I don't know if this is appropriate for blogging here, but I'm going to anyway.
If you use Wendy's you really have to watch how they charge you for what you order.
For example, let's say you ask for a double, they will automatically enter a double with cheese, asking you if you want cheese. If you say No they will add No Cheese as an attribute, and you will be charged $4.29.
If however, you make them enter it as a double in the first place instead of as a double with cheese, it will cost you $3.89. They don't credit you with the additional 30 cents when they take off the cheese.
Now, they now have something called the Baconator. Essentially this is a double with cheese plus bacon. If you ask for a double with cheese, and to add bacon, they will try to enter in the baconator, which is $4.89, but a double with cheese is $4.29 and adding bacon is .50, or $4.79. Now to be fair with this one, I believe the baconator comes with 6 strips of bacon versus 4 when you add it on, but frankly 4 slices is plenty, and if that is what you order, you should get that.
All of this is minor differences, but $.30 and $.10 here and there on unaware customers adds up I'm sure, and seems to me its awfully deceptive.
Sorry for the rant... Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Sorry Kristy
but I haven't eaten at Wendy's for twenty years. Go to In and Out and forget about the bacon, Arecee
I wish we had In and Out
I wish we had In and Out here on the east coast, but we don't. I have been to them when out in California on business.
Wendy's is the only one of the fast food places my wife likes, and there burgers are better then the other major chains here. We actually wanted to go to Legal Sea Food tonight, but we took our son to see Wall-E and the wait at Legal was too long to make our showing. So we settled for Fast food.
My point was really that your really should not have to watch how they ring up your order. You get the same meal, it should cost the same, but it doesn't. Most people will never even notice, after all its on a small amount, but if they are doing that repeatidly it sure adds up for them.
Just one of those pet peeves.
In n Out probably has the best food
and it generally tends to be finger-free...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Only in California, Nevada, and Arizona, I know I looked for one up here in Oregon and I really miss them. I keep checking their website hoping they will get up here soon.
Melanie Dian
I found a finger
in my chili at Wendy's and when I brought it to the manager,
she said, "Oh my God, this is a terrible mistake!"
then she charged me extra for it...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Restaurant ordering
I went to a new coffee shop a few years ago, it just re-opened under new management. I looked at the menu and when the waitress came, I ordered a bacon burger, hold the bacon. The bacon burger came with cheese automatically and was 50 cents cheaper than a cheeseburger. :) The prices were like: hamburger 5.19, cheese burger 5.99, bacon cheese burger 5.49 but they weren't near each other on the menu.
I explained this to the waitress and told her she should tell the new management, she said she was the new manager, in fact the new owner and was amazed that she'd made a mistake like that, been open two weeks and no one else had pointed it out. In another two months, the place was closed again waiting for another new set of owners.
I don't think Wendy's does those things deliberately; incompetence is the new competence, they say. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
You think that is bad, their chili is all the burgers that are cooked that is not sold to the customers and sit's in fat for three days then they throw it in the sauce. You are safer to eat the additional bacon there is a lot less fat.
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
Not only that
but it has fingers in it sometimes!
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Will I regret asking
So Laika who has the best fingers?I'm guessing KFC since there finger licking good.Lol Amy "May your pen never run out of ink and your brain out of ideas"
has rats in it. Get your urban legends straight!
~~~love, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
In the UK
the story is they were done for a mouse! But then everything is bigger over the pond.
Burger death wish!
How can anyone eat those things unless they have a death wish? I regularly cycle past a McD and the smell is nearly enough to clog up my arteries! Fortunately, the lead in all the tuna I eat, stops it, now if only I can stop the dementia..what was I talking about?
Angharad 8)
A Dearth on Fast Food (in)Vaders
South L.A. has placed a moratorium on new fast food restuarants. It sems they think there is a causal link between those eateries and the 30% child obesity rates they're suffering.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Like anything else, it has
Like anything else, it has more to do with how much, rather then what. You can eat just about anything occassionally. It's making the "regular diet" of something that is a problem.
But as well, it depends on how active you are.
Having a 13 year old son, and watching him and his friends play, I can see why kids are heavy. They don't want to play outside. When the weather is nice, I won't let them sit around the house playing video games and watching TV, and you would not believe how quickly I get the "But we are bored! whine start."
I tell him, find something to do, its beautiful outside and you just have to make some fun.
But it is different today, in part because when they are smaller, you just can't let kids go play outside anymore. You have to go out and watch them. When I was little, the whole gang would be outside and we would play army or ball, or whatever, but it always involved lots of running, etc. The kids don't do this anymore. Couple that with too much junk food, plus pre-prepared meals, because parents (myself included) are too tired to cook when they get home, and it really is no wonder that kids are overweight.
