I'm running into a problem with my Jessica Jade novel. She's a spin-off character from 'The Wildcats' books. I really could use some wise and sage advice on direction. I have some decisions that need to be made and I need help defining the book I want to write.
I have a lot down on paper which is not the problem. I need a plumber to help me with the flow.
If you have the time or the inclination, I could use some help.
Send it to me.
Give me a rough idea of what you want me to help you with regarding that, and I will give it an initial look over, likely tonight or early tomorrow.
Trust CPG
She's very highly skilled and well qualified to assist you. If you still need more help, and if she has the time (or still frequents the site), Sephrena Lynn Miller has a vast collection of resources, some of which are at the bottom of the page, which you can tap in to. She is one of the main people involved in helping me to mature into the writer I currently am and is a valued friend and mentor to me.
*Kisses Always*
Haylee V
That would be wonderful
If you email me at [email protected], I'll send you the first chapter to read and we can go from there. I'll be happy to give you my big problems from there. THX LM