thank you for your help

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I want to thank all the readers for taking the time to read the first two parts of my novella, Taylor, and offering wonderful constructive criticism on how to make it better.**

When it's finished here, I will start again and make it a complete novel before I present it to Erin and the wonderful folks at Big Closet to publish and receive all the receipts. It's my way of saying thank you to Big Closet for everything they do to promote authors.

Speaking of promoting, let add another plug for Collected, my new novel up on Amazon. If you get a chance, please look it over. I'm real proud of the hard work I've put into this one.

**And I am still working on Taylor. I just uploaded a newer version of Part 1 after your direction and help. Just a few things, but important things nevertheless (I love that word!).

Thank you, Leslie

On Kindle
Kindle Link added by Erin