Disco Doll ~ Part 6

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Jacie went to extreme lengths to help a pretty girl struggling with her past. The result was an unexpected twist of fate.

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Battle of the Bangs

By Shauna

Copyright © 2018 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
All image originals sourced from Creative Commons.
All movie-related references made in this novel are trademarked by Paramount Pictures, Disney, Universal Pictures, or Marvel. All other characters are completely fictitious and any similarities with actual persons are purely coincidental.


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Part Six

I look at the good-looking young man in the well-cut, dark suit smiling at me.

What? Can I like help it if he looks good?

Anyway, I don’t really know that much about Special Agents in the FBI, but this guy like seems awfully young to be one! He has an olive-toned complexion, but like looks different than Apollo and Dite. I decide he must like be of Italian descent. His suit is perfect—another thing that doesn’t like jive with my vision of ‘FBI’—it’s like a million-dollar Italian suit.

I realize that I haven’t answered his question because of my musings and he just like keeps patiently standing at the door with a smile on his face.

I nod and he comes into the room. Momma gets up and motions for Jillie to follow her. She says, “Please be gentle with my daughter, Mr. Bender. She’s been through a lot. Jillie and I are going to the cafeteria for a pick-me-up. They’re bringing Jacie some food, too. I assume you won’t hinder her from consuming it?”

He smiles brightly, “No worries, Ms. Alexander. I’ll take special care with your daughter—and, no, she needs to eat. I would never stop her from doing so. I won’t even mind if she talks with her mouth full!”

I look at Jillie and roll my eyes.

What? It’s like I’m not right here in a bed in like the same room with them.

I can tell Jillie is suppressing a giggle as she turns to leave. I’m still not in a giggling mood, though. The fact that there is like an FBI special agent in the room with me is a stark reminder of why I’m in here, in the first place. I can’t shake the feeling that something is…off, though.

When Momma and Jillie have left, he looks at me and points to the chair Momma had been sitting in, “Do you mind if I have a seat, Ms. Alexander?”

I simply shake my head, still trying to like figure out what I can say to him—tell him to help figure this whole mess out. And still wondering why my non-existent Spidey-sense is ringing a five-alarm bell.

He takes a seat and pulls a small recording device from his pocket. He turns it on and says, “Interview number one with James Tiberius Amanda Christine Alexander, also known as Jacie. OK, now Ms. Alexander, do you mind if I record this session?”

I look at him blankly.

What? He just like used my full name that way—well, it’s not really even my full name anymore, since, legally I’m just plain-Jane Amanda Christine, now. But…how does he know…?

He just sits there and the pregnant pause is like being recorded as absolute silence on the recorder. Finally, completely frustrated with my lack of intuition, I nod.

He smiles and says, “OK, Ms. Alexander, this isn’t a tricorder, so it can’t pick up the fact that you’re nodding. Can you please verbally acknowledge that you’re OK with the recording?”

My eyes are like still too tired to escape—that doesn’t stop them from bulging, though.

What? You didn’t like catch the tricorder reference?

I sigh, “Yes, Special Agent Zac Bender, I Jacie Alexander am OK with you recording this session.”

He smiles again. I think it’s to disarm me. I mean it looks genuine enough, but it’s beginning to creep me out a bit. It’s just like slightly…off…

What? I mean he’s smiling like too much! And knowing enough about me to reference a tricorder? I mean he can’t just be a huge Star Trek fan, too.

Err…like right?

Anyway, he nods and says, “OK, then. Let’s get started. First, do you mind if I call you Jacie?”

I shake my head, then sigh, knowing what he is about to say. “No, Special Agent Zac Bender, I like don’t mind if you call me Jacie.”

That actually gets a laugh out of him. I’m not sure why—I didn’t intend for it to be funny.

He winks and says, “OK, then, Jacie. Why don’t you just call me Zac?”

