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Bru, read one of your stories, tried to leave a comment but this kept popping up instead

"The form has become outdated. Copy any unsaved work in the form below and then reload this page."

Before when it shut me down it would let me reload and comment. Now zilch. The Girls are still fighting Gremlins.

Can't take you up in the gyrocopter as ours are single person aircraft. However knowing you are a "water person" I probably ought to invite you out to the lake when we take the Hobie Cat out. Rest assured you will NOT see me in a bathing suit! Past Tense! Ever "fly" over the water at 10 or 20 MPH?
Love your little quirky stories.

Have fun with life, it's too short to take seriously


We're still having problems

erin's picture

More on this later but we seem to have found a bit of stability for a moment. Hope it lasts because all three of us will be AFK for an hour or two.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Looks lovely!

Never tried that version. I have done some sailing in small crafts but not like that. On the other hand, I may have more experience being below surface than on it. Can the Hobie Cat compete with a really good canyon though?

For a moment I thought you had come across one of my dark stories where I have blocked comments but from your description that's not the problem.

I'll see if I'll come up with something else soon. Perhaps something completely different, e.g. a 17th century royal love story? Or is that TOO cheesy?

Anything you write, I'll read...., Darling

BarbieLee's picture

Some people manage to write a complete story in a couple paragraphs. Others, such as myself, can't write a complete story in a couple thousand pages more or less. The telling of the tale and drafting of the characters is everything. Excellent example is the New Wonder Woman. Story started out great. BUT..., they made it into a cheesy movie half way through the picture. Brett and I were both disappointed. I won't buy the DVD. Gal Gadot is a beautiful actress with a wonderful accent. The movie needed more than that.

Stories, books, tales need more than gosh wow. They need stage setting, background, dialog, and action of the actors. By some magical spell binding, you manage to do all that in a few paragraphs. Everyone on this Big Blue Marble or Space Ship hurling through space is unique. Yet many stand out among all those individuals. You're one of those.

Insanity isn't that unique so I'm just another run of the mill, few bricks shy of a full load, person.

On a different note. The last time we had the Cat out? I was tacking diagonal with the wind. Yes we were flying. One hull on the water, the other six feet up in the air. Hit a wave and it porpoised. Nose submerged, flipped the Cat. Launched Kelli about eighty or ninety feet through the air. Cat wasn't on its side, it was upside down. Couple motor boaters came by. One of them rescued Kelli. It took a dozen people to right that puppy. Two of us were never going to get that Cat back upright. Not enough lead in the ballast if you get my drift.

Life was meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out. Grab hold and live it. Don't look back and wish you had.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

I beg to differ on one point

I loved your "outraged schoolboy" comment-story.

Sure sounds like your are living life to the fullest. Keep flying in every possible way!

As for flattery (and bribes): I eagerly accept anything but will not do anything in return.

And ... I almost was unable to post this comment!