Disco Doll ~ Part 11

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Jacie went to extreme lengths to help a pretty girl struggling with her past. The result was an unexpected twist of fate.

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Battle of the Bangs

By Shauna

Copyright © 2018 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
All image originals sourced from Creative Commons.
All movie-related references made in this novel are trademarked by Paramount Pictures, Disney, Universal Pictures, or Marvel. All other characters are completely fictitious and any similarities with actual persons are purely coincidental.

Author’s Note:

The second book is slowly coming to an end—only one or maybe two more chapters… I hope everyone is still enjoying the story.
Once again, I sincerely thank everyone that stuck through the difficult parts and has continued to support it! This chapter is meant to be pure fun and should lighten the mood before some more of the puzzle is pieced together in the upcoming chapters and Book 3.


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Part Eleven

Apollo gives us the sign and Fred clicks his sticks in a soft countdown…

The door opens just as Day starts a slow, baleful, very Celtic sound on her e-violin. Kim picks it up on her e-cello and Fred starts a soft beat on his drums.

The Myers lead a still-blindfolded Mitsi into the warehouse. Of course, she doesn’t recognize the playing. We had only practiced it a couple of times this week—and Mitsi was nowhere around as we were doing it. On top of that, it’s Day and Kim at the forefront and Mitsi still has little knowledge of these two powerhouses when it comes to playing their chosen weapons…err instruments.

What? Oh… Like trust me! These girls play their instruments like finely-tuned weapons of mass destruction. ‘Awesome’ is like the understatement of the century—maybe the millennium, even!

Anyway, it’s clear that Mitsi is like confused, which was like totes the plan! She like was expecting PS2K!

What? Oh, the Celtic sound? Well, there are like a few reasons for that. The main one is that Mitsi actually likes it.

What? I like know! Right?

The second is that I’m about to like start singing and it like fits better with my new pipes… Or like so I’m told. I’ve been practicing with Madame Clark all week.

What? Like can you let me sing and then I’ll catch you up on it, K?

Kim changes up her playing and softens her tone. Day’s sound takes over as lead and is bone-chilling in it’s effect. I focus on Fred’s beat and the vibrations of Johnny’s bass pulsating in my Borg breasts like a second heartbeat.

I rely on Fred’s signal…

What? Yeah, I like really totes need to learn how to read music…

Anyway, I take the microphone and a deep breath, then start out low with Barbs singing backup:

“(Don't trouble the water)
I won't (leave it alone)
(Why don't you, why don't you, let it be?)
(Still water run deep, yes it do)
I know that
If you only believe”

I repeat it—then pick up steam along with Kim’s sound:

“When you're down and out
When you're on the street
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you
I'll take your part
Oh when darkness comes
And pain is all, is all around”

Then the whole band joins in as I sing full-throttle:

“Just like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
(Like a bridge)
Just like a bridge
(Over troubled) over troubled water
I will lay me down”

I continue singing and have my eyes like closed in utter concentration…

What? Ok, Ok! Like it was totes a shock when Rita mentioned that Mitsi was a huge Riverdance fan—like none of us knew! Then she like happened to mention that she loves also Simon and Garfunkel

This was like just this week as we were finishing up preparations for the party. Chris like nearly blew a top, since that’s not like the band’s typical stuff. Day and Kim just like burst out laughing, though.

Fred and Sam had to like almost physically peel Chris off of them. It like totally spooked us all… I like may have been a little harsh in my words to Chris in response, too. I’m like not totes sure why I reacted that way—I just went like completely psycho-bitch on him… Barbs has had so much fun with that, though—her new nickname for me is ‘The Bitch’.

What? No, it’s in good fun! I like don’t mind… Nobody outside the Circle like better call me that, though! Somehow, it like almost seems totes like a badge of honor—knowing how bitchy Barbs can get on her period and all…

What? Hormones are a bitch! Who knew?

Anyway, it like turns out that ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ is Day and Kim’s band’s official theme song! Their band is like even named, ‘Troubled Water’ and it all like ties into Aunt Mindy’s planned restaurant, ‘The Bridge’.

What? Yeah, Like Day explained it all, but I like don’t have time to get you caught up… You’d like have to ask Day yourself.

What? Like yeah, you could like also just totes read about it yourself in ‘Amadeus Irina’, too. K?