I give him a slight double-take, but then nod, “OK,…Zac…”

What? Like I said before, I’m like slowly getting immune to the effects of adults asking me to call them by their first names. Even Momma doesn’t have the proverbial cow, anymore, when I do.

He grins. I feel a little creeped out, again.

Is he like hitting on me? Could that like be it? I don’t like have any idea what it’s like to be hit on by a guy… Especially, not like one twice as old as me!

Before I can like ponder that any deeper, there is a brief knock on the door and a Hispanic-looking lady in white scrubs wheels a cart in with a tray on it that is covered with a metal lid. She says in a strong Hispanic accent, “Ms. Alexander, I have some food for you. My orders were to make it light, so I hope you like egg drop soup and crackers. If you eat all of this, you may have pudding or ice cream for dessert. Your regular meal will be at five, anyway.”

She takes the lid off of the tray and my nose is hit with the heavenly smell of a strong chicken broth laced with garlic and onions. I take in an appreciative deep lungful of the smell and notice the little whisps of egg floating in the broth like white cotton candy.

What? I like know, right? I told you I have cotton candy in…errr…on the brain!

Ignoring Special Agent Zac Bender for the moment, I pick up the soup spoon and dip it into the broth and stir. Then I take a spoonful out of the bowl and blow on it. Knowing it’s like still too hot, I stick it my mouth anyway and wince as I nearly scald my tongue.

I let out a moan—partly in pain and partly in pleasure. I say, “This is good, …?”

She smiles and says, “Thank you, Ms. Alexander. My name is Manuela.”

I take another spoonful and stick it in my mouth. It burns my throat on the way down, but it like tastes so good, though!

I completely ignore Zac while I finish my soup and crackers. Manuela is simply standing there while I eat with a smile on her face. When I’m done, Manuela asks, “Pudding or ice cream?”

I smile, “Do you like have chocolate of either?”

She nods and says, “Sure we do! Both!”

I grin, “Ice cream it is, then!”

She nods gravely, like it was a serious choice, and says, “I will be right back!” She looks at me, then at Zac, as she picks up my tray and returns it to her cart. She seems to have some thought go through her mind but doesn’t like verbalize it, though. She nods and hurries off.

I look at Zac and he turns the recorder back on. I like hadn’t even noticed that it had been turned off.

He gives me another smile and I shudder.

What? I like know I’m probably just being paranoid—but, I’m suddenly wishing Manuela would hurry back. I certainly wish that Momma and Jacie hadn’t left. I look around for my phone, but, of course, it’s not around. I like haven’t seen it since before the disco party.

He breaks into my reverie, “OK, Jacie, now tell me what happened. How did all of this transpire—and what do you think precipitated it?”

I shrug and like tell him the story of the fire and being separated from Jillie, then the rag being put over my face—and waking up in the container.

He doesn’t break in or ask any questions. Just as I finish that part, Manuela comes in with my ice cream and I sigh in relief. Of course, they likely think it’s because I want the ice cream.

What? Of course, I want the ice cream! But I’m like getting seriously creepy vibes from Special Agent Zac Bender—and I don’t know why!

I take the bowl of ice cream from Manuela and say, “Thank you, Manuela. This is so good! Do you think you could look in the cafeteria and have my friend, Jillie—or my Momma—come in here? I like need my purse and I don’t know where it is.”

My heart is like pounding hard. I like know I’m just being an idiot, but, something like just doesn’t seem right.

Manuela nods and takes my empty bowl with her. I reach for the water pitcher on the little table beside my bed. Zac grabs a glass ahead of me and pours it full of water. He hands it to me with a smile and I nervously drink it down.

He says, “So, Jacie. You woke up in the container and never saw the person that took you, is that right?”

I just nod—then whisper, “Yes.”

I start like feeling warm and a little tingly, all over.

He says, “And you don’t know who might have done this to you, even though you’re a little pervert that has antagonized everyone in your school and unfairly gotten several thrown out. Even though, you’re living it high in that sham of a band that accepts the likes of you—flaunting yourself in public? Even though, you have a girlfriend that shunned a perfect boy and traded him in for a pervert like you? You really have no idea who might have done this, Jacie?”

