Disco Doll ~ Part 10

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Jacie went to extreme lengths to help a pretty girl struggling with her past. The result was an unexpected twist of fate.

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Battle of the Bangs

By Shauna

Copyright © 2018 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
All image originals sourced from Creative Commons.
All movie-related references made in this novel are trademarked by Paramount Pictures, Disney, Universal Pictures, or Marvel. All other characters are completely fictitious and any similarities with actual persons are purely coincidental.

Author’s Note:

The second book is slowly coming to an end…
I hope everyone is still enjoying the story.
I sincerely thank everyone that stuck through the difficult parts and has continued to support it! This chapter should make a few more key pieces of the puzzle clearer. :-)
Please do remember, though—this is a work of fiction and not intended to be 100% medically accurate!


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Part Ten

We enter the medical complex building and I look at Daddy, “I like don’t get what the big deal is! That was like a huge shock to hear myself sing like that! So, I fainted—like big deal!”

Daddy gives me a sour sideways glance as we walk towards the elevator. He sighs, “Jacie, it could be a big deal. The doctor just wants to check on some things. Besides there is something that she and Rita want to discuss with you. Your Momma is already here.”

I almost float away into the blackness of space again when he says that.

What? Yeah, maybe there is something to this checkup…

Anyway, I semi-whine, “But Daddy, it’s Rita’s day off!”

He just shrugs, “Her idea.”

A young receptionist that I don’t know sends us back to ‘Room 6’ after Daddy signs us in. She says, “Both doctors and Mrs. Alexander are already back there.”

As we get closer to Room 6, I hear voices quietly discussing something and get quiet as we enter the room.

Momma, Rita, and Doctor Sorenson are sitting around an exam table. Momma gets up and gives me a tight hug. She asks, “Love, are you OK? How are you feeling?”

I shrug, “Like totally embarrassed!”

Rita hugs me, too, and asks, “Embarrassed? Why?”

I give her a ‘look’ and say, “That I like fainted for one—but like more so that I’m taking up like so much of your time on your day off!”

Rita just pulls me into a tighter hug and says, “Nonsense! We already talked about that. But it is getting late in the day and Dr. Sorenson has important plans in an hour. So, let’s get straight to it. George, Cindy, let’s let Sally give Jacie a quick exam, shall we?”

They leave me alone with Dr. Sorenson and she like has me quickly explain what happened to cause me to faint while she gives me a basic checkup.

What? Like you know—blood pressure, listen to your heart… Stuff like that…

Anyway, she giggles when I finish and I give her a hurt and sour look.

She smiles, “Oh, come on, Jacie! You have to admit that finding out that you have a million-dollar-voice is likely a good reason to faint, if there is one! You could be squeaking like Minnie Mouse, you know!”

I roll my eyes, but then giggle, too. I sigh, “I like suppose so. It’s like just so much on top of these nightmares and everything else!”

She nods, like suddenly serious again, and says, “Yes—now those are things to worry about. I think it’s time to bring the others back in. Are you ready?”

I shake my head, “Like ready for what?”

She smiles—but without any actual humor in it—and says, “That, young lady, is what we need to discuss. Ready?”

I sigh, “I like suppose. Do I like have a choice?”

She giggles again, “A choice where it matters, yes! A choice about the discussion, no.”

I think Momma steps on my eyes when she comes in. I pick them up and dust them off before sticking them back in. By the time I’m done, everyone is back in the room and sitting.

What? I’m still like stuck on the table—sitting with my legs hanging off the side.

What? No, I’m in my clothes, not a paper gown. Like why?


Rita looks at me and says, “I know you’re wondering about this meeting, Jacie. Normally, I would want Gina here, too, but she couldn’t make it because of another emergency session…”

My eyes like blast out again!

What? She said ‘another’ emergency session! This is like an emergency session? Like, the cotton candy in my brain must be malignant! That’s what’s causing me to faint! I’m like going to die!

“…we need to meet.”

I look at her with a pale face and feel like the malignant pink stuff is going to send me into space without a suit again. I didn’t hear a word of the last part of her sentence.

She looks at me and asks, “Jacie? Are you with us? What’s wrong, Love?”

I shake my head—like in a stupor, “I’m going to die.”

What? No—it like wasn’t a question. It was like more a resigned statement of fact.

