After seeing the new comments about SEE, I decided to reread myself. The first two chapters were fine, but everything after that is blank. What gives?
I posted an update less then 30 min. after this that everything was back and sumerized there must have been a hiccup somewhere along the way. That was on my laptop/main computer. Now I'm on my tablet and that previous update is not there. :-(
No problems
Works fine for me.
The internet hates me
See my update and Dawn's explaination.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Known problem
This is a known problem due to synching of the servers. You can clear your cache and it will probably clear up. Or just come back later. Also, if you are reading it from the start, just use the links at the end of each episode to get to the next one.
But - but
I was using the links! :-)
I suppose my o-l-d laptop/desktop is trying to tell me something. And the Interwebz hate me! But it HAS to last a little bit longer, please! There's no money for a replacement. I've been very indecisve, O2 or a cheap refurb.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
It really seems to be on our end
The servers get out of sync and corrupt the cache. Only solution seems to be we will have to buy faster servers. Not this week.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I had this problem too.
I'll reply here so that Erin will see this too. When I reached chapter 37 it had no words. Chapter 36, 38 and onwards were find but 37 continued to be empty. I switched to a different browser and then to my phone and it continued to be empty. About 3 hours later it had words again.
I can definitely say that all of the chapters up to 56 have had words at some point in the last few days. I'm doing a marathon read of it and outside of the resulting sleep deprivation I am finding it to be an awesome book. And I still have so many more chapters left to enjoy. Woot!
I havent had any difficulties like that
just finished chapter 72, and no problems with the chapters, although I have had a lot of "there was an error, please wait x seconds and try again" errors when I have left comments.
Big Closet does have a known bu
Big Closet does have a known bugUsually clears in a few minutes