Anyway, Day and Kim quickly got everyone up to speed on the song and like somehow I got elected to sing.

I like almost showed Barbs what kind of bitch I could be when she like threw me under that bus!

Anyway, back to the song—we’re like almost there…

I take one last deep breath as the music starts to fade and bring it to a close:

“The troubled water (leave it alone)
(Why don't you, why don't you, let it be?)
Come on come on
Walk out on me
(Still water run deep)
(Yes it do)”

I open my eyes and see Mitsi standing like front and center right in front of the stage with her blindfold in her hand and tears like streaming down her face.

I blow her a kiss and she storms the stage to the thunderous applause of everyone in the building.

I look in total wonderment at the high schoolers all like cheering us after singing an oldie—albeit a way jazzed-up one.

What? I like don’t get it! No! Like really!

Anyway, Mitsi rushes the stage and goes straight to Sam. She gives him a kiss that like totes makes my foot pop just like watching it!

Then she takes Day’s and Kim’s hands and pulls them over to me. Before I like know what’s happening, I’m in the middle of a group hug that only like gets bigger and bigger—and like heavier and heavier—as the rest of the band joins in.

After a couple of minutes, I like burrow out of the pile to get some air, only to find my foot like really popping big-time as Jillie gives me a kiss of her own.

When I like come up for air, I look into Jillies’ eyes and she whispers, “O! M! G! My girlfriend is so hot!”

I like blush so red that I think that I make Aunt Mindy’s hair look totes pale pink in comparison! You know, like cotton candy pink…

Oh! Speaking of Aunt Mindy, she surprises us all as she like comes over and commandeers the microphone…

What? No! It like wasn’t planned—at least like not by us!

I look at Jillie and she shrugs. I look at Chris and he like shrugs more.

We all turn to listen to what she has to say…

As people like see her at the microphone a lull in the noise grows until there is complete silence in the warehouse.

What? Yeah, it’s like totes weird! Day like told me she has that…aura…

Anyway, when it’s like totally quiet, she smiles and says, “Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, and Family and Friends of Mitsi. Let’s give a huge birthday round of applause to the birthday girl!”

There is a huge round of applause with hoots and hollers that instantly dies down as Aunt Mindy starts speaking again…

What? Maybe it’s like her cute Irish brogue? That lilt is like totes cute!

Anyway, she continues, “Most of you don’t know me, but I’ve come to know Mitsi’s best friends over the last week—while they’ve been busy planning this shin-dig! Let’s give them all a huge round of applause—including Apollo and Aphrodite from ‘The Greek Goddess’!”

More huge applause, then instant quiet when Aunt Mindy starts up again—it’s like almost creepy!

She says, “Now, many of you know ‘PS2K’—the band that Mitsi is a member of…”

There are like hoots and hollers and shrill whistles.

Aunt Mindy pauses, then says, “That’s right! I think they deserve more than that, though, don’t you?”


Then Aunt Mindy continues, “Tonight, they are joined by some special guests from New York City—a select part of a new and upcoming band, ‘Troubled Water’. Kim Connors on the e-Cello and Day Schlosser on the e-Violin!”

There is a mixed reaction to that announcement—and I like think it’s entirely on purpose.

There is like a huge applause, for sure—but there is a lot of buzz, too.

Aunt Mindy lets it go on for a bit, then raises her hands for quiet. The place gets deadly quiet again and she smiles, “You heard right, Day Schlosser is alive and well and came to play just for Mitsi’s birthday! Now, shall we party?

After like a moment of quiet, there is a thunderous applause and Aunt Mindy shouts, “I can’t hear you! Are we ready to party?”

There is more applause and shouts of ‘Yeah’ and Aunt Mindy starts a chorus of ‘Party’…’Party’…’Party’…

Then Fred takes up his sticks and beats out a rhythm.

Johnny picks it up on his bass and Kim blows it up on her e-Cello. I gently push Mitsi down the stairs to greet her guests and go to the microphone with Barbs.

Barbs squeezes my hand when it’s time to start…

What? Yeah, she can like read music. It like totes sucks!

Anyway, she squeezes my hand and she sings the deeper part of ‘Rewrite the Stars’ as I sing the higher one…

What? Yeah… It’s like much higher!

