This is a quite moving piece on the BBC about someone who is transitioning MtoF. The come from a farming family in Wales and the piece is told by the family of Llyr.
I found it quite moving how accepting they were even though the father is obviously having a hard time calling his son 'she'. I expect that will come over time.
Then you get the other side of the coin where Margaret Court, the former Tennis Player calling people who are Trans, the work of the Devil.
Get over it, Court
Renee Richards was news long ago. Time for Ms. Court to move on with her life.
Some might say
that Ms court has moved on from a Tennis Player to what become a Preacher.
but yes, she needs to get real.
Society Causes This
Culture is illogically committed to the idea of a binary gender construct, and that causes issues for those who feel parts of both or perhaps even the opposite of the visible biological gender. In western culture this is of Biblical origin, but gender non conforming folk are often treated badly throughout the world. Perhaps evolution has heretofore schooled us to screen for the most reproductive pairings, and somehow earlier Homo Sapiens got morality involved, however illogical.
Perhaps in the next iteration of evolution this will ease?
Evidently Ms. Court was similarly enlightened on race relations.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
A touching story and ...
... rather sensitively handled by BBC.
Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.
Broadcast as a BBC
Broadcast as a BBC Documentary - Sweet Sixteen: A Transgender Story.
Available on cable, BBC America, and PBS?
I think her parents were incredibly brave
to be prepared to face cameras and the world like this to show their support for their daughter.
As for Margaret Court, the least said the better and religious bigotry just about sums it up.
Kind of frustrating
When the following pops up.
BBC iPlayer only works in the UK. Sorry, it’s due to rights issues
Yes, I "could" get around these blocks but it takes time to reset the links and nodes where my computer tells the ISP I'm in the UK. I'm not ready to tell the world I'm going to take over the world and be your leader. Maybe next time? Or not.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I could watch it in California
She's a beautiful young woman. Interesting, though, how much taller she is than her parents. And I found the Welsh accent delightful.
So Could I...
...assuming you mean the four-minute feature. Even had an American ad (Microsoft Cloud) preceding it.
Eric (also in California)
No ad for me
No ad preceding the feature for me. I have AT&T DSL Internet service, if it makes a difference.