He reaches over and pulls the nurse call button away from my reach as I struggle to breath. My airway is closing up and I don’t have the energy to move.

He puts his hand to his ear and nods. Then he says, “This session is over Mr. Alexander. Pretend all you want. Have a nice life. If you make it through today, always be looking over your shoulder—you never know where a Klingon might be hiding behind the mask of someone you trust. You will never be safe!”

He switches off the recording device and I like can barely see him leave the room through the thickening veil of darkness…


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My eyes pop open and I struggle with like whatever is holding me down.

Momma is right there and puts a hand over my mouth and Jillie takes my hand and squeezes it.

Momma says, “It’s OK, Jacie. Don’t try and talk—the doctor can explain. They had to strap you down because you were flailing around so much.”

My heart is pounding, my throat is on fire on the inside and hurts like Hell on the outside.

Jillie says, “You almost died, Jacie! They had to do emergency surgery on you, but you will be fine! Stop thrashing around and they can take these restraints off!”

Someone I don’t know—obviously a doctor—comes over and like gives me a serious look. She says, “Hi, Jacie. We haven’t formally met, yet, since every time I have seen you, you were unconscious. My name is Vicky Rodriguez and I am your doctor.”

She slowly starts undoing the straps holding me down as she continues, “Now, like your Momma said, you can’t talk, right now. We had to temporarily paralyze your vocal cords so that they can heal. When Jillie here found you, you were deep in anaphylactic shock and your airway was completely shut off. We couldn’t get a tube down your throat and had to do an emergency tracheotomy.”

She looks at me and says, “Do you understand what that is? Please blink once for ‘yes’ and twice for ‘no’.”

My head is like spinning! Anaphylactic shock? Isn’t that like when you’re really allergic to something and have a reaction? I didn’t have anything that I was allergic to! And like a tracheotomy? That’s like where they cut through you’re throat and put a tube through the hole to breath. She said emergency—did they like stick a pen down my throat like they show on TV all of the time?

She is still looking at me, so I blink—once.

She nods, “OK. Because of the swelling, there was a slight mishap with your vocal cords and we then had to do some emergency surgery to fix them once the swelling went back down, which it quickly did with the appropriate medications.”

I blink.

She looks at me funny and asks, “Yes? Yes, what?”

I close my eyes in frustration. Is she like an idiot?? I wasn’t like blinking ‘yes’! It was surprised blink!

I open my eyes and force them to like stay open. I shrug and motion like I’m writing.

She smiles and says, “They’re bringing us a small whiteboard right now. Hang on just a little longer. We haven’t been able to figure out what you reacted to, though. The only thing we have on file—and your Momma knows about—is your severe allergy to MSG. Manuela, our cook, is adamant that there was no MSG in your soup. On top of that, we don’t even stock it in the hospital.”

There are like ten million thoughts going through my head as she talks.

What? Like what about Zac Bender? Where is he—I like don’t know what he did to me; but I like know he did it to me. And my voice? Will it be the same? I like mean, I don’t think I can sing—but how will this affect how others do? And…

At that moment, a young nurse brings in one of those small erasable whiteboards and hands it to me with a black marker.

I write on it, “What about Zac Bender? He did this!”

Momma says, “We don’t know where he went. The FBI says there is no Zac Bender that works for them—or was assigned to this case. There are now two armed policemen guarding your and Aphrodite’s doors and, trust me, no one gets passed me without me scrutinizing their badge and picture ID. I’m so sorry, Jacie, we should never have left you alone with him!”

I shake my head and write, “You couldn’t have known!”

She sobs, “But I should have checked!”

The doctor puts a hand on her shoulder and said, “Many people before you should have checked.”

Momma nods and says, “If Manuela hadn’t sent Jillie up here to look for your purse, you wouldn’t have made it.”