Anyway, we transition to another ‘Troubled Water’ favorite, ‘Thunder’; then I take the lead in ‘Chained to the Rhythm’. I can’t like believe how the kids are dancing and singing along.

We take a short break to get some water and Apollo takes the mic…

Good evening, Ladies and Gents! Welcome to Mitsi’s Sweet Sixteen,” he shouts. “Are we having fun, yet?”


He says, “I just want to say that I’m a huge fan of this band—as you know, if you’ve ever been to the Goddess!”


He continues, “The band—and with that, Mitsi—has become a part of my family and I’m proud to say… Food’s on!

He hands the mic back to me as there’s another huge round of applause but no movement from the dance floor.

I like fully expect my next song to remedy that…

The band goes to the buffet—all except Barbs, Sam, Day, Kim, and me…

Sam starts out on the keyboard with a recognizable ‘organ’ sound—to those that are fans…

Then Kim and Day add their signature effects…

Then I take a deep breath as Barbs starts singing the song that a few days ago caused me to lose consciousness…

“Where in the world
have you been hiding?
Really, you were
I only wish
I knew your secret!
Who is this new

I take a deep breath and answer:

“Father once spoke
of an angel . . .
I used to dream he'd
appear . . .
Now as I sing,
I can sense him . . .
And I know
he's here . . .
Here in this room
he calls me softly . . .
somewhere inside . . .
hiding . . .
Somehow I know
he's always with me . . .
he - the unseen
genius . . .”

“Christine, you must have
been dreaming . . .
stories like this can't
come true . . .
Christine, you're talking
in riddles . . .
and it's not
like you . . .”

What? Really? Like right now in the middle of the song? OK! OK! Of course, it’s creepy that my name is now Christine! Anyway, the song… K?

Another deep breath:
“Angel of Music!
and guardian!
Grant to me your

“Who is this angel?
This . . .”

Then we both sing:
“Angel of Music!
Hide no longer!
Secret and strange
angel . . .”

Then Barbs goes to the buffet and we transition as I sing:

“Think of me
think of me fondly,
when we've said
Remember me
once in a while
please promise me
you'll try.

When you find
that, once
again, you long
to take your heart back
and be free
if you
ever find
a moment,
spare a thought
for me ...

We never said
our love
was evergreen,
or as unchanging
as the sea
but if
you can still
stop and think
of me ...

Think of all the things
we've shared and seen -
don't think about the things
which might have been ...

Think of me,
think of me waking,
silent and

Imagine me,
trying too hard
to put you
from my mind.

Recall those days,
look back
on all those times,
think of the things
we'll never do
there will
never be
a day, when
I won't think
of you ...

We never said
our love
was evergreen,
or as unchanging
as the sea
but please
promise me
that sometimes
you will think
ah-ah-ah-ah-aaah-of me!”

I sigh…

I like know it was terrible—even though like Madame Clark and I practiced for several hours every day this week and she like said I was totes ready…

My instinct that I liked totes sucked is confirmed when you could hear a pin drop in the warehouse as I—and the music—stop.

I like brace myself for the booing—or the food to start flying.

What? I don’t think Apollo put any rotten tomatoes on the buffet! So, I should like be totes spared that at least!

Anyway, color me all colors of surprised when the deathly silence turns into a raucous, thunderous, painfully loud applause.

I nearly find my way back out into space without a suit, but for my new-found friends that are like much wiser in the worldly ways of performance etiquette.

Day and Kim saunter over and ‘gently’ remind me to curtsey with them and then we make our way to the stairs to get some food.

We’re like all mobbed and I like seriously don’t get it!

What?!?! Aside from the fact that it’s still like totes foreign to me that I can supposedly sing… Phantom and high schoolers?

What? Of course, the music is cool!

Err… I’m not alone in thinking that? Like really? You’re…sure?

Anyway, Apollo makes his way back to the microphone and says, “OK, Ladies and Gents! Let’s let our live entertainment eat a bit and wish the guest of honor a happy birthday. In the meantime, my niece, Aphrodite, will be your DJ!”

I see Dite go onto the stage and am blown away with the sounds of ‘Titanium’ before I’m completely obliterated by a kiss from Jillie…

As soon as I can come up for air, I’m re-submerged and like totes taken off-guard by a kiss from Mitsi!

I blush deep-red and look at Jillie when she relents. Jillie just giggles and says, “Well? Who’s better?” She winks at Mitsi and I blush even brighter.

