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It occurred to me yesterday that part of the reason people find bereavement so difficult is down to a lack of knowledge. Over the last couple of weeks we've come into contact with various agencies and I have to say they've all made things as easy as possible. However it's been a bit of a game of join the dots - take this, go there, ring this number - oh i'm not complaining but at times its not helped having to wait to see people because you need paper A to get paper B to get result C.

I know that I will probably have to go through this again in the not too distant future, hopefully our experiences this time will ease things next time.

More later - you do want Gaby today?





One of the difficult things with dealing with a bereavement is due to the fact that in UK we do not discus this we tend to take an out of sight out of mind attitude, until it happens to us.

We have a lot to deal with at a time of bereavement and not least is our own loss, there is lots of paper work to fill in to get for A to Z vi B C .......

Fortunately, or may be unfortunately, when our parents died my brother did all the paper work for both as he was the senior sibling.


Fancy a bit of writing?

The Z-to-A of Bereavement?
It would help me a lot as I will have to go through this myself as Mum is 95.
And a few others as well.


Maddy Bell's picture

I will just do that!


Madeline Anafrid Bell