Odds are this won't ever amount to anything, but I was reading a recent story that brought this question (which was NOT part of the plot there) to mind, and I figured there were people here who were likely to know a lot more about hair extensions than I do.
A man goes through emergency surgery and, after being comatose during both the operation and immediate recovery, awakens to find (either expectedly or otherwise) that he has become an attractive woman. Unless the medics have kept the patient asleep for weeks, that seems unlikely to include long hair.
Consider a situation where someone had a crush on the patient that they couldn't act upon until he became a woman. If that person saw fit to have hair extensions woven in before allowing her to awaken from the coma, would the patient realize reasonably soon that the hair wasn't her own, or could she go along for some time assuming that the operation that turned her female had also lengthened her hair?
Thanks, Eric
Hair or not
If extensions were immediately obvious they would not be good enough to use. So yes, unless someone got curious enough to examine them, they could be fooled into thinking it was natural hair growth.
The attachment of extra strands is usually done close to the scalp. Doing something to the hair like an intricate style or maybe even just a curl and set might lead one to discover something odd. But a person with no previous experience with extensions might not get clued in for some time.
Of course, someone who didn't know they had extensions might damage them by inappropriate use of a hair dryer or too vigorous use of a brush. Extensions should always be combed before brushing but then, that's true of natural long hair, too.
I am not an expert. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
There is a whole range of different methods and quality to this. Real human hair extensions are the best.
You would, though, realise at the latest after about four weeks, as extensions are fixed to your own hair close to the scalp, but then of course the fixings whether heat or rings or whatever start coming away from the scalp with the growing hair and need to be taken off and be re-fixed again close to the scalp to be mostly invisible.
Then the style has to be adjusted after the new fixing. Other than that you can wash high quality extensions just like your own hair, although I'd recommend special shampoo and conditioner and to keep the use of hairdryers and curling (or straightening) irons to a minimum.
Monique S
YouTube is your friend.
There are loads of videos on different types of extensions, how to apply them, how to care.
One thing is. You can feel attachment points by hand for any kind of extensions AFAIK.
(Once I seen quite a disturbing story where extensions were implanted directly into scalp... But it is hopefully still not an official procedure.)
Yes, you can, if you know where to search.
But that doesn't mean it would be obvious right from the start and my hair stylist did it in a way, that during the first week I did not feel them caring for my hair, even though I knew they were there.
Monique S