I am in need of serious help - about 2 years ago my muse packed her bags and deserted me part way through a story I was posting namely 'Lady in Waiting'.
Now she has returned and my dilemma is this - Do I carry on where I left of starting the story with a brief précis of the story to date? Or do I repost the story from the beginning?
Please help
Christina H
If the story is posted up to
If the story is posted up to this point, I assume it's still here. So I think you can simply continue where you left off, trusting your readers to find the earlier posts and read them if necessary. Of course, if you want to revise your earlier posts...
-- Daphne Xu
Trust them!
Daphne makes a good point but I turn it around. If you have to trust readers to go hunting for old chapters, some will but probably most won't.
If you publish part 3 of a serial I cannot ever remember starting, then I'm not even going to open it to read your explanation. If you publish part 1 then I probably will.
Reposting the first parts won't take much effort but will considerably increase your readers.
It is yours and your muses story!
If she demands you go back and tweak the story from the beginning, so she is willing to finish it, go for it.
"Cortana is watching you!"
Here they are
All 13 chapters:
Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site
Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs
Maybe a compromise?
Repost earlier chapters fast/soon, like a chapter per day. Post new chapters as they come?
(me personally? I have no trouble looking up first chapter(s) if I don't remember the beginning)...
In the teaser
Post links to the already posted chapters in the teaser.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
But that isn't going to solve the problem...
...of people like me who are not going to even open Part X of a story in order to read the teaser if they haven't read the story before or don't remember reading it before.
I access all my reads through the quick links near the top of the home page so don't see any teasers.