When I promised my readers to post a second chapter this weekend if I got enough comments (I did) it made me think of this classic NatLamp cover from 1973. I remember buying a copy, not to save the dog, but because I bought every issue of that magazine. What impressed me was that in the next issue, the letter from the editor complained that they had sold most of the issues (it was the highest selling issue ever) but there had been a few returns from newsstands, so they let the dog have it.
Of course they hadn't killed it, but sadly a few years later some sicko tracked the dog down, and then killed it. No one was ever found on the crime. (I didn't know this until yesterday, researching the issue).
My connection to this was in the fact that the editors claimed they would kill the dog and then (said they) did. So I feel compelled to post another chapter on Sunday.
(This would be a much nicer story if not for that sicko.)
What really happened
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I love my editor. He was gone for a short while a week ago, and I started to panic. The last article was posted without Eric's contribution, and I had to go back and correct all the bits I had missed. And I thought I had been very careful in it, going through it three times.
The sadly funny part...
about that magazine cover is that in 1973 most thought it was funny and those that did not find the humor in it knew that they would never shoot a dog.
Print a magazine cover like that today and the ASPCA and every liberal organization that wants to scream their slogan for whatever their cause is on national TV from all across the country will be in front of the magazine's main offices waving picket signs protesting how the magazine promotes cruelty to animals.
Now Commentator's picture is promoting Cruelty to editors, I don't believe there is any organization that finds that offensive :)
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Now if the National Lampoon
Had used a lawyer . . .
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Then everyone would...
have wanted more lawyers on the cover :)
Q: What do you call a busload of lawyers going over a cliff with one empty seat?
A: A wasted space.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
The way I heard it was a two-parter:
Q: What do you call it when a busload of lawyers goes over a cliff?
A: A shame.
Q: And what if there's an empty seat?
A: A *crying* shame.
Feel free to substitute any explective you wish for crying. I find the F-word very effective here. LOL. :P
*Kisses Always*
Haylee V
The version I heard
...back when I was 10 years old in 1965 wasn't about lawyers.
And you can damn me as "pc" but I'm NOT going to repeat it.
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
As much as
I love commentator, I'm afraid she missed the mark on this one. Had she said politician or money-grubbing TV evangelist, though, I would have gladly given her as many kudos as the system will allow.
*Kisses Always*
Haylee V
Well they did
And those issues never sold which is why it went out of business in 1998.
Date corrected
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If you're referring to
If you're referring to National Lampoon Magazine, it folded in 1998.
Typo - because I actually looked it up and then typed it wrong anyway
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if they had replaced the dog with a lawyer no mags sold