Should Number of Hits Tally Be Eliminated

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A few days ago, someone made the suggestion that if it would help the site run more efficiently that the tallies for hits could be eliminated. Erin mentioned that these tallies consume large amounts of computer capacity. Maybe we should discuss this more.

This is Erin's site. She has the most at stake. More importantly to us users, through her leadership, this site has survived. She knows more about what her customers want than anyone and has skillfully implemented and monitored.

She also listens to comments.

Personally, I think the number of hits is a meaningless statistic. The number of hits for my stories has a very small correlation to a more meaningful measure - number of kudos. The number of hits for my stories has a very small correlation to a more meaningful measure - number of comments.

I don't care about "number of hits" and even less about "daily hits."

Number of hits often has more to do with things like the length of the story -- than anything else.

By the way, for the millionth time - number of hits, number of comments, and number of kudos have had NO meaningful correlation to the quality of the writing in my stories that I can discern.

I love to have comments and kudos. They keep me enthused about writing.

What's your opinion?


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