She sobs again and the doctor nods at the nurse, who gives Momma a little cup. Momma looks at her and the Doctor says, “It’s just a mild sedative, like we talked about. I think it’s time for you to take it.”

Momma sighs and takes the little cup, then a cup of water. She swallows the contents of both and sighs again.

I look at her, like shocked. Momma never takes medicine! This has like really gotten to her.

I feel the blood drain from my face as I remember the last words ‘Zac Bender’ uttered before I passed out. I write it down on the little board. Momma, Jillie, and the doctor’s faces all become pale.

Momma goes to the door and motions. Two men in loose-fitting dark suits come in. One is older and one is younger. Momma says, “Jacie, these are real FBI agents. I have verified that—believe me! This is Special Agent, Jerry Jones.” She points to the older man, then to the younger one and says, “And this is Agent Slim McMann.”

They both nod to me and the older guy says, “We’re sorry about this whole ordeal, Jacie. We’ll get to the bottom of it, though. We were back at our hotel waiting for you to wake up when this imposter was here. Something like that won’t happen again—not with the security layers we have in place, now. We thought the danger was over, since we killed the fellow that kidnapped you.”

Momma hands him the whiteboard and he reads it. He looks up at me in surprise, “He said this?”

I blink once and nod, just to like be safe.

I feel a chill go down my spine at the worried look that crosses his face. He says, “This is much more serious than I thought. We have a picture of the guy from the security cameras here in the building and just got word that he is an international assassin, Gio Franco, that is a part of the Italian mob. There was a pretty good chance that whatever he did to you would be successful, but it seems he intentionally left the door open for you to survive—otherwise you would be dead, right now. He is that good.”

I feel all hope of life drain from me at that very moment. I wonder if it wouldn’t have been better if he had succeeded—then all of this would be over, at least.

What? All of what, you ask? Like Hell if I know! But, at least it would be over!

What? Yeah, I do like kind of want to live to find out what it is about. But, I like don’t want to live in terror and paranoia the rest of my life.

Like Klingons? Really?

My head pops up and I motion for the whiteboard. I quickly erase the contents and ‘tell’ them about his Star Trek references and his use of my ‘full’ name.

Special Agent Jerry Jones scratches his head and says, “Well, it’s clear he has his background knowledge of you. So, he must know someone that was able to feed that to him.”

Jillie speaks up and says, “There aren’t very many people that know the story of the Klingon with the mask, though. Surely Rita or Gina aren’t in on this!”

Momma shakes her head and says, “No, I can’t believe that.” She then explains who they are and the significance of the story to the agents.

Agent Slim McMann says, “Well, I think we’ll like need to have a word with them, regardless. We’ll need your permission, though, since it’s medically confidential information.”

Momma nods.

Special Agent Jerry looks at me and asks, “If we get you a computer, can you type out everything you remember about your encounter with Gio, since you can’t talk right now?”

I blink once and nod my head. I like have no idea how it will help, but I’ll give it my best shot. All of this has me so lost. What did I like ever do to anyone to deserve this? All I wanted to do was wear panties when I was five!

What? Well, like now, too. What’s your point? That’s like worth killing me over? Really?

I sigh and take the computer that Agent Slim hands me. The agents leave me alone in the room with Jillie, Momma, and the doctor.

The doctor says, “Jacie, we’ll keep your vocal cords paralyzed for another day to let them rest, then we will let you slowly start talking again. Unfortunately, we had to significantly tighten them during the repair. Best case, that will just give you a higher voice, which won’t matter, since you’re now living as a girl. Worst case, it could be a shrill, or squeaky voice—sort of like Minnie Mouse. We’re confident that it will be fine—if you take it easy and don’t stress them until they’re fully healed, which will take a week, or two.”

You like can’t imagine the thoughts going through my head right now… “Ladies and Gentlemen, P2SK and their new Borg lead singer, Jacie Mouse!”

