Blog About:
Last few weeks have been a living hell for me, luckily I have a friend like Shadowsblade that I normally talk to daily and and is willing to listen to me rant once in a while :)
This story was a way of me venting my frustrations on the situation I have found myself currently part of. The main character was one I got an idea for some time back that I had plans on using in a different story (and still may do so)
Having been too tired to worry about a title I used the title of the character bio, so if anyone has any idea of a better name for "The changling" let me know :)
If it was good enough for George Scott and Clint Eastwood, why bother?
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Minor improvement
Changeling is spelled with an 'e'. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I liked the story
As for titles, how about"Ah, To Be young again!".