Momma jumps up and hugs me and Rita looks startled. She asks, “What on Earth gave you that idea, Jacie?”

I look at Rita and say in almost a whisper, “You said Gina was in another emergency meeting. You’re taking time away from your day off. Everyone is here… It like all adds up—it’s like got to be bad news. Really bad news. The fainting… A brain tumor?”

Momma squeezes me hard and says, “Jacie, you’re not going to die! Well, I mean you will someday—but you don’t have a brain tumor!”

Rita still looks shaken and says, “Jacie, that’s just another example of this newfound paranoia of yours. It’s not normal for you to be this paranoid! Yes, I said Gina was in another emergency meeting—it’s her third one of the day. It was another one for her—not in comparison to this one. The fact that you even picked up on that…”

She like shakes her head and Momma sits down on the table next to me and holds my hand while Rita takes a shaky breath.

Dr. Sorenson picks up the conversation, “Jacie, like your Momma said, we’re not aware of any tumors—or any other life-threatening physical condition that is plaguing you. We are worried about the psychological effects of certain other physical conditions, though.”

I feel myself like pale again. I just say, “Like, huh?”

Momma squeezes my hand and Dr. Sorenson smiles, “Look, Jacie, you turn sixteen in two months, so I’m not going to sugar-coat anything, OK? Rita, Gina, and I all agree on this. Rita, Gina, and I have conferred with Dr. Rodriguez. You remember your doctor in Texas?”

I like nod—who could forget the doctor that you like wake up to after almost being murdered.

She continues, “As it turns out, she’s a pioneer in conditions similar to yours.”

I pale again and feel a little dizzy.

What? So, I do have a ‘condition’!

Momma like notices me sway and hugs me to her.

Dr. Sorenson continues, “We don’t seem to be doing this too well do we, Jacie? Again, I promise you there is nothing wrong with you! Do you believe me?”

I sigh and nod.

She smiles back, both like seemingly genuinely and in relief. She continues, “There is something of concern to us, though, and there are some options that we need to discuss. We have talked to your parents and everyone agrees that the decision should be yours.”

I like blink and look at Momma, then at Daddy, and they both just smile back in encouragement.

I sigh and nod.

What? Of course, I want the Borg to beam me out, right now! Anything would be better than like having to confront this unknown ‘condition’ that is likely causing me to be certifiably crazy!

Anyway, Rita picks up now, “Jacie, you would be facing this decision in two months, when you turn sixteen anyway. It’s an artificial deadline—set up by medical convention. In our discussions with Vicki—Dr. Rodriguez—we’re not convinced that this is the gold standard for you.”

I like just sit there with a stupid look on my face.

What? Why can’t they like just get to it?

Dr. Sorenson smiles, “Patience, young Paduan! We’ll get there!”

I’m so mentally exhausted by now that my eyes just blink and I don’t have to go chasing them.

Rita smiles, “OK, here’s the deal, Jacie. We believe that your extreme paranoia is largely due to your brain not developing as fast as it should because of the lack of certain hormones.”

O!M!G! It’s worse than a tumor! I’m a brain-midget! I wonder if they like can give me some sort of computer-chip implant?

Momma squeezes my hand and pulls my attention back to Rita, “Jacie, I need to you to focus on this. Do you think you can do that for me? This is important!”

O!M!G! Now they’re like treating me like the idiot that I am! I’m like lost! Do they still like use straight jackets? Or do they just drug you up?


I blink and look at Rita, who had just like shouted at me!

She says, “Good! Have I got your attention again?”

I sigh and nod—like I have any attention to give her!

She shakes her head and takes my hands in hers. Momma goes and sits back in her chair.

Rita squeezes my hands.

“Owww! That hurts,” I exclaim!

She nods and says, “And it will continue to hurt—just like a cattle prod—if you don’t give me your attention and stop whatever is going on in your head. This is why we need to get after this. The longer it goes, the worse it will get. Your brain needs to catch up and the blockers that we’re giving you are not only stopping your male hormones from being produced—they are also stopping other important hormones from being produced. Pituitary blockers have advantages and disadvantages. For you, this is a huge disadvantage!”

I shake my head and she squeezes my hands again—hard—and I focus back on her.