Jillie squeezes my hand and says, “Don’t worry, Hon! I like just know it will be OK! I just wish I could like kiss you right now!”

The doctor smiles and says, “Well, you can—but no tonsil-licking ones!” She giggles and says, “I will leave you to write your report.”

She turns and leaves. Momma says, “I need to go call your Daddy. He’s finally back in the country, now, and should be here tonight.”

I take the board and ask, “What day is it? Time?”

Momma says, “You lost another day in this whole ordeal. It’s Thursday and ten in the morning.”

I sigh and nod. Momma gives me a peck on the cheek and goes out into the hall, leaving me alone with Jillie. She squeezes my hand and gives me a hard kiss on the lips.

She looks in my eyes and says, “There’s like more where that came from—as soon as we can. Promise!”


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I look up from the computer and sigh. I’m so tired!

What? Sure, I’ve like been knocked out and unconscious. Sure, I’ve like been ‘asleep’ a lot. But, I’m like mentally exhausted!

I glance at Jillie asleep in the chair next to my bed and smile—then grimace. I’m envious—sleep for me like means more dreams—well, nightmares to like be more exact.

I sigh and read through my ‘report’ one more time. It’s like as good as I’m going to get it. I still don’t like know what good it will do, but maybe it will…

What? Like, it could!


I glance over at Jillie and wish she were in the bed with me. I miss her warm body against mine…

I gasp, that reminds me of the warmth of Dite’s body against mine—and the fact that I like really liked it.

What? That like confuses the Hell out of me!

I look at Jillie and sigh. I think about Dite and sigh deeper. As Yoda would say, ‘Confused, I am!’

I blush and jump like I’m caught red-handed when there is a brief knock on the door and a beautiful Dite smiles in through the door. She comes in, wearing a short, pink, fuzzy robe over a short, silky, black nightgown and fuzzy pink slippers.

She comes in and gives me a big hug as Jillie wakes up and stretches with a yawn.

Dite says, “Hi, girl! I am glad to see you awake! I am so sorry about your voice and what happened!”

She looks around and lowers her voice to a whisper, “Uncle Apollo is talking to his…friends. The guy that did this to you is part of the rival…family. This is causing quite the stir—especially, since Uncle Apollo’s…friends don’t know why the Italians are involved. They are rivals, but there has been a long-standing truce. This could bring that truce to an end!”

Jillie comes over and gives Dite a hug and says, “It’s good to see you up and around, Dite. What’s this about rivals?”

Dite looks around in fear and shushes Jillie, “Shhhh! Not so loud. We really cannot trust anyone around here. I heard about what Gio said to you, Jacie. Uncle Apollo said not to take it lightly!”

I groan!

What? Of course, it wasn’t out loud! Now how would I do that? I mean, like really?

Anyway, that doesn’t make the groan any less real!

All thoughts of Dite snuggled up to me under a blanket evaporate. The cotton candy in my head is still thick, but becoming brittle as the cold from the sheer terror that is beginning to take over my mind turns it hard and it shatters, little by little.

These people attacking me are terrorists—and they’re like winning! My mind is like starting to seize up from the horror of what could happen.

My paranoia has like just been put on steroids!

I look past Dite to the door and see the two cops standing there. But, like are they on someone’s payroll? Are they like just waiting to let Gio back in to finish his job when no one is looking? It’s not like I could scream.

I feel a cold sweat break out on my forehead. Dite seems to like notice and says, “It is OK, Hon. Those two policemen are on my uncle’s…friends…side. So, that means they are on yours. You are adopted family now.”

Somehow, that like doesn’t make me feel better. Adopted ‘family’? Does that like mean I’m part of the Greek mafia, now? Like it, or not, I’m family? But then, I don’t think there is an old-Greek term for family… So, is that even what the Greek Mafiosi call themselves?

