every damned month for help in keeping Top Shelf open and running smoothly! It pisses me off more than I can say and it frustrates me beyond anything else in my life and it hurts me that, because of a lsck of funds, Erin is reduced to not paying people that NEED to be paid and has bankrupted herself in the process of providing us with this wonderful place!
Yes... I know that there are those of you who donate regularly and some who give quite a bit individually and believe me, I appreciate you more than I can express...but! There are those who can afford a buck or two and yet don't lend a hand! I know that a lot of us are in pretty dire financial straits and even a dollar might make the difference between paying our own bills and keeping food on the table.
I'm taking a measly 5 bucks out of my account today and I'm BEGGING all of you. Give just one damn dollar to try to get Erin and Top Shelf out of a tough spot!
Folks, I cannot tell you anymore about a plan to get and keep Top Shelf out of the poorhouse and more, but it IS in the works and, if it works, well, use your imaginations.
So c'mon folks. Go to the one time gift section and send a buck or two if you can spare it. Things ARE in the works and one dollar won't even buy a cup of coffee or a cold can of Pepsi any more, but a bunch of one dollar gifts will keep Erin out of the poorhouse and the Site online!
Catherine Linda Michel
To be fair
The last couple of months has been above average in contributions. People have taken Erin at her word that she needs help. Granted she (Piper really) still needs more support and that should be provided but if there is a plan to fix it, by all means let us know. I am sure if there is a light at the end of the tunnel, I'm sure all of the regular contributors would be willing to dig deep to get that plan 'over the hump'.
The light at the end of the tunnel
By the end of Augst, or at the latest, September, BC's finances should be in much better shape as the income from Doppler Press will be significantly higher than it has been in the past. This whole thing has been caused by $5000 in unexpected expenses and another ~$5000 in expected but extraordinary expense.
And yes, we've been collecting two weeks ahead of time for the last few months in order to bridge the financing gap. I've also re-maxxed out my credit cards and spent savings after having paid some of them down and had a few bucks in reserve.
Thanks to everyone.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Voluntary Contribution is a Key Part ...
... of the BC business model. So, whatever comes needs to adhere to that model.
Why reticence of the vast majority of visitors to donate? Can't be mostly lack of $.
Could it be the "anonymity of the internet" and the likelihood that many readers at BC are "in the closet" and invested in preserving their anonymity. It is hard (other than sticking a few greenbacks in an envelope and hoping it makes the trip intact) to transfer money with anonymity!
How about a few recipes for anonymous transfer of a few dollars?
Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.
I am providing $100 to $200 a month because I owe this site so much in so many ways. I'm just waiting for the lottery to come through, so I can bail them out.
can't send yet this week.
I sent 2 payments of $25 last week and the week before, alas I can not send more right now because I have my insurance due in 3 days. After Friday I might be able to help again but I do not know yet.
"Cortana is watching you!"
Send What I can
when I can and I know its not a lot, Erin does say it all helps.
We often visit sites like this and we forget like many things in this world it costs money to keep them going and its true there
is not such thing as a free lunch, it has to be paid for somewhere, sometime or we all go hungry.