Dr. Sorenson says, “Jacie, I am a licensed endocrinologist. That is why I have been overseeing the blockers. Rita is correct, using pituitary blockers is a new domain. It still has a lot of unknowns. At this point, I can’t in good faith continue the current course. We doctors and scientists have a tendency to sometimes get a Goddess complex—we think we know all the answers. Sometimes, we just get lucky.”

She takes a deep breath and I can tell that Rita is getting ready to squeeze my hands again, but I look at her and shake my head.

What? They have my attention—for the moment.

Dr. Sorenson continues, “So, Jacie, here’s the deal. We believe that the mixture of denying your body a much-needed puberty and certain other hormones is affecting you psychologically. Dr. Rodriguez has seen this a few times at a special clinic she runs close to where you were in the hospital. The body is a funny thing—yours had delayed puberty on its own. Why, we don’t know. We think that it’s ready, though. Again, we don’t understand this—but if we are right, then that could help explain some of your paranoia—and your dreams.”

Rita jumps in, “Don’t get us wrong, Jacie. Some of your fears are absolutely normal. You were bullied as a young child and are facing things now that would drive any normal human being to the brink of despair. We’ll continue to work on those things. But you’re overreacting to such a degree that we need to provide relief other than just sessions. Normally, that would mean powerful drugs.”

She gently squeezes my hands and looks me straight in the eyes and says, “We’re not going to go that route, OK? We have other options.”

I bite my bottom lip and nod.

What? O!M!G! Of course, I’m like terrified! They’re like talking drugging me up! I knew it!

Dr. Sorenson nods and pulls my attention to her before I can get wrapped up in cotton candy-land, again.

“So, there are a few options that you have available to choose from, Jacie,” she begins. “Like I said, your current course of treatment is not an option. So, we can either stop all blockers and let your body resume its own development as it sees fit—meaning that you would physically develop as a male. We know that that may cause psychological issues with your gender identity—and there is your voice to consider now, as well.”

I don’t even like have time to think—or respond—before she plows on.

“We could take you off the pituitary blocker and put you on a more traditional testosterone blocker and see if that helps with the issue,” She adds. “Dr. Rodriguez has indicated, that in her experience this has a low chance of success, since it seems in cases like yours that she has seen, you actually need the brain development that is connected to the sex hormones. That doesn’t mean it won’t work for you. You would lose some of the advantages of the pituitary blocker, though. We can discuss those more, if this is an option that appeals to you.”

Rita says, “Jacie, are you OK? I know this is a lot to take in. What are you thinking, so far?”

I sigh, “I…I…I like don’t know! I’m like still a little stuck on the fact that I’m a brain midget!”

Rita gently squeezes my hand and then pulls me into a hug. She says, “That’s an interesting description of yourself, Jacie. Totally inaccurate, though. There’s nothing wrong with your brain. Think of it this way. You have a pair of shoes that is too small. Instead of buying a new pair of shoes, you tightly wrap your feet to keep them from growing, so that they fit into the old shoes. You can imagine how many problems that would cause, right? Your feet would be too small for your body—your bones would get all deformed. That is like what we’re doing with you right now with the blockers—we’re keeping your brain from growing and it’s causing you some issues. We want to let your brain free to grow like it should!”

I blink and nod.

What? It like makes a weird sort of sense! I’m not like totally crazy!

Dr. Sorenson says, “So, Jacie, you’re third—and in our opinion, best—option is to stay on the pituitary blocker, start on a full course of female hormone treatment, and we balance out some of your other missing hormones until we can correct your physical condition that would cause you to produce too much testosterone.”

She winks and I blink.

What! O!MG! She’s talking about my…well my… Well, you like know! Not that I really want them…

Err…I think…

Anyway, my head is spinning right now, but—for some reason, I’m like focused on this without a bunch of doomsday thoughts.

I ask, “So, just so I understand, the first option would commit me to being a guy, the third a girl, and the second is the Congressional option—it just like keeps punting the decision? How long can we punt, if I decide to go that way? And if I were to go with the first or third, could I still change my mind?”

Dr. Sorenson nods, “Good questions! It shows you were paying attention!”

Rita nods and I sigh. Have I like really been so out of things, lately? I mean…

Anyway, I focus on Dr. Sorenson as she like answers my questions, “You’re correct that the first option would start you down the physical—and to some extent mental—road of a male. Your body and brain would develop as normal under the effects of testosterone. That would not likely help resolve any gender conformance issues you may have. The same is true—only in reverse—for option three; you would develop as normal under the influence of estrogen.”