I sigh and say, “Well, if my name were like Sam, there would be no doubt! But, like since my name is Jacie, there still is none…”

Mitsi pouts and says, “That’s like no answer, Jacie!”

I wink and say, “Best you’re going to get! Happy Birthday, Mitsi!”

She giggles and says, “I hear this is like 98% your doing?”

I shake my head and say, “Maybe up to last week—but Day and Kim and the Circle have been so vital to making it happen! We’ll talk—but I’ve had some…issues… I’m good now, though. Really good! And… Oh, in case I forgot, like just Happy Birthday, Hon!”

I throw my arms around a clearly surprised best friend and feel the tears flow freely and unabashedly as I return her surprise kiss.


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I’m like pulled in ten thousand directions a second!

I’m like ready to cry at the smallest thing!

Then I’m like ready to bite everyone’s head off!

Then I’m like in heaven!

All in all, I’m like finally at peace with myself!

What? Yeah, I’m in hormonal Hell! And it’s wonderful! I mean, at least the girls like get it…

What? The guys? Like you really think they’ll ever get it? Girls will be girls!

Anyway, less than a week in and my thoughts are getting much clearer! I like didn’t realize how muddled my thoughts actually were!

What? The voices? Still there—but I like have to send them to space less and less every day. It’s like down to once or twice a day… A vast improvement! Like totes!

What? The Klingon? Still there and still worrisome… But, I’m like seeing the light at the end of the black hole…

What? Haley? Damn! You really had to bring her up! Like didn’t you!?!

“Well, hello, Bitch Wanna-be!”

I swallow my bite of wonderfully sweet Baklava and turn around to confront the like totes bitter presence of Haley.

What? No! Like ‘sweet’ and ‘bitter’ don’t always equal ‘bitter-sweet’—this bitch has issues!

What? Language? Yeah! You’re right! Like give me some time to adjust to these ‘mones’! K?


I smile at her.

What? No, it’s not like a sweet smile—although, it like is supposed to look like one. You know—a like fake sweet smile.

I say in a fake sweet voice to go along with the ‘smile’, “Well, hello Haley. It’s so nice to see you. Are you having fun?”

She gives me like the weirdest look; then grimaces, “You’re like totes weird! You know that?”

I shrug and say, “I tell you what, Haley. Let’s get a little bet going on—shall we?”

She like continues to stare at me like I’ve grown another head.

I grin, “You’re like so danged proud of your hair. So, I propose a truce until the end of the school year. At that point, we’ll have a panel of professional judges decide who has the best hair and bangs. If I win, you’ll leave me and my friends alone—like forever. If you win, I’ll find a different school.”

I hear a collective gasp behind me as the Circle like hears what I just challenged her to. I turn to them and say, “You’re my witnesses.” I turn back to Haley and ask, “So?”

She turns bright red, but then says, “You’re on! But how do I know you won’t back out?”

I shrug, “The same way I will like have to trust you won’t!”

Barbs steps up and says, “Jacie, if you’re really totes crazy enough to go through with this, then there’s like a simple solution.”

She pulls out her phone and turns on the video, “Now, both of you like state the bet again—and the stakes.”

We both follow Barbs’ lead and she videos us on her phone—then she like posts it to various social media feeds before we can stop her.

Haley blusters, “You idiot! Do you like know how that makes me look?”

Barbs smiles, “You mean totes like a bigoted bitch? Nah! It like never crossed my mind, at all!”

Kim comes over and hugs me after Haley storms off. She says, “That was very brave, Jacie. Very stupid, but very brave, too!”

I grimace, “You like don’t think I can win?”

Kim shakes her head, “I know you can win! But, even that and the video won’t stop Haley from keeping on bullying you, if you don’t show her down.”

Jillie giggles, “Well, let’s let the ‘Battle of the Bangs’ begin and win that, then we’ll worry about winning the ‘War of the Warts’!”

I fake pout, “Hey! I like don’t have warts!”

Mitsi comes over and gives me a hug, “No, Hon. But Haley like has enough for us all!”

What? I’m acting girly-girlish?


Anyway, I’ve like got to get back on stage! K?


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I follow the girls—including Mitsi—back on stage and take a deep breath. Scott comes up on stage…

What? You like know, Scott Myers—Mitsi’s Dad!

