Hello it's been a while. I am sorry for not keeping touch or posting. I have writers block for some reason. Some of you know I live in Zimbabwe which as might have read is in the news as the latest country to succumb to a coup. The army and airforce have decided to jump into the game because they lost a squabble in the ruling party.So they are subverting the peace and rule of law in an effort to 'stabilize' the country which is ironic considering that they have been huge part of making Zimbabwe the mess it is.
Everyone I know is fine but apparently there were explosions and shootings in our capital Harare. Now despite what you may have read Zimbabwe is generally a peaceful country and you can go about your life without being bothered, poverty levels are high and people are struggling but it's remarkably peaceful. Police are generally not armed and we hardly ever see soldiers. So to wake up and find out the country was under new management for the first time in 37 years was shocking. People are worried, I don't know what is in store but I am pessimistic about what will happen considering who the actors in this saga are.
Sorry to hear that.
I was reading a bit about their 90+ year old leader, so hopefully they will only take measures to get younger, and perhaps more able leadership in there? I hope that things work out well for you and the people there.
The problem is the guy they want to catapult into office is far worse than Mugabe. He is the author of the mass killings in my part of the country and has militias running around his own home town killing people who intrude on his 'territory' (gold mines that are closed but mined by small scale miners. You need to his permission to join in, protection fees and all that). People are so desperate to see Mugabe out which I get but the guy waiting in the wings will be worse. He isn't known as the Crocodile for nothing. If the coup is successful it means whatever arrangements they make with the opposition, the army will still be calling the shots, which I found disturbing.
Good luck and best of wishes!
Most of the time in such coups military try not to touch foreihpghners, but i've met several guys who had to run for their lives in such coups in other African countries... Be strong, be safe!
Touch keyboard on the tablet, actually...
Yes, it is annoying and sometimes eye just skips over words when first and last letters matches...
Whatever you do
please stay safe!
My thoughts and prayers for your safety will continue to outpour Sydney.
Stay safe and good luck.
I had heard of the situation and hoped it might improve things, but that may be unlikely.
I have an aunt who worked as a nurse in Zambia for many years, so I've long had an interest in the area.
Gillian Cairns