She looks at her watch and says, “Give me just a second.” She pulls out her phone and types on it for a few seconds, then puts it away.

She says, “I’m sorry, I don’t usually do that—pull out my phone in a session like that. Now, to get to your second question. That is more complicated. There’s no real way for me to say how quickly your body will respond to the effects of either hormone—or to what extent. To be safe, I would say that you would have three months—maybe up to six—before the effects of the hormones would become much more difficult to reverse, if they’re reversible at all. For example, if your feet and hands grow because of testosterone, there’s no way to reverse that. Breast growth under the effects of estrogen could be surgically treated, but testicular atrophy and sterility may not be reversible.”

I sit there in silence and picture myself as an obvious ‘male’ woman—or as a guy with breasts. I sigh as this all seems a little overwhelming—even though, it’s not like I haven’t thought about it. I’ve like talked with Jillie, Dite, and even Day about it. It was like on my mind even more after Rita challenged me to think about it earlier today.

Rita gently squeezes my hands and I look at her. She like nods knowing that I’m not lost in space somewhere and I continue to think about this whole mess.

What? I know what I think I want…

What? You don’t know? And I’m like supposed to? That’s like the problem!

Like right?

I sit quietly for a few more minutes, then decide to blurt it out before I can change my mind, “Like, I don’t know! I…feel right as Jacie—like this is who I should be. Except, I like worry that I’m wrong and will regret it later. How is like anyone supposed to be certain!”

Rita nods and says, “That is very mature of you to admit that, Jacie. That’s why we decided to let you choose. Can you tell me what is making you uncertain?”

I blush and whisper, “I…I… It… It… What other people will say… I can’t get those kids on the playground out of my head!”

Rita takes a tissue from Momma and gently soaks up the tears streaming down my face.

She says, “Jacie, pretend for a moment that you didn’t have those doubts. If you weren’t worried about what others would say, would you be able to make a decision?”

I like try really hard to put the nagging tauntings of the little monsters on the playground out of my head—banish them to space without suits—and at least succeed in getting them sealed in an airlock.

What? They’re still like there—but…not.

I consider how life has been—overall—as Jacie. I compare that to the ‘oblivious’ Jimmie—the one that had the repressed memories and that seemed happy... I consider an adult James T. as the fat lady singing in the opera and break out in a fit of the giggles.

Momma looks at Rita in concern. Rita looks at me and I sigh, “Sorry, I was just thinking about growing up as James T. and singing the fat lady’s role in an opera!”

Daddy looks confused, but Rita’s eyes crinkle as she smiles, “You’ve made a choice, then?”

I take a deep, shaky breath and nod, “Yes. I’m still not like totally sure it’s the right choice—but it just feels right. Especially, if I try and quarantine my mental tormentors in an airlock with a one-way ticket to space without a suit.”

Everyone but Rita and Momma looks confused. Momma says, “Good plan, Hon. So, what is your choice, then?”

I say, “I can’t be a guy with this voice—there’s just is no way! But even if that weren’t the case, I would choose being Jacie over Jimmie. I’m sorry, Daddy!”

He looks at me with obvious confusion and hurt in his eyes. I feel my heart sink at that look.

What? I like so don’t want to disappoint him!

He comes over to me and takes Rita’s place holding my hands. He looks me straight in the eyes and says, “I don’t know why you think there’s anything to be sorry about! Were you worried about what I thought, too? Honey, I just want you to be happy. I could like totally care less whether you’re like my little surfer dude or my beautiful California girl!”

I blink at his wink and impish grin.

He pulls me into a tight hug and I sob into his chest.

What? I don’t like think I even realized that was part of what was holding me back, too. I mean, I like knew Momma was OK with it—I just never got that feeling from Daddy.

What? No! He means it—I can tell. And he like never gave me any reason… I just like sort of assumed

After a few minutes of crying into his chest in total relief…

What? O!M!G! You like don’t get why I’m relieved? Really?

I made a choice! Daddy’s OK with it! My old tormentors are in an airlock…

Anyway, I push back from Daddy and glance at the clock. I gasp, “Dr. Sorenson! It’s after five! Your commitment!”