I was very much like that ...
... but with me it was reading. I could happily spend an afternoon browsing an encyclopaedia even if the sun shone and I did everything I could to avoid school sports. I wasn't overweight probably because there was rationing and the only fast food outlets were local fish and chip shops.
Funnily enough I'm probably sportier now, 50 years on, than most of my old school mates. I've been actively involved in sailing in the past and now cycle and/or walk probably further than drive.
If they ban fast food
Where are the children of L.A. going to get their fingers?
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
R U Sure It Was a Finger
There are a lot of natural substances that look like and have similar textures. Was the finger wearing a ring? Was the nail painted? When you were served the finger was it settled into the bowl on its side or was it raised in an obscene gesture?
It could have been a gang fingering which is their way of whimsically turning the tables, so to speak, on people who can't keep a secret. Or it could have been what Karl Rove did with his damning digits when it was determined the current economic strategy had his fingerprints all over it.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
There are times ...
... actually a lot of times when I'm glad I don't eat meat :) I've never seen a Wendy's either as I don't think we have them in the UK, but I've always thought the name had a certain innocence and charm. It seems I was wrong.
I guess Wendy's is a smaller version MacDonalds?
Wendy's is similiar
to Mc Donalds but the British version Burger King is the deadliest.There are also many other fast food joints in America Carls junior,In and out burger,Jack in the Box to name just a few of the many more.Personally I like the Carl's Junior six dollar burger the best and don't think in and out burger is worth the wait.Thanks to all of them and an American eating style I now have a cholesterol level of 280.The Doctor says I'm fine in every other way if I don't keel over from the big one or the medicine.LOL Amy"May your pen never run out of ink and your brain out of ideas"
Wendy's used to be better when they had a salad bar, but now they just sell pre-made salads like everyone else. They do still have the option of a baked potato instead of fries, so it's a little healthier, but then you have to put so much stuff on it to make it tasty that it's just as bad for you.
Salad Bars
Used to eat in Wendy's salad bar a lot. Couple of trips to the ER for food poisoning cured me of that. Can't even look at the sign without feeling queasy now. It was this one particular Wendy's in Anaheim, I think, not the whole chain. Still, --urp--.
That Wendy's is gone now, it was the one nearest Lincoln and Beach back in the eighties.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Who were Humpty Dumpty's parents?
Sam an' Ella!
Angharad 8)
Don't they have Wendy's
in Oz? I'm sure we went to somewhere with a name like that? They also have fried chicken places, the name of which I forget but it was appropriately naff, like Chookie Chicken.
differences in english language
They are about the same as mcdonald's. They call their milkshakes frosty's which os funny because I had exchange students back in the 80's visit us from england and wales and we took them there. They thought we were crazy ordering frosty's at fast food place because they thought we were ordering frosted flakes.
Jenna from FL
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
I remember a discussion of this with my cousin from Northern Massachusetts. She used to work at Friendly's, and had a whole taxonomy of frappes, milkshakes, and other things I can't recall. I grew up in a place where we only had milkshakes and floats, and none of the exotic beverages she listed.
Maccy D and BK
I try to avoid both but Maccy D was the only place on the Champs-Elysées in Paris with anywhere to sit. I wish we hadn't bothered, it was not good. And it was twice the price of UK.
I rather suspect that most fast food joints are the same.
Wendy's ripoff artists
Another thing to be aware of at Wendy's is the fact that if you use a bank card, they will act like they are having problems getting the card to read and they will run it through the reader several times before they act satisfied that it 'finally' went through. I had this happen to me at a drive thru and they ran my card 7 times for a purchase of $7.68. The total cost of my lunch? Over $50. I didn't catch it until three weeks later when I got my statement from my bank and I had 6 extra charges for my lunch that day. Now, I watch very closely at any place I get lunch to make sure that my card is used only once in the reader. It is an easy way to rip someone off and you not even knowing it.
That should be a fairly easy
That should be a fairly easy thing to fight. Since it should be the same charge repeatedly. In fact, most credit card companies should spot it as a duplicate transaction, but yes you should always check your statements.
Laika, Are You Sure
It wasn't a fish finger? My father used to tell a story (mind you, he told lots of stories)of how on one voyage to the Argentinian port of Rosario before WWII they were loading up with corned beef from the Fray Bentos works (do you have Fray Bentos in the USA?) and the word was around that a man had fallen into the grinders but they couldn't stop or the UK would run out of corned beef. Nobody believed it until someone in England, months later, opened a can and found a finger. Shrug. They still sell Fray Bentos :-)