Stealing from Veterans

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I'm not going into depth on this article. I had a meeting with five veterans and this was mulled over. From what came out of that meeting is veterans are being systematically robbed of close to two billion dollars annually. Seemed like a chunk of change to me. We didn't go that far into how the total was figured. They pointed the finger at a lot of high profile figures dipping into this secret money scam. Judges, lawyers, politicians. I didn't understand the mechanics of this mess. After the meeting I dropped onto the web looking for more data. Seems a lot is being scrubbed so that raises red flags for me. Much of the data is being classified after veterans started questioning what was going on. More red flags. Obviously dealing with people in power. And I still don't understand how it works?

For all you vets and ones who are married to a veteran. You can start with the guy who opened this can of worms.

I truly despise the crooks and the injustice in this messed up word.


When it comes to conspiracy theories...

...people believe what they want to believe, regardless of the rationale.

Sure, if I wanted to believe this guy then I could, but as someone who is naturally cynical about these kind of 'facts' then I will pass. You'll need to find a more credible source of information to convince me.

Or . . .

. . . you can believe in Santa and the Tooth Fairy and a world where a system that handles billions of dollars isn't rife with corruption.

When we first went into Iraq after 9/11 there was a lot of talk about how our economy couldn't pay the benefits that would be owed to our vets. There were also many, many promises made so that we didn't have to have a draft. Politicians' feet need to be held in the fire when it comes to making promises they can't keep simply so they can feed the military-industrial complex.

No one seems to want a draft, but then we MUST meet the benefits we owe to those who protect us.

This might be B.S. or it might be one more indication of a wink - wink attitude of providing only those benefits tat we're forced to provide.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

still alive? pay back enlistment with interest

BarbieLee's picture

10,000 California veterans ordered to pay back enlistment bonuses: ‘I feel totally betrayed’
Became national news, gov backed off, many had already lost their homes, cars. Promises made to veterans, never kept. "They" promise everything to get men women to sign on. Once that signature is down, one has almost zero rights. They "own your life." I don't disagree with owning you. I do disagree with the lies and false promises to get that signature from young inexperienced kids fresh out of high school.


Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


Someone has broken down the RE codes on a serviceman's discharge papers! EYE ROLL! Yeah, someone who walks away with a piece of yellow paper that looks like it came off a legal tablet can expect to see RE-4 as their re-enlistment coding. No one wants to have someone with what amounts to a felony conviction in their work force? You get a Bad Conduct Discharge, sometimes referred to as a Big Chicken Dinner as the result of a conviction at a Courts Martial, like Bowe Bergdahl.

stealing from vets

mountaindrake's picture

2 billion is conservative. Hell that's only using denied medical. I will not go into the rest of the denied benefits. Look to the dems for biggest share of deflected funds to feel good do nothing for the people programs. I will leave you to this quote "hey now whats that sound everyone stop and take a look around"

Have a good day and enjoy life.

Here in the UK we don't have

jacquimac's picture

Here in the UK we don't have that sort of thing, servicemen and women are treated like 10th class citizens when the Govt have no further use for them and benefits are a joke If you are white anglo saxon born and bred in the UK you have 2 strikes against you and you can another if you served in the armed forces.
A country that has the sixth largest economy has between 80,000 and 150,000 ex service personnel living rough on the streets while imigrants , asylum seekers and refugees are given homes and benefits and not ever paid a penny a penny into the system. As a soldier I was once proud of my country but now I am ashamed of it as 23yr served retired vet

Vets are being stolen from

My father has MS n is a nam vet my oldest sister is his caretaker she told me last year she has been fighting n fighting with the VA to get his full benfits they keep claiming just because he can stand with someone supporting him he isn't 100% disabled. My sister's husband has been fighting with the VA the past 5 years evertime he starts to get some steady money come in his paperwork disappers and he has to start all over again. I got a buddy that before he got out of the army went through his paperwork with a lawyer that fights the VA with a fine tooth comb to make sure all his stuff was in order. He know needs back surgery but yet the va refuse's to pay for it even though they are suppose to. Another buddy same boat he can rarely leave his house cause his back is so bad he has to stay doped up on narcotic painkillers n muscle relaxers. They VA does nothing to help our vets they been bad for years but where given free regin this past adminstion.


This is my first note to the Big Closet. Family BarbieLee, your blog was selected due to your wonderful stories. I am retired military and enjoy your observance of the military life. I also live in Oklahoma and thru some research have tried to locate your home town. This is not a form of stalking but a desire to talk. I know this sounds weird and completely understand if you don't respond. With much admiration, a Vietnam Vet.