She smiles, “I texted him back when I pulled my phone out. He’s used to it, Hon. If he’s going to date a doctor, he’s going to have to understand that things happen that are more important than getting to a date on time. That doesn’t mean the date is not important—relationships matter! But, being an hour late isn’t an issue if it will help you.”

I sigh and like feel really guilty!

What? Rita is taking time away from her day off and Dr. Sorenson is going to be late for a date because of me! I’m so worthless!

I see the door to the airlock start to unlock—my tormentors will be free in no time.


Yell out in pain as I feel my hands being crushed by Daddy!

What? No! He like doesn’t break anything!

Err, I like think!

Rita says, “George! Strength! Maybe you better leave that trick to the professionals!”

He pales and like lets go of my hands like they turned red hot.

Rita says, “But now that you’re back with us, Jacie—are those tormentors of yours still in that airlock?”

I say with a trembling voice, “They’re about to break out…”

She nods and says, “Do me a favor, Hon. Push the button. Send them to space!”

I blink!

What? She wants me to murder those kids! They’re just kids—they don’t know…

She says, “Jacie! They’re just in your mind—they’re not real. Send them to space!

I look at her—like in total shock—but follow her order. I picture myself deliberately punching the button to send the mental voices to space without a suit.

I blink. There’s a sudden silence in my mind. It’s peaceful—like before…

Rita gently takes my hands again and asks, “Are they gone?”

I nod—still stunned.

She says, “They may come back, Hon. Who knows, someone may beam them back onto your ship. Just herd them back to the airlock and send them back out into space. It’s not the same as what you did as a child. You’re not locking them away into the brig where they’re still with you—this banishes them. Do you understand the difference?”

I sigh and then take a deep breath.

Can it really be that simple to get rid of the voices? Send them to space?

I nod and smirk, then ask, “And how do I do that to Haley?”

Momma gasps, “James Tiberius Amanda Christine Jacie Alexander!”

I giggle and say, “You can drop the James Tiberius, Momma. He’s not the captain of my ship, anymore.”

She comes over, together with Daddy, and we all hug.


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I gingerly sit at the table and like try not to squirm.

What? My butt is like really sore. That hormone shot was like huge! And it burned! At least I only have to get one, once a month.

Day looks across the table at me and giggles.

I give her a dark look and she smirks, “Oh, I can giggle. I know exactly how it feels! It’s sort of like our version of the monthly visitor!”

Kim giggles now and we both give her a dark look. She smirks, “Well, I may not know about your monthly visitor, but I’ll trade ya!” She looks at me and says, “Just wait until they start kicking in for real and you’re blubbering all over the place. I remember when Day got her first one—the next week was Hell for us all!”

Aunt Mindy comes in from the kitchen with the food and says, “Kim! Language, young lady!”

Kim looks at her contritely and says, “Sorry, Momma. Are you sure you don’t need any help?”

She shakes her head as Uncle Chuck carries in some more food and sets it on the table. They had insisted on fixing supper, since we were held up at the doctor’s office until almost six.

What? Yeah, I got my first round of hormone shots—plus some other stuff. Then there was also the gallon of blood they sucked from my veins! It sort of reminded me of that Vampire Cloud on Star Tr…

What? Oh… Sorry… I forget…

Anyway, you do like know about vampires, right? Maybe you read—or watched—Twilight? No?

Like, really? Dracula? No?

Anyway, I’m like now officially on my way to womanhood.

What? No, I’m still not certain it’s right. But, I like really do feel like it’s right. It was like funny. Day told me the exact same thing about her first shot—at least she hasn’t regretted it, yet.

What? Yeah, she like told me, she still isn’t certain… But, she also reiterated to me that her case is different.

Anyway, we all sit around the table and enjoy one of Aunt Mindy’s specialties she plans on having in her restaurant, ‘The Bridge’, she’s going to open in New York City.

What? Good? That like would be the understatement of a lifetime!

I gush, “Aunt Mindy, this is like the best stew I’ve ever had!”

She blushes almost as bright red as her hair and says in her cute Irish lilt, “Thanks, Hon! Momma taught me the recipe when I was a lass—it’s an old Irish family recipe.”

We finish eating and then the band—minus Mitsi and Jillie—all meet at the house for us to discuss the last-minute plans for Mitsi’s party.

What? Jillie? I’m like sure she wants to help, but I like don’t want to push her…

What? Yeah, I want to tell her like so bad!