What? I’m digressing? I think it’s called displacing

I sigh and look back at the cops. Suddenly, I wish I was Borg. Assimilated, or not, I would know what they were thinking… Well, Betazoid would work, too—without all of the assimilation issues…

What? I told you, it’s called displacement. If I’ve learned nothing from my shrink sessions, it’s what displacing means. Like, look it up if you’re so curious!

I see Apollo stop and talk to the cops at the door. He winks and laughs, then comes in and gives me a hug. He says, “It’s good to see you awake, Jacie. It will be even better to hear you talk—and sing—again.”

I shake my head and shrug, then take my whiteboard and ask, “The restaurant?”

He shrugs, “It will take some renovations to get it back in shape. Mostly smoke and water damage. There never really was a fire, just a lot of smoke. Whoever did this likely started the sprinklers with a lighter. It was all geared towards creating a panic.”

I shrug and write with a wry smile, “It worked!”

He laughs softly and says, “Yes, that it did. The main thing is that you’re both safe. And right now, you both are—trust me on that. There are some new…layers of security for while you’re in here.”

I pale.

What? I’m like no expert in mafias—Greek, or not. But, I don’t think ‘favors’ happen without a price. I’m just not sure who will like be expected to pay that price…

He hugs Dite and says, “Come on, Hon. Let’s let Jacie get some rest. I need to talk to you.” He looks at me and says, “Rest up, Hon. We’ll have you out of here and home in no time!”

Dite gives me a hug and I smell her clean scent—very close to what she smelled like when we were naked together. It causes my heart to skip and I feel my face burn red in shame at the thoughts that I can’t stop.

What? What thoughts? Errr… Some things are like private—this is one of those things!

They leave and Jillie comes over and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Then she blows the cotton candy in my head to the moon—and beyond—when she says, “Y…y…you like her don’t you? I…I…I can understand that. She’s beautiful! I…I…I won’t stand in your way.”


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This time my eyes do pop out and I have to chase them across the room!

It takes me a few seconds to like remember why I can’t get any words out when I try to answer her. I internally curse Gio What’s-His-Name and vigorously shake my head with an emphatic ‘no’!

I pull her into a hug and squeeze hard then take up the whiteboard. I write, “No! Doophus! I love you! Yes, I like Dite, but not like that!”

I hand the board to Jillie and she smiles—but I like think she doesn’t totally believe me.

What? Yeah, I like know… If I’m like confused as Hell myself, how am I like going to convince her, right?

Anyway, Jillie gives me a hug, but it seems…different…

I curse Gio What’s-His-Name and damn him to the darkest depths of Hell. Him and whoever is responsible for Dite’s and my kidnapping. I like wouldn’t be in this pickle if not for them!

Err, right?

Jillie says, “I like want to believe you, Jacie, but…” She shrugs and wipes a tear from her eye. She continues with a sniffle, “I saw how you looked at her just now.”

I shake my head and furiously wipe off the board. This is like so infuriating—and like totally frustrating—to have to communicate like this!

I write, “We will have to talk about this when I can. It isn’t like you think. I promise!”

She smiles and her eyes are still glistening, but the smile is more genuine. She nods and says, “OK, Hon. I believe you. I like was just so frustrated that I lost you at the restaurant and then you were gone without us knowing where. Then they found you naked under the blanket with her…”

I furiously wipe at the board again to explain and she gently grabs my hand. She says, “I know why you were—in my head. That like still isn’t totally making it down to my heart, though. I know you would have both likely died of hypothermia if you like hadn’t.”

I solemnly nod my head, pull my knees up to my chest and hug them. I rest my chin on my knees and blow the hair out of my eye in frustration.

Jillie giggles and I look at her. I guess the stress has like finally gotten to her!

She says, “You like just looked like one of the frustrated Disney Princesses! Sort of like Ariel when she couldn’t talk and get Eric to kiss her!”

I look at her…and grin.

She’s like back!

Errr…well, it’s like a start, anyways!
I wake up from my nap to the sound of Daddy coming through the door. He comes straight over and gives me a huge hug and I feel his tears dripping on my shoulder.

