"Dear Diary:
I was sitting next to a middle-aged man wearing a skirt in the waiting area at the doctor’s office.
A nurse, who was also wearing a skirt, came out of the back and called the man’s name.
As he walked toward her, he exclaimed, “I love your skirt!”
Without blinking an eye, she replied: “Thanks! I love yours, too!”
They walked down the hallway together smiling."
Metropolitan Diary
By SETH HOY JULY 23, 2017
What sort of skirt?
Stop being a tease, I'm always fishing for compliments like that and I'm too old for thigh high minis and go for knee length or a little lower A lines and occasionally full circle and pleated.
If you've discovered something knew, I'm game to try it.
Something an editor would see
The question an editor would immediately ask the writer is - who is wearing the skirt?
If it was written deliberately to confuse the reader so the rest of the story would have more impact the sentence structure would be fine.
If that wasn't the writer's intent (which I suspect in this case is true) then an editor should never have let the sentence stand as is and I'm actually surprised the NYT editors let this slip by.
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