What? No, I don’t tell the band—or even just the Circle. Day and Kim—and everyone else—are sworn to secrecy. Jillie will be the first to know my choice.

What? Well, it was a topic of discussion at the house, so it was like impossible for Day and Kim to not find out…

Anyway, we finalize the plans for the party and the band leaves.

Day, Kim and I go back to the family room and get ready for bed.

Of course, Kim is a chatter-box again.

What? A girl needs her beauty sleep! You’d like think that a former beauty queen would like know that!



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The rest of the week was like sort of a blur, to be honest—and it’s almost time for the party. Just a little more than an hour to go.

What? Yeah, Kim was, of course, right—sort of.

What? Well yesterday, I started to get a little irritable—and the slightest thing will make me cry it seems. Day tells me it will get worse before it gets better!

Like, yay!

Err… Grumble, grumble…

What? No! I won’t repeat that!

Anyway, the trick with the airlock seems to be working.

What? Yeah, they keep like beaming back in and I keep sending them back out into space. It’s like getting easier and easier to push that button, though!

What? The party? Like I said, it starts in like an hour! So, let me like get back to work, will you?

Anyway, I look around the huge warehouse and see that everything is like set up perfectly—including the shiny new blue Audi with the huge red bow on the hood. It’s parked by the buffet and is her birthday present from her doting parents.

The band is set up and ready to go. Chris has talked to Jillie and she promised to sing with the band. I like haven’t talked to her and I like know it’s going to be awkward…


I jump at the quiet voice behind me.

What? Yeah it like scared me a little, since I wasn’t expecting it.

What? No, there’s like a ton of security! There’s little chance that anyone will be able to pull anything like a kidnapping tonight.

Anyway, that’s like not really what made me jump.

I turn around and say, “Hi, Jillie. I’ve missed you!”

She bites her lower lip and nods. She says, “I’ve missed you, too. I can’t help but feel that maybe I was too harsh—I just can’t help being jealous.”

I hesitantly pull her into a hug—waiting to see how she will like react. When she doesn’t pull back, I squeeze her tight, then push back and look her like squarely in the eyes and say, “Jillie, I understand now how you might get the wrong impression about my relationship with Dite. Just to like let you know, I’ve had a long talk with her—and Rita and others—and what I can say without a doubt is that Dite is my adoptive big sister. Yes, I love her—that was cemented even more by our common experience. But I love her as a sister.”

Jillie’s starting to tear up and I put my hand gently on her cheek, “Don’t cry and give Kate or Kim an excuse to attack you with their little case of horrors!”

That gets a smile out her and I smile back as I continue, “Jillie Holiday, I love you with all my heart as a friend, as a sister, and as my truest and bestest girlfriend—if you’ll have me back.”

She doesn’t answer me—well, not with words, anyway.

I feel my foot pop so hard that I think it makes a hole in the ceiling. And there shouldn’t be any like sort of residues on my vocal cords when I sing tonight—they’re well cleaned after the kiss that I get!

I melt into her arms and ask, “So, is that a yes?”

The answer I get is a bruise on the arm from where she hits it with a tightly-balled fist. She giggles, “You drive me nuts, you know that!”

Then she looks at me in alarm as I burst out in tears!

What? No, it didn’t like hurt that bad!

She asks—the concern clear in her voice, “Jacie? What’s wrong? I was joking!”

I shake my head and stutter out with a shaky breath, “I….i…i….it’s…th…the…h…h…h…or…mones!”

She looks at me—and then it like dawns on her what I mean. She shrieks, “You’re on hormones? Like really? Since when?”

The rest of the band rushes over and all I hear is a muttered comment in the background, “Well now it makes sense why she’s been such a bitch!”

I’m not sure who said it—I think it was Barbs…

Anyway, I nod and say, “Sorry guys, I wanted Jillie to be the first to know. Day and Kim know because they were there the night I got them. Anyway, yes—I’m now forever more just plain Amanda Christine ‘Jacie’ Alexander. James Tiberius has been laid to rest!”

I’m suddenly at the bottom of a pile of human bodies—then find myself pulled into a chair while Kim fixes my makeup. I smile at Jillie sitting in a chair next to me—getting fixed up by Kate.

