The Wrong Side of the Bed 5

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The Wrong side of the Bed 5

by Anistasia Allread

Nikki slipped behind the wheel and heard a car slowly coming down the street.

Someone lost? she thought. She closed the door and looked behind her. She watched as an old Cadillac slowly approached her house. Her heart nearly jumped out of her chest as she saw four men riding in the car. Nikki quickly slipped down in the seat of her blue bug and held her breath as the car slowly rolled by.

Episode 5

"Arrrg!" Nick cursed. As he looked down to see the satin nightgown clinging unflattering to his male physic. He grabbed some boxers out of a dresser drawer and stepped into them before yanking off the nightgown. He wadded it up and threw it on the bed.

"Again?" his mother stuck her head in the door. "I thought you wanted to stay girl for a while?"

"I did." he growled. "I can't go to school like this." he waved his pink fingernails at his mother.

"Remover will take it right off." She scoffed.

"Mom. I can't go to school today." he tried to keep the anger out of his voice.

"Why not?"

"Because Landon will know." it escaped his lips before he could catch it.


Nick could feel his neck get hot. He was sure his face was beet read.

"The cute surfer." Alicia supplied with a snicker.

"Shut up." Nick growled.

"Get out of here, Alicia." His mother shooed. She turned and redirected her attention to her son. "What about Jazz band?"

"They can get along without me." Nick tried to calm himself down. "Mom, I really don't want to go to school today."

His mother thought about it for a moment. "Okay, but this better not affect your grades, young man."

Nick nodded. "It won't."

"He always gets to stay home." Alicia complained. "Who's going to take me to school?"

"You can ride the bus." he heard his mother tell her. "Nick? French toast okay?"

"And eggs." he said. "Do we have any sausage or ham? I'm starving."

He hadn't transitioned two days in a row since the summer after his first time. He was going to be eating all day and most of the night.

"Damn!" he swore. "There goes girls' night."

Part of him wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed, but his stomach has the stronger will. He slipped into some sweats and a T-shirt, hit the bathroom and pounded down the stairs.

"Morning Nick." his father greeted poking his head in the fridge.

He had transitioned last night too. Mom was going to have to buy groceries today.

"I tried to de-stress last night, Dad." Nick huffed. "I still transitioned."

"So what is this I hear about this Landon kid?" His father asked.

"He's a new guy at school." Nick explained. "I don't want him to know about my being a Gendermorph until we can get to know each other better."

"Do you like him?"

Nick nodded. "At least, Nikki does."

His father nodded his head. "Well, as long as you are staying home today. I want you to clean and organize the tool shed."

"Today?" Nick whined.

"If you are staying home from school when you aren't sick, then you may as well get something useful done."

Nick sighed. "I was going to try and transition back today."

"After the tool shed is taken care of." His father turned his attention to his mother. "Steak tonight, please."

"Yes please." Nick agreed.

"That is a lot of transitioning in a short time." His father stated. "Don't get yourself sick."

Nick nodded. "I'm going to go shower." he told them as he started towards the stairs.

"Why does he always get to stay home just because he is a Gendermorph?" Alicia was asking her parents. "It's not fair."

Nick froze on the stairs and listened out of sight of his family.

"We've been through this before, Alicia." Nick's father stated

"I know." Alicia stated. "It just seems that sometimes Nick gets special treatment."

"Sometimes he does." his dad admitted. "At least it might seem that way to you. but I'll bet he would trade his privileges to be able to stay one gender and never have to transition again."

Nick founded himself nodding although he was trying to figure out what privileges he had other than being able to stay home every once in a while. Alicia may have meant his two closets of clothes. but it was not necessarily a privilege.

Nick continued up the stairs. there was a lot to do. He'd have to clean out the shed, leaving enough time for a six hour nap before going over to Sarah's house for the girls' night.

Nick picked up his phone and texted:

Woke up on the wrong side of the bed again. won't be at school today.

He then texted Sarah:

Planning on being Nikki for girls night. don't cancel. Tell Landon that I wasn't feeling myself.

When Nick got out of the shower his father and sister had already left. Nick pulled on an old pair of jeans and a sweat shirt before heading back down stairs.

"Breakfast is in the oven." His mother told him.

Nick pulled a warm plate piled high with French toast and a second plate of scrambled eggs and a rasher of bacon out of the oven and dug into it. He finished it off with a cup of coffee and two large glasses of juice.

"Wash your dishes and put them in the dishwasher." Nick's mother called from the front door. "I'm off to get food."

