In terms of longevity, it seems my series on the trials and tribulations and occasional triumph of Cathy Watts, other wise known as Lady Cameron or the Dormouse Lady, has become something of a feature on BC, which I think readers only give kudos or make comments out of sympathy for the poor deluded author and her two cats - the fact that she talks to them (the cats--who else?) demonstrates beyond doubt that she's either barmy or a witch or even a barmy witch. In real life she's neither, or so deluded she doesn't notice.
On the 16th of July 2017, Bike celebrates ten years on postings, quite how or why we've got to this stage is probably the domain of a very bored PhD student, but in three weeks we shall be there and I shall post episode three thousand two hundred on or before that date, so a sort of double celebration. I'd like to thank my readers, all three of them, for sticking with my ramblings which I'm told occasionally educate or even entertain and that the world knows more about dormice than it did before I started. It may even know a little more about bicycles as I have been known to have close personal contact with both dormice and bicycles, though not at the same time, I hasten to add.
I should also like to thank our long suffering web hostess, Erin, for her patience and support without which it would not have been possible. It was once mooted that she was going to publish Bike as an ebook but I presume she's been too busy trying to keep the site afloat.
There have been times when I've thought about ending the series and have actually attempted to, but to my astonishment have received notes from readers saying how important it is in their lives, which is one of the most humbling things I've ever experienced and another reason it is still extant. I accept it isn't everyone's cup of tea and some are put off by the length - to those, I'd just say try it for a while and if you don't like it, you won't have lost anything but an odd hour of your time. In posting over three thousand episodes most of which take up to two hours to write, I've given substantially more time to it and for which I've received no payment, which is fine because I haven't asked for one. It's my gift to the site which if you have enjoyed please support Erin's plea for donations, which we desperately need.
Finally, I will try to honour the decision of my readers to keep it going as long as I'm able or they want me to continue. In mitigation I would add, that I lead a very busy life which sometimes gets in the way of my creative urges, so a daily effort is less likely these days, but I'll keep doing what I can.
In peace and love to all of you at BC.

Record setting
This has got to be a record for longest running serial story KUDOS
May I gently point out that when Angharad posts the 3,200th episode she will have:
1. Written over 4,000,000 words.
2. Written a story nearly seven times longer than 'War and Peace'.
3. Created a touchstone that many of us look to each morning or evening.
4. Made us paranoid about cute but evil little furry critters diving into our cleavage.
Non sum qualis eram
I am still loving this story.
Maybe Cathy needs some new goals in her already overtaxed super busy life? At first it was transitioning. then getting her degreeNow she is a full professor, what is left?
What could be tougher?
Non sum qualis eram
A steadying effect
Over the years, the tale has contributed to my well being, and I am thankful for that.
Thank you.
On the schedule
An ebook of Bike is still being planned. :)
And congratulations.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thanks for a great ten years of Cathy and her adventures.
I have been reading from day one. It is the first story I look for each time I check in.
Thank you for your efforts and endless imagination that has brought joy to us all these years.
I talk to MY cats...
So what are you trying to say???
Fairly sure
that this was the first BC story that I read though it was another cycle related tale which brought me here. It starts the day off on a good note when there is a new chapter up on the screen - unless the late night reading caught it at the other end! Ang I hope you don't mind the mangled saying, but may you want to as long as you, er, want to.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Ten years?
It can't Be! But, I guess it is, so just keeping on writing about Cathy and her family, and hubby who I suspect winds her up more than she knows, or at least is telling us. I and the other three fans ( you are bound to have more than That!) will continue enjoying this story as long as you are able to write.
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
If there was any justice....
you would have received a gong, maybe even a Damehood in the Queen's Birthday Honours. Instead they are given to sports people or 'entertainers' whose contribution to society would not be missed if they had never existed. I hope you keep on writing as long as you have a mind to, and maybe the Guinness Book of Records will acknowledge your achievements. 'Dormouse' has to be the longest running serial with a transgender theme.
Congratulations on your achievement Dame Angharad!
Well, as everyone no ....
... there's nothing like a Dame :)
As I recently commented to Ang in a PM, some things make me realise just how old I am (and not only that a 50 mile bike ride knackers me) and this 10 year anniversary is one of them. Never the less, I'm filled with admiration and awe.
To those new people who find the story's number count overwhelmingl, I can only note that I did as well, when I first found BC. Eventually I did break down and go back to read it at number1. I am so glad I did. I actually think the first 100 or so episodes were the best, as new characters were still being added.
Since then I have gone back and reread the entire thing again, up to the black times for Danny, which I decided no to revisit.
In all, I really recommend new readers start off on it, and others to consider a reread.
Thank you so much!
Everybody talks to cats, don't they? It's perfectly normal. Required by our feline overlords, actually.
I've loved Bike since I first discovered it, and went back to read it from #1. As long as you find the inspiration, time and energy to write, I'll be there to read it.
Thank you so much for the hours of enjoyment you provide us and your support of this site!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
I have to say
When I joined the site there was already over 2000 chapters of Bike already posted and kept telling myself not to read it due to its length. I also thought that there was no way anyone could keep a story going for so long and keep it interesting.
I finally began reading bike a couple months ago on my phone during those twiddle your thumb times I have at work while I sat waiting on a computer to complete a task. Between the short chapters and my reading speed (which is quite fast) Bike has become my goto for those times when I am trying to patiently wait for a program or an update to install.
Not only have I found Bike entertaining, It's so addictive I find myself wishing that the updates and installs that I preform at work took longer so I had more time to read!
Angharad it's been a great story so far (I'm up to chapter 2200) and I hope it never ends!
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
The Real and Imaginary
I think I had to catch up on about four years when I started to read bike. It was so much fun, and still is. I like the mix of the real and imaginary worlds, although that is not the case in Cathy's world. I enjoy the writing that is written from above a grade school level. You address real problems and mix them with humour (sic - written in deference) and compassion. I really do want to see the girls grow up and mature.
Thank you very much, Angharad,
For the absolutely amazing story known as Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
I've been a member here for not quite three years, and I didn't start reading Bike the first time until last winter.
I lost where I was at one point, so I started from the beginning again, and managed to catch up after about two months of steady reading. Since then, I've been reading the new pieces shortly after they come out, as it is always an enjoyable read.
As long as you keep writing Bike, I and your horde of fans (definitely a lot more than three. lol) will keep reading. Thank you.
Keep writing
And pass the jam when you're done with it. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Keeping on KEEPING on
Your off on your readership count by quite a bit. But no one could ever say that you have an big ego. You are a great witter, and have held us as your audience because of that.
Also I talk to my cats all the time, they have a most peculiar point of view, but still interesting.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Keep on pedaling (RL and time permitting)
Seems a long time ago when as a very covert visitor to this site I spotted a new story "Bike" episode 1, read it, and have read every episode since with the occasional major recap. Well done Ang keep with it and heartfelt thanks for the effort and time you pour into this story.
Buy, buy, buy
Unfortunately Amazon would make BC take down Bike if they put it on sale but I do wish there were a way, without losing new readers, of rewarding both Angharad and BC for bringing us such joy for so long.
Rhona McCloud
Oh yes
To me, the loss of all those comments would be a sin too.