Au Revoir

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So Welcome to Yorkshire, the latest Gaby chapter is now up for your delectation and delight!

Not 100% sure when i'll get to post more - it may be a fortnight (which apparently is an old word no longer in general use - yeah what I thought to!)

Best wishes to anyone caught in weather, just don't send it my way as i'll be in a tent for several nights this week!

Anyhow - i'll see you all when I get back from my trip.



Several nights...

Daphne Xu's picture

... in a tent, and one night in a fort?

Anyway, have a nice vacation. I'm sure no hurricanes will come your way.

-- Daphne Xu


Maddy Bell's picture

its 2 nights on a ship, 4 in a tent and 2 just up the road from a real live Fort!


Madeline Anafrid Bell