Gaby Day

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Hey folks

As you might imagine things are a bit weird here in Gods Own atm, in an attempt at some normality I've posted you a new Gaby chapter today.

If my plans for the year weren't messed up enough with my health issues they've taken a new turn now as I've been nominated Dad's guardian so things are looking a bit weirded in my diary. Things are generally a bit better, but it seems Mum is everywhere, who can repair my curtains, who can I moan about Dad to, who's gonna ask me daft questions, share memories with? A week ago it was just a typical Wednesday, today there's a hole the size of the Channel.

Weddings and funerals, the two times most families come together and next weeks funeral will be typical of that, people I've not seen for literally decades, from diverse locations and branches of the family. Its going to be a simple affair, she never wanted any fuss and that at least we can give her. I need to stop crying, I don't think my eyes can take much more flooding!



Don't ever give up

Yes it's hard! In your mind listen to the Drill Sargeant telling you that DID I SAY THAT YOU CAN STOP
""NOW GET UP AND MOVE YOUR ARSE"" Believe in yourself and Don't let sadness stop you from doing
what you have to do " writing pays the bills" most important BELIEVE IN YOURSELF

This is where I'd normally

suggest a bike ride with more than a few decent hills to get things out of your system but as you can't ride at the moment, I won't. Besides, it is too hot for us wimps.

Take it easy and don't rush to get things done.


Maddy Bell's picture

I really, really needed to do that last week! but times move on, back to the quacks next week after the funeral


Madeline Anafrid Bell


Podracer's picture

We appreciate the new fare - if it helps to do stuff like that then I'm glad, don't spare us too much effort if you need it elsewhere for now though will you? And if you need a shoulder or a hug, you know where we are.

"Reach for the sun."

You are trying to

keep your life on a normal everyday footing by posting your stories the way you do, there is a big whole in your life at the moment which you are coping with in your individual way.

It is hard and difficult it does help to get back into a routine as soon as possible if you do not it gets harder to do so.

It is easy to give advice rather than receive it and I have had both given to myself.

Love and Hugs