Anyway, he comes up to the microphone…

What? Yeah, it’s like planned! Can we like get back to this?

Anyway, he says, “I hope everyone is enjoying the party and the great food!”


He smiles and continues, “I’m sure everyone has seen the Blue Beauty—the car, not my daughter’s matching beautiful eyes—sitting by the buffet. I’m also sure that everyone has guessed that it’s Mitsi’s birthday present…”


He ignores them and finishes, “I’ve asked Jacie to sing a special song in honor of the car…”

He turns the mic over to me with a tight hug and Fred starts a low beat, then Day and Kim join in—then the rest of the band.

What? Yeah, it’s like they’ve always been a part of us. I’m like really going to miss them when they leave!

Anyway, I take my cue from Fred and start singing:

“I've been staring at the edge of the water
'Long as I can remember, never really knowing why
I wish I could be the perfect daughter
But I come back to the water, no matter how hard I try
Every turn I take, every trail I track
Every path I make, every road leads back
To the place I know, where I cannot go, where I long to be”

I keep on building momentum until I get to the chorus:

“See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me
And no one knows, how far it goes
If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me
One day I'll know, if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go”

Everyone like joins in and I’m like totes blown away!

We finish the song and I give Mitsi a huge hug, then say into the mic, “Thank you, everyone—now the band has another special song for Mitsi! This is like totes her!”

Fred starts the beat and Day starts a low background sound. I take my cue from Fred:

“I'll be the last one standing
Two hands in the air, I'm a champion
You'll be looking up at me when it's over
I live for the battle, I'm a soldier, yeah

I'm a fighter like Rocky
Put you flat on your back like Ali
Yeah, I'm the greatest, I'm stronger
Paid my dues, can't lose, Imma own ya, ay

I've been working my whole life
And now it's do or die”

Then everyone starts screaming as the whole band joins in for the chorus:

“I am invincible, unbreakable
Unstoppable, unshakeable
They knock me down, I get up again
I am the champion
You're gonna know my name
You can't hurt me now
I can't feel the pain
I was made for this, yeah, I was born to win
I am the champion”

We all laugh and Mitsi helps me finish the song…

Close to the end, I notice Uncle Barn come in and whisper into Uncle Chuck’s ear. He smiles and goes out with Uncle Barn. They like suddenly appear backstage and beckon for Kim to come over. She smiles and hurries off-stage in the middle of the song.

Day picks up the slack like it’s totes no biggie.

I like have no idea what’s going on.

When we finish the song, Kim comes over and whispers into my ear, “Do you know ‘Gallway Girl’?”

I shrug, “Sure! I think like everyone does.”

She nods and pulls me over to Chris and whispers to him, “Can we please do Gallway Girl? We have a surprise for Mitsi.”

He looks confused, but nods, “Sure. We should be able to pull it off—especially if you and Day know it and lead.”

She nods and Chris goes around and lets everyone else know what’s going on as Kim takes the microphone, “Hi, everyone!”


Kim continues, “Mitsi, please stay up here on stage—we have another little surprise for you. We may have conspired with your Momma just a little…”

She giggles and like looks like a girl on a drug high.

I close my eyes and concentrate on remembering the words to the song, since we haven’t like really ever practiced it.

Day starts playing her e-violin like an Irish fiddle and at a cue from Fred, I start singing:

“She played the fiddle in an Irish band
But she fell in love with an English man
Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand
Said, "baby, I just want to dance"


Day fiddles some more and Kim joins in…

I continue:

“I meet her on Grafton street right outside of the bar
She shared a cigarette with me while her brother played the guitar
She asked me what does it mean, the Gaelic ink on your arm?
Said it was one of my friend's songs, do you want to drink on?
She took Jamie as a chaser, Jack for the fun
She got Arthur on the table with Johnny riding as a shotgun
Chatted some more, one more drink at the bar
Then put Van on the jukebox, got up to dance”

Then Day takes off again and I jump at the loud sound of tapping on the stage behind me.

I like turn around in totes surprise and see a young girl dancing in perfect Irish form. Kim is jumping up and down while playing her e-cello, which looks like quite the feat!

Rita comes on stage and hands Mitsi a pair of the same type of shoes the girl is wearing and Mitsi like emphatically shakes her head no. Rita smirks and comes over to the mic. I yield it to her and she asks, “Hello, San Francisco! Would you all like to see Mitsi dance with another of our special guests from New York City. Meet Emily Connors!