Then we all go up on the stage and get ready for Mitsi’s grand entrance. Apollo had signaled that her parents just pulled up to the special parking spot and are getting a blind-folded Mitsi out of the back seat to lead her inside.

I look around at my best friends—both old and new—and just like know it’s going to be a great night!

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I’m really looking forward to seeing who is the bad guy behind the kidnapping and how school reacts to everything that has happened. Is this the last chapter in book 2? I’m happy she finally made her choice looking forward to the next chapter.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

Oh, no....!

I still have to torture you some more! :-)

I'm sure there's room for one or two more cliffhangers! LOL!

Thanks for supporting the story, Michelle!


Finally, She has made a

Finally, She has made a decision. A decision that I have no doubt She will be very happy that she did later in her life. Love this story.

Still much more to come!

Thanks for supporting the story, Janice!


There is one more choice.

But it maybe to harsh, even for Jacie. Rita could have suggested, that she could have just sent the bullies to the transporter room, and beamed their atoms out into space, wide field dispersion of course. But like I said, that maybe a bit harsh.
Anyways, loved this chapter to bits! And yes Jacie, I think that was a yes, hehe. Keep up the fantastic work Shauna, I look forward to the next chapter. :-)

“Well now it makes sense why she’s been such a bitch!”

Barbs might have been a little kinder considering what Jacie did for her. Nice that things are starting to resolve somewhat for Jacie. Mentally throwing the baddies out the the airlock was a great idea.

Put them in the airlock

Samantha Heart's picture

And push the button. Sounds like a grate plan for the voices on her head, but what about the VERY REAL voices at school she can't put THEM in an airlock & condem them to the vacuum of space.

I'm happy for Jayce for her choice to be a girl. Now she back with Jillie & female hormones in her system & about to suprise one of her best friends

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

Seems to be working!

As for the others...well... Hmmm... ;)

Thanks for the support Samantha!


Best Friends

BarbieLee's picture

I don't know if most find "best friends" during their school years. Best friends can even change as they move in and out of one's school system. Or mine did, and then there is graduation when one or all best friends get married, find jobs across the nation, join the military to get away from home, etc. A hundred mile separation of best friends is tough enough. A thousand miles or ten thousand becomes memories of one's best friends.

Jacie and Jillie are going to have to work at that friendship business. Not between themselves as that bond is cemented in place able to tackle all the speed bumps tossed at them the rest of their lives. Nope, it's those best friends with Kim, Day, and all the others on the east coast. But maybe, just maybe with the bands traveling nation wide and probably world wide, that bond too will be unbroken despite the distance?

I'd love to read a little longer script and dialog of the band as they performed rather than just a walk on part as extras in the story. Certainly not complaining as this tale has been a roller coaster ride with Jacie's emotional fluxations. If Jillie hadn't been there as a break water in Jacie's storm tossed life, a rubber romper room might have been the end result. Well done.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

My best friends...

I have best friends in Germany that I grew up with (both in school and in college). We may not talk a lot much anymore, but I promise that I could visit them (or vice versa) and we would pick up as if nothing had happened. :)

As for the band playing together at the party--that's next chapter! I couldn't let that one slide--too much fun; but too much for this chapter to do it justice. ;-)

As usual, thanks for the undying support, Barb!


Disco doll

This explains some of her trouble with tribbles, and cotton candy. Now when they get her hormones straightened out she can get on with her new life.

Time is the longest distance to your destination.

So it would seem...

As long as she can keep from being murdered! ;-)

Thanks for the support!


Jacie's true fear

Jamie Lee's picture

Everyone has fears with the decisions they make, regardless the decision or whether the person wants to admit that fear.

Jacie's fear was psychological in that she feared living without the voices she kept hearing, fearing the silence which has been absent for many years.

Rita making her push the voices out the air lock was a way for Jacie to understand that she didn't need the voices to live her life. That it was okay to have a silent mind, that a silent mind is needed so that other processes are better worked through.

Now that Jacie can have a silent mind she'll be able to deal with the other problems that are bothering her. One has been resolved with making up with Jillie, and her tonsil cleaning ability.

Did anyone think to provide ear muffs for the moment Mitsi sees her new car? Or provide plastic and not glass drinking glasses?

Now if the pigs can be identified in order to get that monkey off Jacie's back. Hope they're someone local so the press can get a nice juicy story.

Others have feelings too.