I just finished re-reading an older story by Lisa Sartori, Like A Candle In The Wind, and I am somewhat disheartened by the lack of kudos and comments.
Could it be that because it is such an older story and those who read it before haven't bothered to re-read it? Lisa has updated it quite a bit and there is a different ending.
It's such a wonderful story that SHOULD speak to the fantasies and dreams of a lot of us, and it's so well written with great characters and a solid, engaging plot, and it makes me wonder.
In the course of my reading and writing I've read countless stories that, for whatever reason, garner monstrous hits, kudos and comments even though they might be full of spelling errors and shakey plots or even poor character developement... while some I've read have wonderful grammar, great characters and believable plots and they get a "meh" from readers.
I have to wonder why this happens and the only thing I can come up with is, those really great stories just don't somehow hit what I call "hot buttons." Those intangible turnons that make readers "feel" somehow.
Like A Candle In The Wind is a perfect example of a story that is VERY well written, free from grammar errors, has great character development and a really solid plotline... yet there are very few kudos and the hits are low.
If you've never read it, go do so and then tell me I am right... or wrong in my assessment of the story.
Here's a link: https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/3209/like-candle-wind...
Catherine Linda Michel
Marilyn Monroe
It's a great story, actually,one of the first I read, but I think originally,it was posted on a different site other then Big Closet.
another reason could be
that if you don't post on a regular basis, you are losing the free publicity of your name being on the front page. The same goes if you don't post solo stories so they don't appear on the 'Random Solo's' selection.
I am still getting comments on stories I posted in 2011. I can only think that is because I am still posting here on a regluar basis.
Very Old story
I remember reading this story on Ghostly Writer's site when it was first posted, this was back in the mid 90's. GW's site was dedicated to masking TG stories. I remember the author posted several others before the site was pulled and nothing was posted since (that I am aware of).
All of the stories were excellent, as were others by now MIA authors.
Gumby - I'm flexible
"Imagination is more important, than knowledge" - Albert Einstein
“The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds
new discoveries, is not ‘Eureka!’, but ‘that’s funny…’” - Isaac Asimov
Old stories, few kudos, forgotten and unloved
Old stories, posted before the newer voting system came into use, tend to have few kudos. Unless something like this post jogs readers, the old stories remain forgotten and unloved. My old stories suffer that fate, but I'm not complaining. ;-)
I'll send it to my Kindle to re-read, and I just gave it a kudo.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Older stories that were posted elsewehere
and read elsewhere probably don't get read here and thus don't get kudos. Not to mention many of them were posted before the kudo system was in place.. Yes many readers only read content posted here but many others don't and if the story was posted somewhere else like FM or Storysite first then I or a lot of other readers would have no reason to read it again when it's posted here just like I'm not likely to read a story on FM if it was posted here first... My rereads are all done on my Kindle.
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
I would recommend something different
I have read this story. It is good. But whether I give a kudo or not, I don't think is the answer.
Having written about 29 stories, a combo of solo and series, and been here for a little over a year, I have a different suggestion than just leaving kudos.
It would be really nice if in the profile section I could have the option of turning on ...
1. My ten latest kudos left on BC for a solo and for a series
2. My top ten stories on BC at this time
One of my sneaky tricks to find stories is to launch a profile of an author whose story I like to read, for example, Shauna or StacyInLove, and see what stories they have commented on and enjoy. It takes some work. I can go back a couple of years with some, only a short time with others.
But, some of the stories, like this one you mention, can't be found any other way except a little digging or use of the search feature. And the search feature only concentrates for the most part on key words.
Using Body Suits would take you forever to find this story.
But, other than comments left in Blogs like this one, it is the only practical way I have found to track down stories.
And, probably the one feature I would like to add the most. The ability to bookmark on the BC site stories I want to go back and read again and again.
Anyway. There are my two cents worth.
If you look at the bottom of any story
in the same place as 'add comment' you'll also see 'bookmark' and you can do just that and then go to your account and see all your bookmarks.
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
I hadn't noticed. Good to know.
But, I am so used to find everything up above on most web sites that I never read the bottom of the pages. I guess I should.
Come to think of it, I only recently discovered the menus to the right which allow me to see how many likes, comments, reads per day, etc, that my stories get.
For Clarity's Sake...
In case someone's looking her up, her bylines are Laurie S. and L. Satori. Her authors-list name on this site is the first of those two.
(I did like that story; read it first on StorySite IIRC. I probably read and voted for it here, but I don't think I've been back to it since the kudos system started.)