


Boy, that's a tangled mess

BarbieLee's picture

Talk about everyone getting dragged into the abyss with Jacie and Barbs. Seems as if all sides, good and bad, has got sucked into Tony's date rape. Reminds me of the Uncle Remus Tar Baby. Get close to it and you're stuck. I'm betting everyone is wishing they had never looked down the Rabbit Hole.

I feel for Barn and Jacie grinding cross country in a twin engine prop. Did enough of that once upon a time. Not as a pilot though. " I hear the engines start to roar" Although I guess in this case it could be a jet?

Wrapping this puppy up is going to be like trying to TP a porcupine or herd cats.
Hugs Shauna

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Brer Rabbit!

I love it! Well, the tar baby is certainly a good analogy--or a black hole! LOL

Thanks for the support, Barbs!


On a Jet Plane...

I forgot to mention--it is a jet. :)


Poor Barbs is going to be freaking out again

I hope her boyfriend and family can calm her down. Jacie likewise has been swept up in a number of adventures she had little control of. As this part of the story winds down I have to say, it's been a very enjoyable read.


Well, we all know a bunch of shrinks that are available! LOL!


Incompetance apparently

Wendy Jean's picture

was the order of the day. It took a while but I finally figured totes out, Totally, I kept wondering what a plastic bin had to do with this?



Thanks for the support!



I didn’t see that coming I thought the jocks were behind it. I like how you brought everything back around to Barbie I was completely shocked by that. I can’t wait to hear what happened with the Mexicans. I’m guessing after book 3 she will show up in a possible sequel to Amadeus Irina.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

Well, Barb Challenged me...

To be Agatha Christie-like!


Thanks for the support!


Great story

Wonderful story so far. I am however a bit shocked. You post this one on May 4.....without a single mention of May The Fourth be with you??? LOL.....oh and I have caught up now.....and have to wait!


The Fourth was with me--but, Jacie has to grow out of her nerdiness, so she can grow into her girliness! LOL!

Thanks for the support!


All because of one midget

Jamie Lee's picture

Tony is a real piece of work, a piece of work which needs a good cleaning and put into permanent storage. He thinks that because of his family he can do as he pleases, but doesn't understand that is not how it works. Tony has dropped unintentional bread crumbs behind him as he tried to keep his hands clean. He doesn't realize that the more he tries to take care of things the more of a mess he makes for his family. But that's how it goes when someone only thinks about themself.

His actions have drawn unwanted attention to his family, something his dad would go ballistic about should he discover what Tony has done. And should dad find out, Tony, son or not, could end up at the bottom of a very deep part of the ocean.

With all the other players involved it's now going to be next to impossible for Tony to keep his dad from finding out what he has done. Because with truces in place there will be phone calls asking why a truce has been broken. And when the truth comes out that no truce was broken, Tony may want to make himself as scarce as he possibly can.

Others have feelings too.

Selfish and stupid!

Those should be his middle names! :)

Thanks for the support, Jamie Lee. I really do appreciate it!