...then media manipulation in the US is worse than I thought.
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
...then media manipulation in the US is worse than I thought.
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It is true. My hometown was
It is true. My hometown was one of the first stations Sinclair had a station in and there local news so very slanted. The worse was the commenters which they tried to make people believe were in the local studios. In the 80’s Sinclair made all their local stations have the same exact set. This was so the must run segments looked like they were not syndicated to many markets.
Comedy programs in the US are more factual with the news than some news outlets. A couple of years ago they did a poll and found out that people who watch the Daily Show and the Colbert Report were more informed on currents events than people who watched Fox News..
What is sad is when I lived in the states I depended on the Guardian, BBC News and CBC to get my news on US Politics. I trusted comedians who admitted that they were doing a comedy show to give me the facts more than some news outlets.
Feels True
The second time that George W. Bush won, most people I know were dumbfounded. American press seems to have been very manipulated since then or before. The American Republican party changed a lot in the 90's and early 2000's. The atmosphere here has grown less bipartisan. I'm doubtful of America surviving 20 more years.
I believe it.
I live in Canada. We get a lot of US news. It's easy to compare it to Canadian news. The US mainstream news is extremely slanted. The scary thing is tat Canadian news, while no where near as bad, is pretty slanted too. A naval officer friend of mine served in the last several wars. All sorts of things happened that should have been reported and weren't. I do get the impression that Canadian news still has lots of omissions but nowhere near as many blatant lies.
I have heard that mainstream Canadian news sources are controlled by 8 people/families. That's a pretty small number.
(Note that during Prime Minister Harper's time, Canadian news was very inaccurate.)
Truthfully, Britain has much better and more accurate mainstream news about what is going on in Canada.
No. There are very few news outlets that I trust enough to take seriously. CNN certainly isn't one of them, nor is Fox News, they are basically the opposite sides of the same coin, being the mouthpiece of thier respective ideologies. As are all the other major news outlets in the US.
I usually listen to BBC world news, and read the Guardian on occasion. Not to say that the BBC doesn't put their own slant on things, it's just easier to filter out.
yeah i saw the John Oliver piece
wasnt too sure on how accurate it was, but this article gives much more detail, at least that i remember.
i thought the FCC was there to NOT let this kind of thing HAPPEN?
Teresa L.
John Oliver is usually very
John Oliver is usually very accurate. Similar to the daily show and their ilk.
They have to be as they have huge "sue us" targets on them.
Alerting people to a fox in the henhouse
isn't a hit piece against chickens. And no I'm not saying Americans are chickens,
although many seem to be ostriches...
~Jefferson or somebody
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Glass houses?
Show me a country that doesn't have a press that's full of op-ed fluff. I mentioned the BBC as being worth watching, but England has a pile of news outlets that seem to cater to the percentage of the population that lacks critical thinking skills. And don't get me started on the State controlled joke that is the Russian news services now-a-days.
Certain people like to denigrate Americans for Electing Trump, they keep forgetting what the alternatives were. We were tired of the Oligarchs running for election saying one thing during the election, and doing what they pleased afterwards. we've weathered poor leaders before, and will again.
Nope the oligarchs are now firmly overtly running the show now
The corporations needed to be a bit more subtle in the past, in how they buy their favorite representative or senator, now they have offices in the same building, so to speak.
I voted for Hillary and I think she would have done a fine job, certainly no worst then the shrub or senor naranja who left his white hood at home apparently on the campaign trail, but the alt-right saw the wink and a nod all the same.
Instead of getting a person of presidential timber, we get a termite ridden 2x4 of balsa wood.
The intrusions into our civil liberties will only get worse under this administration, mark my words.
There are sensational journalists on both sides of the Atlantic. I'm sure everyone appreciates that. Humans are humans.
Look up "yellow journalism" and you're bound to find Pulitzer and Hearst who are revered, but who could have taught Rupert Murdock a thing or two.
I get fed up with CNN because their idea of a news channel is 5% news and the rest of the time editorial comment. When I took journalism in high school and college and wrote for the papers we were taught that opinion belonged on the editorial page . . . only. So much for that. Yet I watch them with the same rapt interest usually reserved for train wreaks. I even watch Wolf B who has to be one of the most boring people on the face of the earth.