"Lots of steak, please. I'm going to be hungry."

Nick took care of his dishes and went out to the work shed. The tool shed was part storage shed, part tool shed and a work area for small carpentry projects.

He opened the door and sighed loudly. This was going to take the better part of the day. He began by pulling all of the miscellaneous junk out and sorting them into piles on the lawn.

Once the shed was cleaned, organized and swept out, Nick went back into the house. His mother had just finished putting groceries away and was fixing a lunch.

Nick washed his hands and changed into some sweats and a clean shirt.

"Hungry?" she asked as he joined her in the kitchen.

"Starving." he nodded as he sat down.

His mother placed a plate with a whole rotisserie chicken in front of him. "That should get you started."

Nick tore into the flesh and began stuffing his mouth. He knew he was hungry, but didn't realize just how much until the first bite hit his stomach.

"Slow down or you'll make yourself sick." his mother warned.

Nick nodded and stayed the hand he was moving towards his mouth. He looked down and found that half of the chicken had already been demolished.

"I got you some potato salad too." his mother placed a plastic tub in front of him.

"Thanks." he said around his mouth full. He wasn't a fan of store bought potato salad, but when he was this hungry, it didn't matter.

His mother placed a large glass of milk in front of him as well as the milk jug.

Nick finished eating everything in front of him and cleared the mess while his mother sat down with her laptop.

Nick went up stairs. His fingers and face felt greasy from the chicken while his arms felt icky from dust and sweat from working. He decided to take a quick shower.

Clean, he toweled off and tossed the towel on the floor next to his blue bed. He closed his bedroom door and sat down on his bed.

Why was it so important for him to transition? he posed to himself. Nikki liked Landon but did he? He liked the surfer guy well enough he guessed. He wondered how much of his attraction to the tall blonde was Nikki's hormones and how much was real. He tossed his head and threw himself back into his pillows.

He closed his eyes and began fantasizing. Porn magazines worked for some but for him they just made him feel weird, like he was prying into someone else's privacy.


Nikki rolled over and felt her breasts press into the soft mattress. "Good." She sighed. masturbating to force a transition worked most of the time, but there were times when it just made a gendermorph sleep.

Nikki sat up and pulled the blankets up to cover her chest. It was funny how self conscious she was in her female form even when she was alone in her room. As Nick, she always slept nude. as Nikki, never.

Nikki checked the clock and sighed. She had about an hour till dinner. She crossed the room to her pink side and slipped into her under garments. The outfit she had picked out the night before was still prepped but that was for Landon. She was with the girls tonight. she needed something cute yet comfortable. She slipped into some black stretchy capris pulled on a leopard print top and slipped into some black ballet flats.

Nikki pulled out her phone and quickly texted her friends.

Nikki is back. what time is girl's night?

Nikki's stomach began growling when she sat down at her vanity and looked at her face in the mirror.

She knew better than to have taken a transitioning nap with damp hair. She ran her fingers through the unruly hair and watched as it sprang back up sticking out at strange angles. She grabbed some hair wax and rubbed it into the roots of her hair. while her curling iron heated up. Once it was hot, she quickly began curling the ends of her hair then with some teasing and some hairspray, her hair was retro eighties with a modern flair. big sassy and fun.

"Are you wake?" a knock came at the door.

"Yes." she called.

Nikki's mother poked her head in. "Dinner is almost ready. Your father will be home in about fifteen minutes."


"Cute hair." her mother smiled.

"It's about the only thing it will do without having to shower, and blow dry it." Nikki explained.

"When you are finished, please come down and set the table. I'm going to start the steaks in a few moments.

"Yes, mom." Nikki smiled. "What besides steak, are we having?"

"Baked potatoes, corn, rutabaga, and a chocolate mousse pie for dessert."

Nikki's stomach gurgled in response. Her mother smiled before ducking out.

Nikki quickly applied some eye shadow, mascara and some lip gloss before heading down stairs to help her mom.

She quickly checked her phone.

Come over as soon as you're done w/ dinner

"You're back?" Alicia questioned looking up from her homework at one end of the table.

"Did you miss me?" Nikki's eyes sparkled.

Alicia huffed.

"Did Landon ask where I was?" Nikki inquired.

"He doesn't even know that we are sisters." Alicia shook her head. "You have it bad for this one."

"I do not. I was just curious." Nikki countered.

The four sat down to a large dinner. Nikki and her father each devoured two large steaks. Nikki also put away two baked potatoes as well as the corn and a slice of pie.

