Conclusion of Nena story

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Yep, here you go, the concluding epsipode of Nena, Special Request.

I hope you've enjoyed it. As you might recall I'm currently working on the next Nena story, Tirol Time, I've got 6 chapters in the can so it shouldn't be a long wait now to get it finished.

I'm away later this week and over the weekend for some Christmas cheer in Germany so don't expect a Wednesday update (it will depend on the state of my packing!) but it will resume on the 6th of December.

so ciao for now


Nena fix

Podracer's picture

Yes, have enjoyed it. Any Nena plots are always welcome.
Here's to you and Gaby having a good time over there next weekend.

"Reach for the sun."


WillowD's picture

The last I remember, you were thinking of writing a new Nena book. I am absolutely delighted to hear that it's three quarters done. (Well, barring editing and proof reading, of course.) Happy holidays and thanks again for all of the stories.