A Better Muse Trap?

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After reading some blogs here I realised that what we really need is a better Muse trap.

Those elusive Muses somehow never deign to be present when WE want them to. With a better Muse trap we could have better control and not be subject to their completely unpredictable ways.

Does anyone have a good design?


The above doesn't really reflect the author's opinions. The author in question strongly condemns all cruelty towards Muses (and wishes for reciprocity).


Chocolate? Yummies

But what Chocolate? Please not that horrid sickly mass produced 'stuff'?
I know a Choclatier who is working flat out for Christmas. Her chocolate is to die for.

I'm impressed

I didn't know you are a clairvoyante. According the view I see you posted your answer two minutes before the origin comment :)

As to good chocolate: I prefer to live for it rather than die for it.

My simple response


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Chocolate is such a wide concept

You have to be more specific.

If you haven't figured it out already I'm just stalling while waiting for the SWAT team.
(Apparently the first SWAT team was formed in the Shanghai Municipal Police)


Daphne Xu's picture

Hey, I can imagine liking spam, but mustard of all things?

-- Daphne Xu

Spam Spam Spam Spam

To quote Monty Python's flying circus.
If you read my comment you see that the thing about mustard was a misunderstanding. It should have been musetard.

muse trap?

The problem is assuming that the muse is out in the wild and can therefore be enticed into the author's abode, Bribery with succulent, silky smooth chocolat (pronounced with a sensuous French accent) will, I am sure assist in them providing you with the creative where-with-all you desire. Unfortunately muses are not often found roaming free, they may be found in various homes for muses, surrounded by objects of culture, both ancient and modern, that enable them to endow inspiration. These homes may be found in most large cities, suitably named 'Muse-eums'

What good is a trap without...

What good is the trap without a hunting ground?
Lately, I've been hunting for them in magazines outside of my usual interest.
Found quite a few muses there. Didn't even need to trap them.
They were already tame and could be petted.

Now if I could all herd them into a petting zoo I would be rich.
But that is another story.