"I'm heading over to Sarah's." She announced as she cleared her dishes.

"What time are you coming home?" her father asked.

"I don't know." Nikki stated.

"No later than midnight." her father ordered.

"Yes, Daddy." Nikki placed a kiss upon his forehead before grabbing her purse and heading out to her car.

Nikki slipped behind the wheel and heard a car slowly coming down the street.

Someone lost? she thought. She closed the door and looked behind her. She watched as an old Cadillac slowly approached her house. Her heart nearly jumped out of her chest as she saw four men riding in the car. Nikki quickly slipped down in the seat of her blue bug and held her breath as the car slowly rolled by.

She kept flinching, expecting automatic weapons fire, and flinched even more when she didn't hear any.

Slowly raised her head just enough to peek into her rear view mirror. The old Cadillac wasn't there. She turned her head and glanced out the driver's side window and cringed as the tail lights slowly drifted away.

"Holy shit!" she breathed "Holy shit, Lil Foot knows where I 'F'ing live."

Part of her wanted to run into the house and be swallowed up by her daddy's arms, another part wanted to be gone from the house in case they drove by again.

Did they make the connection with her car and the house? she hoped not. Should she call the cops? but then she would be questioned as to why a known drug dealer was driving by her home.

Heart pounding in her chest, she tried to slow her breathing as well as her manic, scattered thoughts. maybe she should call officer Estrada. but again, what could she tell him? could he put protection around her house? but then wouldn't that tip off Lil' Foot even more? she wanted to cry, she just didn't know what to do.

She took a long slow deep breath and replayed what had just happened in her head. She saw a Cadillac driving slowly down the street with four passengers. She tried to make out the faces of the people in the car but couldn't. They were just dark shapes. She couldn't even make out what color the old car was. Could it have been her imagination? For all she knew, it wasn't even Lil' Foot. It could have been someone who was lost.

"You're being paranoid, Nikki." She said aloud. She started her bug and backed out of the drive

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I'm glad to see another chapter of this. I'm enjoying it immensely. I hope to see another soon. Keep up the great work!

Great to see another chapter

Jemima Tychonaut's picture

Great to see another chapter of this story. :-)

A slow drive-by cadillac? It's got to be Lil'Foot. If Nikki doesn't speak to Estrada soon she could end up in real trouble!

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Interesting and Cool and Fun

terrynaut's picture

And so many other things. I really like this story. Please keep up the good work. Please?

Thanks and kudos.

- Terry

Glad to see more

Such an interesting story! And I love the concept.

(I was a little confused at the end, though: were there two cadillacs?)




Like Kaykiegh said. This is a very fun and interesting story. I'm always ready for more. :)

Still Can't Figure Out...

...what Lil Foot's trying to do. Surely he didn't expect to catch Nick on the street or in a parked car as he went past the house -- what are the odds of that? And if LF were planning to go into the house and threaten Nick -- not exactly optimal, but with three armed henchmen in tow, he might well frighten the rest of the family enough not to call the authorities -- there's no reason that we've seen why he wouldn't have done so on the first drive-by, unless he did see a potential witness in the blue bug. (Ditto any other threat to the house like shooting or throwing something through the front window, or trying to set the place on fire.)

Surely he's not planning to spend the evening driving around and around the block until someone emerges, since he doesn't have any reason to know whether Nick is going out tonight at all, or, if Nick left already, how many hours he'd have to wait before Nick returns. I suppose he could just be stalling until the blue car leaves -- assuming he saw that there was someone in it.

(It occurred to me that it might have been Nikki and not Nick whose address he discovered, but I can't think of any reason he'd circle around her block more than once. Unless he's discovered that Nick and Nikki are the same person, in which case she's gonna die when she shows up to play the piano for him; no need to off her before then.)

Anyway, enjoying the story and the interesting worldline.


The Wrong Side of the Bed 5

If Nikki gets pregnant, can she become Nick after giving birth?

May Your Light Forever Shine

pretty sad that she's more

pretty sad that she's more worried about what will happen to her than her family if she doesn't say something to them they could walk into danger and won't even know to look out for it.

at this point i must

comment, I personally would not have taken a chance by driving off, I would have darted back into the house as soon as the cadillac drove out of sight, made sure my family knew what was happening giving full details starting with Vic getting shot, that I saw what it happen and the officer asking me for a favour and what that favour is that the policeman asked of me holding back nothing

lil foot

He seriously needs to leave her the hell alone or she is going to get hospitalized and sick from transitioning too much.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna