I like to keep an eye on my stories to see which ones are more popular. At present, that seems to be Totally Insane which at the time of counting, a few minutes ago, had a combined hit score of 17,500 for ten episodes. Looks like I'll have to keep it going a bit longer (or the death threats from a soon to be teenager, will start again!).
Thanks to everyone who has read it, commented or voted; if you did two or all three, many thanks or diolch yn fawr.
Cofleidiau (Hugs)
Angharad Synnu.

Quit bragging!
And start writing! ;-)
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Good on yer!
As our friends from down under would say.
It's nice to have your gasted flabbered, but I prefer it poached with knob of butter and some pepper.
You know this means at least another three hundred chapters?
Alas, I love youthful enthusiasim!
Soon to be teenager? I was not at all aware that there were members of the younger set here. Maybe I should unpub some of what I have written...maybe post it to another site, or even start my own. On second thought, starting my own site is a sure sign of profound Masochisim.
Of course, some of my work would only appeal to those who have similar "buttons". This from a person who has been recruited to mentor youthful GBLT folk. I wonder who is going to be mentoring who here.
I have not been following "Insane". Now you are giving me great incentive to start.
Congrats Ang
Don't worry, Gwen
The "soon to be a teenager" Angharad refers to is my daughter who transitioned when she was nine. She does not have access to the site, but gets the stories via me, who downloads certain ones that are suitable and we read them together at bedtime every night. She loves "Bonkers" as she calls Totally Insane as well as Angharad's Bike although I do have to edit some bits out of that. She also loves Kaleigh's Marcie stories and Gabi's stories about Aunt Greta.
Our reading time together is very special to us, and my child likes to read about other people like her.
PS. Don't let your flabber get too gasted, Ang, or it might show :)
That's so beautiful! *huggles* I can't imagine how hard that must have been, you go girl ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Favorite Stories
[email protected] Although I have enjoyed the stories that you have posted here , I most enjoyed SAFU . I ,for one , would like to see a continuation of that story .
Cavrider----Just another " Grunt."