He just like keeps repeating over and over, “You’re safe! You’re safe! You’re safe…”

Finally, he pushes back from the hug and looks at me. He says, “I can’t believe you were in such danger and I was stuck in Europe and couldn’t be here to help!”

I shake my head and take up my whiteboard. I write, “There is nothing you could have done!”

He shakes his head and says, “I could have at least held your Mother’s hand.”

She hugs him from behind and says, “It wasn’t your fault, Hon. That is unless you can suddenly control the weather and used that as an excuse to stay away!”

He gives her a tired smile. I like guess it has become sort of a private joke between them.

I grin and write, “Weather Wizard!”

They both laugh and Jillie comes in at that moment. She looks around and asks, “What did I like miss?”

Momma tells her the joke and she smiles. I guess she’s like me—knows it’s some sort of private joke…

She comes over and gives me a hug and asks, “Have a good nap?”

I nod and my stomach growls.

And like right on cue, Manuela arrives with supper.

I hesitate as I take the first bite. Supposedly, the soup is what caused me to have the reaction before. I know Manuela likely didn’t like have anything to do with it, but my paranoia is like still very alive. Plus, they like still haven’t figured out how it did happen if it wasn’t her.

Momma notices my hesitation and says, “It’s OK, Hon. I really don’t think you have to worry about it.”

I look down at the soft foods…

What? Soft foods? You know, like mashed potatoes and gravy, things like that.

What? I like don’t know—I guess because my throat is still sensitive…

What? I like know they cut into my airway and not my esophagus. I mean…like, duh!

Anyway, I look at the food and shudder, then take a bite. I’m like hungry and they’re right here. If I’m going to have another reaction, at least they’ll be here to let someone know.

I sigh. It’s good. I like don’t think I will ever view food the same, though.

Momma just pats me knee and says, “It’ll be alright, Hon. You’ll see!”

I half-heartedly nod and take another bite.

When I swallow the last of the food on the plate and still like haven’t had a reaction, I feel like it may be OK.

Well, like this time.

I pick up my spoon and start on the chocolate pudding and purr.

What? I know I can’t like make any sounds, right now, But mental purrs like count, too! This stuff is seriously good!

I smile at Momma and Daddy gives me a hug. They tell me they’re going to a restaurant to eat and then back to the hotel for the night. Jillie is staying with me, though.

What? No not like in bed with me!

Well… I mean, like maybe just a little cuddling later…

Errr… Like, go away!

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Dad in Europe itialian mod

Samantha Heart's picture

Full name kligon masks thevMSG it all adds up to dad being behind this. only a few knew everything so this points to dad being behind this. I may be wrong I hope I am but... or could have someone in common. I hope the FBI solves this and fast for Jacie''s mental health.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.


Interesting theory! Now, why would he be behind it? :-)


More Problems for Our Girl

You're just piling on the issues: abducted, almost sold into prostitution, attempted murder, possibly still in danger, questions about how her voice will end up. uncertainty about her relationship. She's going to need way more than 2 therapists. She seems to be holding up pretty well though.

Thanks for sharing.


She's just like paranoid! LOL

Thanks for supporting the story!


What cbee said ^^^^

You've given Jacie a very full plate to deal with. Huh, I didn't think of it until it was mentioned, but dad would know the details the assassin talked about. Have you let us know if the European trip involved Italy or not?


It was a business trip to Germany; specifically to Ingolstadt in Bavaria. This is the world HQ for Audi. Of course, that isn't far from Italy... ;-)

Thanks for supporting the story!



It’s getting pretty ridiculous how deep Jacie is in right now. I hope her voice is going to be ok as well as Jacie herself. I can’t wait to hear what happens next. With that crack about her stealing Jillie Greg’s family has to be involved.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

Title Page

That 'Doll Trek' title for the pair is new, isn't it? I like it...

