Size Of Your Pointer And Ring

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I've just read an interesting web site that reverses what I've always thought. My ring finger is longer than my index (pointer) finger. WIN_20180130_21_37_54_Pro.jpgI was raised under the impression that was a masculine trait. However, I was reading an article entitled, "How to Tell If You Are Transgendered," by Melanie Anne Phillips, which said ring finger and index finger same length (men have a noticeably longer index finger)

This caused me look up this web site to verify that. The web site says, "Scientists have known for a while that index fingers that are longer than ring fingers are a result of higher exposure to testosterone in the womb. Conversely, ring fingers that are longer than index fingers are a result of higher exposure to estrogen."

The article also maintains, "Trans-sexuality is believed to be caused by an aberration in the flow of hormones over the brain of the developing fetus during pregnancy." Though I'm not aware of any research that supports that view. However, like many of us, I sometime grasp at straws to explain how it is that I am transgendered. Foolish I know. How it happened isn't really important. What is important is that I am and how I feel about it; what I do in response to that.

I wasn't really looking for any explanations. I was just doing some housekeeping in my computer by going through some old files I had downloaded and came across Ms. Phillips article. That sparked my interest in the finger length phenomenon.

I was wondering if any of you had any physical trait that bore out this theory.


Let me see..

right hand - Index and Ring fingers seem to be the same length (without measuring the bones)
left hand - Ring finger longer than Index

And I'm a Leftie!

Flawed article

AuPreviner's picture

I am afraid that article has it reversed in its conclusions. It is conflating female 2D4D patterns with male 2D4D patterns.

It also ignores genetic predisposition. A longer ring finger for men is genetic and not hormonally caused in certain populations.

Generally, a longer index finger in a biological male is still an indication of higher estrogen in the womb and/or low testosterone in the womb.

My index finger is longer than my ring finger. I am subject to higher anxiety and depression as a result. And, not surprisingly, I was never aggressive in sports.

And, also in my case, I test genetically for having a shorter index finger which conclusively shows that I either had high dosages of estrogen in the womb or very low T.

It is important to note that recent studies have shown the 2D4D ratio doesn't point to the critical time period between 8 to 12 weeks pregnant in which hormones create a brain differentiation for either a female or male brain and which points to causes that leads to being TG. Some studies suggest females brains don't get hormones at all during that time.

In either event, my fingers reveal at the very least I had very little T in my system in the womb.


P.S. I am right handed. However, I think I was taught to be right handed when I was very young as I prefer to shoot bow and arrow as a lefty.

"Love is like linens; after changed the sweeter." – John Fletcher (1579–1625)

Suspicious of the sources of such fonts of wisdom

If that was really the case, you can be certain that (wo)mankind would have latched onto this long ago, and the index finger would be as big a sign of sexual attraction as breasts are for females.

I'll wait until I read about it in scientific journals before making up my mind.

Anatomic Mechanics

There is also the factor of anatomic mechanics. So here is my 2 cents worth of thought and commentary.

When I keep my fingers in line with my underarm (e.g. resting my elbow on the table, and pointing my arm and fingers straight up) the index finger on my right hand is just a millimiter longer than the ring finger, and on my left hand the index finger is a about 5 millimeters longer than the ring finger. And I am definitely right-handed.

However, when I bend (or flex) my hand for the fingers to be (about) perpendicular to my arm, with the tumb up, the ring finger on my right hand is almost 10 millimeters longer than the index finger, and on the left hand the ring finger is about 3-5 millimeters longer than the index finger.

It seems to me, that the fulcrum of rotation is about inline with the middle finger (or located between the middle and ring finger). So the index finger gets pulled back the tendons, while the ring finger either stays more or less static or is slightly pushed forward by the tendons.


Muddled Rule Perhaps?

In a normal population without the effects of inbreeding, there may be a rule. However in my own studies of populations, I'm made to wonder how much inbreeding bollocks things up? Some Middle Eastern populations are significantly altered due to it. In Saudi Arabia, if I remember correctly, 30% of marriages are not allowed because the couple are too closely related. Sickle Cell Anemia is a huge issue in certain ME populations. Certain Mormon populations are plagued by it, as I imagine Amish cultures are also.

Oh dear, I have managed to side track this conversation. I'm sorry.

And, my hands are symmetrical and my ring finger is longer than my index finger.

Just Gave Myself the Finger

Uh huh!

It's interesting but not very conclusive.

It's that space between the ears that seemingly defines whether or not you're "T."


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Causation For The Rejection of Genetic Gender.

There may be many things that cause Transgender Ideation. To me the whole procreation process seems prone to error. And with all the Cosmic Rays, and an untold number of other influences exerting their influence, it is a wonder to me that there is not even more variation. Human culture seems illogically stuck on the idea of the Binary Construct. It is likely that XX and XY are just opposite ends of a broad spectrum with unnumbered variations between. What if the reality is XX, XY, XG (gay male), XL (Lesbian), XT (Transgender) and so on and so on ad nauseum?

For me, I think it is likely that a mild, slightly feminine nature, rejected identifying with the brutal assholes I was raised with. Yes, and screw any shrinks that try to make anything dirty or abnormal about it !!!

I've read this

I've read this also in multiple places over the years, that men's index fingers are longer than their ring finger and the opposite for women. Never before heard of equal length defining transgendered. I was curious about body differences because up until I was in my late 20's early 30's I was quite often mistaken for a girl (wide hips, narrow waist, and long slender fingers) My mother even bought plain girls jeans for me and removed the tags, when I caught her at this she told me boy's jeans did not fit me correctly as I had hips and waist like a girl.

Now as for finger lengths, mine are almost the same with the ring finger being slightly longer when checked correctly.
To do this the fingers need to be held in a straight position in relation to the hand, holding it at an angle left or right will give the false visual effect of one being longer that is not.

Oh, I guess I should add that this led me to question a lot about the physical characteristics of men and women and whether I was one of those XXY babies or something like that.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

2D:4D ratio

According to Wikipedia , in males the ratio between the second (index) finger and the fourth (ring) finger is usually lower in males and higher in females, though commonly below one in both. ("The 2D:4D ratio is calculated by dividing the length of the index finger of a given hand by the length of the ring finger of the same hand. A longer index finger will result in a ratio higher than 1, while a longer ring finger will result in a ratio lower than 1. The 2D:4D digit ratio is sexually dimorphic: although the second digit is typically shorter in both females and males, the difference between the lengths of the two digits is greater in males than in females.")

Not trusting appearances, I actually measured my fingers. On my left hand, the 2D:4D ratio is 1.27 and on the right hand the 2D:4D ratio is 1.

My mother took DES (Diethylstilbestrol) when she was pregnant with me for spotting. DES is a a synthetic nonsteroidal estrogen. The effects on DES daughters have been well studied, but the effects on DES sons have been less so.

Finger length

Looking at your picture both your index finger and your ring finger are pretty much the same length.
It doesn't matter where the fingers end on the picture, you need to measure from the base of the finger to the end. ;-)