<Emily and Mitsi! Emily and Mitsi!>>

I giggle as a blushing and clearly embarrassed Mitsi sits down and puts on the shoes; then the girl—I’m like assuming the infamous Em…

What? You like know—Day’s sister and Kim’s girlfriend…

Anyway, she comes over and takes Mitsi’s hand. She does a few steps and Mitsi repeats them surprisingly well!

What? I like have no idea how…

Anyway, they do this back and forth a bit, then they both take off together and Day and Kim go wild, then Fred gives me the signal:

“You know, she played the fiddle in an Irish band
But she fell in love with an English man
Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand
Said, "baby, I just want to dance"
With my pretty little Galway girl
You're my pretty little Galway girl”

We like go back and forth between singing, dancing, and singing and dancing. The whole thing takes like twenty minutes and everyone is totes out of breath—including the audience that like totes sang along the whole time—when we bring it to a close.

I can’t hear as three hundred some-odd kids and other guests go wild over something that I like never would have thought possible.

Mitsi hugs Em and then my hip like pops out of its socket as my foot pops when I watch Kim give Em a kiss. Mitsi gives Sam one to rival it. Barbs gets in on the game and gives one to end all to Chris. Not to be left out—or outdone—Johnny gives one to Kate. Then both my feet pop as I hang on to Jillie’s neck when she gives me one to put them all to shame!

Dite comes up to the mic and says, “Before this gets totally out of hand, get ready to dance!”

She starts playing Avicii—after calling for a moment of silence—and the crowd goes wild!


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I rub my sore feet as we all sit at a table at the ‘after party’. All of the guests—as in the kids—have left and it’s only Mitsi, the band, and Day, Kim and Em. We’re in a corner while the adults finish cleaning up.

I look at Em and say, “I still like don’t get it!”

Em smiles and says, “Well, it seems that it somehow came out in a conversation that Mitsi here used to take Irish dance lessons—and is actually a huge fan of it. That somehow led to bringing me out here for the weekend…”

Mitsi rolls her eyes, “Yeah. I like used to be pretty good at it, too. I just started having some foot issues and had to call it quits. Those issues are like cleared up now—it was just a growing thing, they say. Anyway, I like just never got back to dancing because there was like so much else going on. I like totes miss it, though!”

Kim says, “You totally should go back! You’re really good, Mitsi!”

She blushes and shakes her head, “Nothing like Em!”

It’s Em’s turn to blush. I like guess to transfer attention, she looks at me, “And you, Jacie—I’ve never heard anyone sing like you!”

Now it’s like my turn to blush and deflect, “I hear you’re no slouch, either, Em. Care to give the ‘rents some music to clean up by?”

She shrugs and giggles, “If you can muster up some musicians from somewhere—they don’t have to be good. I don’t do acapella!”

I giggle back, “I just like might be able to do that!”

And so, we play and sing another hour.

When we get home at two in the morning, I’m certainly dead on my feet. That doesn’t mean that the impromptu pajama party that materializes at Mitsi’s house means that any of us girls get to sleep!


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I watch the Klingon take off its mask…

Actually, like it’s more the ghost of a Klingon…

I’m shocked, though! The face I see is not mine! I can’t tell who it is! I can tell that whoever it is, though, they’re not a fan of mine…


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I sit at the counter in the Myer’s kitchen. I look at the clock and groan internally—six thirty in the morning.

Kim hadn’t like shut up until five.

After the dream with the mysterious new Klingon woke me up, I couldn’t get back to sleep. So, I like snuck into the kitchen and made some coffee.

I nearly spill it all over myself when I feel gentle, but snug arms wrap around me from behind and a hear a whisper in my ear, “They don’t understand. They can’t. I wish I could say it will go away…”

I grasp the hands that are clasped in front of me and swivel my head to look into Em’s eyes.

I sigh, “Coffee?”

She shrugs, “Sure.”

She pours herself a cup and says, “I’m still on NYC time and an early riser, at that.”

I nod at the unsolicited explanation. I like don’t know whether to believe it, or not—but I am grateful for the company.

I ask, “It really doesn’t get any better?”

