Binary Life

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Yesterday, during the discussion of the military ban on Transgender a person who was anti-ban spoke to a newscaster.

He said that he’d served in the military and didn’t believe that trans people were a problem. He said, “You’re either a man or a woman, and once you’ve completed the transformation your become one or the other. End of problem.”


I wonder what percentage of our society believes that?

What is this utter fascination with a binary society?



There are a few reasons. It

There are a few reasons. It is a simple way to look at life and makes it so people do not have to think. One thing that most people do not like to do is think.The human brain is set up to see patterns. Our body is set up in mostly a binary fashion so we project that onto the real world. It is a shorthanded

Remember this There are two kinds of people in this world: Those who believe there are two kinds of people in this world and those who are like me, smart enough to know better.

10 kinds of people

erin's picture

There are 10 kinds of people in the world: those who can count in binary and those who can't. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Three Types

Daphne Xu's picture

Those who can count, and those who can't.

-- Daphne Xu

Well done

I haven't heard that one before, and its perfectly accurate too, nice pun


Only Octal matters. After 30 years, I can still do Octal sums. Sad really but some things stick like coding PDP-11 Assembler.

Let's see:

Haylee V's picture


Or, to quote the eulogy scene for a robot, from Futurama: 10100101010... 2!

*Kisses Always*
Haylee V

What about ...

... the sixteen types who count in hex? :)

Although we 'know' that gender can be fluid at the extremes, for the vast majority it actually isn't. That majority just never need to consider the fluidity unless they come across it their lives so perhaps it's understandable that such attitudes are prevalent. They aren't malicious but understandably ignorant.

I was born way back in 1940 and throughout my school days and teens I never met a gay person. As far as I was concerned they were so rare as to be almost none existent. Of course I now realise that there were probably quite a few in my year at school and in workplaces they were just 'in the closet'. I thought my interest in TG issues were unique. How wrong could I have been?

Times change and the availability of mass information sources like the 'net are very, very new and I speak as one who has been involved in electronics and computing all my working life. We should be understanding whilst expecting those in ignorance to extend their understanding, too.


goes to prove what the what the real silent majority feels

MadTech01's picture

When I was hearing the response of the Military people to that Tweet of the Orange Clown, it gave me pride.
IT goes to show you that once you have shed blood together people start to loose pre-existing prejudices, and we were at war for a long time where people who were transgender started to come out after they got back or were expressing who they felt they were every day they were in combat zones where they did not have to grab the dress uniforms.

The problem just like the lash-back on gay marriage by that female court clerk and these bathroom bills, goes to show what that very loud minority will try and do. The hope with the original tweet was probably to get the media and people like Caitlyn Jenner to react on TV, and as such rally his evangelical base with red meat as it were. But that is not what happened it was the military people who responded, those who had sacrificed real blood and sweat for this country, they were the ones to respond. And its real hard to rail against something when the people you are railing against are the ones who make it possible for you to have that opinion in the first place.

"Cortana is watching you!"

For the "Smaller" thought

tmf's picture

“You’re either a man or a woman, and once you’ve completed the transformation your become one or the other. End of problem.”

It is a good way to put it for all the peoples that do not face the problem.
A) you got a problem - You are different.
B) Work at "Fixing" the problem - You're a freak.
C) Problem "Fix" - You are "NOT" different, You Fit.

Simple, but that might help in some way with some of the main stream masses.

Hugs tmf

Peace and Love

The nutty binary model

The binary model comes from "and God created them man and woman", and that might have been true, pre-"fall". After that, 6000 or 100,000 years ago, we fell into genetic chaos. Not saying I believe all that but a majority of western culture does. When I was in Thailand, this gender meddling is a money maker for them.

In my case, there is medical proof that I was never male or female, but both, um or neither, being XXY. Hmmm maybe in a few generations we'll have forgotten all about stupid crap like that?

It works for some of us

Angharad's picture

While I accept it doesn't for everybody, it did for me. I realised eventually what the problem was, though I was reluctant to accept it for some years, then once having decided what to do about it, set off to achieve it. That was back in 1986 and I haven't really looked back since, the 2004 gender recognition act finished the job by giving me full legal status as female.



'Binary' suits the lawyers, - the bureaucrats, - the doctors, - the government, - the architects, - the planners, - the educators, and just about anybody else who thinks of everything as having to be neatly filed, and pidgeon-holed, to suite their oppressive misconceptions. It's the way of the heterosexsist world and nothing will change their lazy, blinkered perspectives.

I'm just glad I run my own business and don't have to 'kow-tow' to their ignorance.


Lawyers - Black and White vs Grey

It all depends upon which side you are on.
For the prosecution it is all black and white. Did this perp commit this crime. Yes or No.
For the defence it is all about the grey bits. The greyer it becomes the more likleyhood of a non-guilty verdict.
Both sides lie with a straight face. They do what their client pays them to do. They can flip at a moments notice.
Their minds must get really twisted over the years.

7 bits

See The Seven Sexes. Binary maybe, but 27=128 possibilities.