No one is suggesting we "Yanks" have a larger than normal share of stupidity. We just have a president who seemingly takes pride in being out of step with logic and conventional wisdom. He's causing polarization like never before.
Believe it or not, I'm behind quite a bit of what he represents. Our infrastructure is in horrible shape. Our healthcare system is in dire straits. I read the other day that FRAUD is costing every person in the United States $5,000 a year in healthcare costs. You don;t see them doing much about that. And, that doesn't even cover the corrupt money paid to the politicians under the table. Our taxation system needs major reform. I couldn't vote for him, but I wasn't very happy about having to vote for Hillary.
You shouldn't take any of the posts on BC personally. It's not about you. Really.
I can understand how you feel, but I've been here long enough to understand where most people are coming from.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Very well stated......
And there is much content with which I agree. I am at times ashamed to admit that I am a Republican (a fact that was not true until recently), but I remain a fiscal conservative - even while I am quite liberal when it comes to social issues.
As a professional logistician, I have been pushing for increased infrastructure spending for years. Not only is our infrastructure beginning to crumble, it is out of date and no longer able to cope with our current level of transportation. If we wish to remain competitive with the rest of the world, we need to address this problem. Transportation costs currently represent about 50% of the total cost of nearly all merchandise. This will only get worse unless we improve our system.
Our health care system does need work - but simply taking coverage away from millions is not the answer. Short of a viable solution, we must stagger along with the status quo. Like many, I am not happy it's increased costs due to the current system. No one is really opposed to universal health care - but the question as always is how we pay for it. This remains the sticking point with many people.
As to the issue of insurance fraud, it is an unfortunate fact that there are people who will steal from any system, people who feel that it is owed to them for some obscure reason. As a person who has three doctor's in the family (one a surgeon), I have heard horror stories about the costs of malpractice insurance for decades. The fact is, that as long as we allow lawyers to get rich off of chasing ambulances this issue will never go away, and will continue to drive up health care costs. And unless we find a better way to validate insurance claims, false and inflated claims will never go away.
Oh, and by the way, I didn't vote for him either.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
I'm sorry that you feel that way.
There is no intention to insult or annoy Americans by posting this, I just wondered if people over there were aware of this article and its contents. I avoided expressing any thoughts I had about it for that reason.
The last time I checked the calendar.......
It was 2017 - but I'm beginning to think I was wrong. It's looking more and more like 1984.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
or 1884...
Yellow Journalism isn't anything new, google the Spanish American war, a War that was only fought because of a desire to sell newspapers....
But that was 1898.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
Yellow Journalism
Death of truth - It's all rather horrible and unfortunately, with the dozen of different ways for a new service or a group to spread their version of 'the truth' according to their leanings, it's going get worse.
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
We Have Murdoch In Australia
70+% of our so-called "news" is controlled by Rupert Murdoch and I am nervously awaiting the day when his outlets manage to infuse the funnies and the sports coverage with "opinion".
His outlets and other commercially owned organisations fight an unceasing propaganda war against the publicly-owned Australian Broadcasting Corporation which dares to promulgate unbiased news and is therefore accused of being "leftie". The latest move is to remove government restrictions which prevent a single commercial outfit from owning more than two out of three of the traditional news sources in any one area (i.e. newspapers, radio and TV) and to force the ABC to be "fair and balanced" in their news reporting. I don't know who defines "fair and balanced"...Dr. Goebbels perhaps?
True, as far as I can tell.
I haven't done a lot of research into it, but The Guardian article matches up with everything I've come across. In regard to the steps taken by Trump's appointee at the FCC to make it easier for Sinclair to expand, well, when you elect as President a man who is against the concept of regulated economies, don't be surprised if his appointees start to repeal the regulations that already exist. I believe in the boom/bust cycle of economics (look at the history, it's what has happened for hundreds of years), and that a regulated economy and aggressive social welfare programs are the only hope we have of lessening the impact of the inevitable market crashes. We should have never shut down the CCC and related programs developed during the Great Depression; they created jobs, they provided practical work experience, and they drastically improved our infrastructure.
John Robert Mead