She shrugs and blows on her coffee. She takes a sip and grimaces, then says, “Well, it gets better—but it doesn’t go away. At least it hasn’t for me. They’re still out there and I don’t trust the peace. For you, it must be even worse. At least I know who my tormentors were—are.”

I sigh, “But they did such terrible things to you!”

She screws up her lips into a self-depreciating, half smile-half grimace, “And they almost killed you! I could only wish they would me at the time.”

I look deep into her eyes and we like connect at a level that only survivors can.

I say, “Thanks, Em. If you ever need someone to talk to…”

She nods and says, “Likewise—Sis!”

And we both fall silent and simply enjoy each other’s understanding—there’s like no need to discuss it any further.

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I still don't Undersand totes

Wendy Jean's picture

but I enjoyed the chapter I still expect nastiness at school to creep in long term but Jaci's natural femininity should reduce that.


Teen slang for totally. Don't look at me--I can't make this stuff up! LOL!

Thanks for the support!



We still have to see how she is treated at school. We still don’t know who is responsible. Have you been taking lessons in cliffhangers from Morpheus, I saw this pop up.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna


I don't think we've quite made it to that point! LOL!

There is no cliffhanger in this chapter that I can find... ;-)

As for the other things you have pointed out--well, all in due time! :-D

Thanks for the support!


Well, I Did Know "Bridge Over Troubled Water"...

...although not what you mashed it with, and not a single one of the others. Guess I'm further out of 21st-century pop music than I thought I was...

So the Klingon mask comes off and we still don't know anything. Well, except that Jacie no longer blames herself for any of this. I guess there wasn't any reason to think that Jacie had subconsciously figured out who was behind the plot.


With the exception of the songs from Phantom of the Opera...

All are top 100 songs... :)

Angel of Music -- Phantom of the Opera
Think of Me -- Phantom of the Opera
How Far I'll Go -- Alessia Cara (Moana)
Gallway Girl -- Ed Sheeran
The Champion -- Carrie Underwood

And yes, the Klingon has morphed!

Thanks for the support!


Should be epic!


Thanks for the support!



BarbieLee's picture

Avicii? Is that a song or a singer? I watched a video of Wake Me and have no idea what they were trying to convey? Good beat, nice voice, pretty video but? Didn't recognize a single song you listed in this story. I'm so out of touch with the songs and singers of today. Remember Karen Carpenter? I found this lady a month back. Double Dog Dare you to tell me she doesn't have the same harmonics, resonance, pitch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF03kI5HbbQ
Never was a big fan of EmmyLou Harris but found her earliest of You Never can Tell and loved it. Dust in the WInd by Kansas was good. Eye of the Tiger has a real hard beat. Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys brings back memories of times past. Sons of the Pioneers puts me out in the cotton patch or dairy barn or listening to the old 78 RPM records. God I'm getting old!

Back to this chapter. I loved it as you brought all the actors and actresses together from both tales and stayed with the fun and enjoyment of the birthday party. Don't get me wrong, every story has to have its highs and lows, heroes and villains to tug at our emotions. You managed that one in this story. Loved you brought Emily into the mix. She was a huge part of Day and Kim's lives and belonged here also. All three girls true survivors and now we have Jacie as the forth survivor.

Excellent story telling.
Life is a gift. Treasure it until it's time to return it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


He was a Swedish remixer -- Tim Bergling

He was a pioneer in electronic music and recently died at a very young age...

Wake Me Up was one of his more famous ones...

See above for a list of the songs... ;-)

As for Em--yes, she needed to come--even if only for the weekend!

Thanks for the support, Barb!


Em & Jaycee have a deep conection

Samantha Heart's picture

Including Ditey. I think the kligon is Haley my theory & Em's right it does get better, but doesn't ... as for Mitsi''s birthday party I'm glad it went over well. Also the Em got to be there to hear see & support Christina when she needs it. They are SISTERS to each other as well as Ditey.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

Bound by a connection deeper than blood...

It should be interesting to see where that connection takes them--and the whole gang. :-)

Thanks for the support!


Like minded

Jamie Lee's picture

No matter how many time a survivor talks to someone about what they experienced the listener will never totally understand everything. They will hear about the horrid details but they won't know the fear or feeling of helplessness or have the nightmares.

Others have feelings too.

Heavens forbid...

I ever truly find out!

Thanks for the support, Jamie Lee!