Thought you'd thrown another dream sequence at us there with Bender, since as was pointed out afterwards, it would have been awfully difficult for anyone but our protagonist to have known the things the guy was saying. While it was happening, I was thinking 'Impossible', but I guess the hypnotherapists did get it all.

Did they tape the sessions? Is there a receptionist who listened in or taped it all over an intercom? And if so, why? Didn't all of this start before there was any reason for organized crime to get involved?

Hopefully we'll find out.


Doll Trek

The title page has been up for some time now--not long after I started Disco Doll. :)

All of the above are possible ways that the perps could have found out.... It will take a few more chapters to find out, though!

Thanks for supporting the story!


Red Herring?

BarbieLee's picture

Apollo and Dite seem to be the connection to the Italian Mafia. Jacie is the lead singer of the band which is bringing the club into a huge financial success. However, I'm at a loss why if the club is the ultimate target why didn't they just burn it down? Unless again, all is a diversion to keep from pointing back to a rival mafia. They are using Jacie as the Red Herring. To keep it from turning into an all out war and a blood bath. If they don't kill the "little abomination" outright they can keep all attention focused on thinking Jacie is the target because she's a freak. If they focused on Dite, it would surely point back to the other mafia. Toss in the assassin knows James Tiberius Amanda Christine Alexander and all the Klingon jargon and this puppy is starting to pick up so many twists and turns it is becoming a who dun it.

Have fun with life, it's too short to take seriously

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

More shark than herring!

My lips are sealed--just don't expect me to be Agatha Christie! LOL!

As always, thanks for supporting the story, Barb!


Not her dad

It was not Jacie's dad that was involved with the hit man but the father of one of the boys that was expelled from school over the fracas at the restaurant and the aftermath. Someone that thought their child could do no wrong and can't live with the failure because of a "perverted freak". I wonder what kind of retribution that Apollo's "friends" might have in mind.


Hi, Love the story. Been reading on tge site for years and just barley made an account just to post a comment... (Testament to how much i like your story) anywho, I was loving the nice calm story from start to finish great read for when you just want to unwind but now it's become a story that has me on the edge of my seat! Now my guess as to "who dun it" I'm thinking it may be... Jillie's father. We never see him interact with Jacie and he did just have that daddy daughter day. Who's to say he he isnt all jaded that his daughter went from dating the popular jock to being in a less than traditional relationship with Jacie. Anyway that's my theory.



KitKat! An account because of me? *Blushes*!

There are many other awesome authors here, though, too--so, please support them, as well!

As for the who dunnit... Good guess--but, I'm tellin'! LOL

Thanks for supporting me and my stories.


The mystery


Agatha you may not be, but you have left in several cliff hangers and I hope that we can get to where this all ties together, soon. It's too bad that Jacie has girl troubles on top of almost dying and vocal issues. That seems like a deflection to me. I'm just a reader, so what do I know, right?


Why a high end assassin?

Jamie Lee's picture

Isn't it overkill to send a high end assassin after Jacie when any moke could handle the job? And why specifically Jacie? And how did that assassin know what happen at school?

Since what happen at school was brought up, then it's possible one or more of those expelled are involved with the kidnapping and hiring the assassin. And if the parents of Greg and his toads don't have the bank balance to foot the assassin bill, then it leaves only one other girl who might be pissed enough to get the ball rolling.

Unless, there's something else going on and Jacie is just a distraction. But distraction or not, all of this is not helping screw Jacie's head on straight. In fact it's caused her additional problems.

Others have feelings too.


You ask the million dollar question, Jamie!

Thanks for the support!


Another Question

I understand having to share a blanket for warmth, but I don’t understand why you have to get naked first? That seems like it’d be colder not warmer. Does that imply Jacie wasn’t thinking clearly and Dite was maybe not as innocent as we think?

Body warmth...

It's actually warmer with two under a blanket that are naked than clothed. The two bodies heat each other up--it seems like a paradox, but is a pretty well-known survival skill. :)