Warning about Tech Help on line

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I was having trouble with my HP printer. I went on-line to their site and got a dialog box. They informed me that a tech would be calling in a few minutes.

When the person called, I was having trouble understanding what he said, but he wanted to check my computer. I reminded him my computer was fine and he insisted, so I relented. Soon, he had control of my computer and found the problem in my processor? He said he'd fix it, but it would take 60 to 90 minutes.

I told him no thanks and broke the connection. THIS IS A SCAM! Never let someone fix your computer remotely unless you know the source. It's the never ending service scam that can cost you major money!


Been there, done that

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I recently bought a new network printer, an HP. When you go to their support site a pop up turns up that warns you about such scams. I guess that many people have complained.

In the past I've encounter the very same scam. I asked him how much it would cost. I was told $90.00 USD. But that was years a go. Just like you, I opted to sever the connection.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

horrible people

My mother has fallen for that scam twice.

Don't just type "tech support" into your web browser and hope you get good people.


Alecia Snowfall's picture

In the literature that comes with your equipment should be the number or website for technical support. Don't trust search engines, they are paid to promote a site, even the scammers.

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall


mountaindrake's picture

they call say we are from Microsoft your computer is sending out error messages want remote control to fix the registry they lock your computer until you pay them and they will lock it periodicaly for more money. I have 6 computers given to me because of that the fix is old school re-partition and reformat your hard drive put in new clean install of your OS. have a good day and enjoy life.by the way Microsoft dose not call you .

Have a good day and enjoy life.

they finally quit

Alecia Snowfall's picture

they finally quit calling me, I told them "I have no internet since I haven't paid the bill for two months, by the way, how did you get error messages?" yeah, they quit calling. The dumbasses.

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall

Boat horn...

I have found that a boat horn directed into the telephone mouth piece does wonders for getting off call lists, including political calls.

I just say,

I don't have a computer you ignorant Sh1t

What 's a computer?

Something in French or German or Icelandic

and hang up.
They are just about the only calls my landline gets these days.


I was reliably informed

that these 'Microsoft' callers are allocated 7 minutes to a call. My record for keeping them on the line is currently 24 minutes and 7 seconds.

One other question I start the conversation with is: "Which of my six computers are you talking about?"


"That's interesting! Can you please give me your company address? I want to make a note of it." Then follow up with: "Is that the post code?" and nine times out of ten they don't know diddly squat about either UK postcodes or Swiss ones. One time they said the company address was King's Road, London. So I asked what house number and they said 10176.

The highest house number in the whole of Britain is in the two thousands, and in London much lower than that.

And then there are the descriptors for which part of London, which he knew nothing about.

So I decided to string him along and kept him talking for over 15 minutes!!!!!


Stay Safe

Whenever you need help for anything like this, search for a forum. The chances are, whatever your problem, someone else has had it before.
Every issue I ever had, when I used Windows, was fixed this way. I've just have far fewer problems since using a Linux based OS.

Good luck.


Looked up one of these 'services online'

OMG, lol, the website was written by someone whose English is their sixth language or something.

Never let anyone remote into your personal computer, never. Even when I have to allow company IT remote access it makes me vaguely queasy.

$ 200 poorer so far

This is a scam. They will steal, and keep on calling to steal



mountaindrake's picture

I can get a decent used system from the schools for that well at least for surfing the web. have a good day and enjoy life.

Have a good day and enjoy life.

for 200

you can get a chrome book from wally world. my wife has one and plays games, reads kindle books, social media stuff print greeting cards chrome books are not powerful enogh for my needs but serve my wife well she even uses it to check our security cameras so its pretty good for 200 and tax


Don't trust Google results at the TOP.

MadTech01's picture

Usually the results when you are looking for help with Google are paying to be at the top of those search results and you have to screen through them to find the actual manufacturer site.

Good rule of thumb is when you buy some new product, a printer, computer, monitor, etc... Bookmark the actual Manufacturers Website so that you can quickly get to there support in the future via the Web.

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