Details of actors-actresses in Whateley Universe

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For fun, isn't that what writing is all about? Unless we are trying to change the world. I started a Whateley Fan story. I bogged down when I realized I had no idea who all the main actors-actresses in the story were named.

Head of the school is Ms. Carson That's a no brainer.

Mrs. Horton Den mother for Poe

Security Captain Franklin Delarose

Ophelia Tenent Dr. Teacher, counselor

Anyone familiar with the others want to give me a heads up?

Besides Ms. Maggie Finson's Fey I'm only touching some of the other students in passing. Who can drop into the Whateley Universe and not meet up with the most beautiful, talented, gifted, cute Fey? I will try and send a proof to Ms. Finson for approval of how her Fey is invested in the story before I let it lose in the ether. No author should use another's actress without gaining permission. How can that permission be given if there is no script to read for consideration?

Ms. Finson, I will NOT misuse Fey's character. I still think you're the softest writer I have ever had the pleasure of reading. I fell in love with your Fey and then you as an author. If you say no go then I will honor your request. This is not the extent of Fey's part in the story, only a hint.

To all the great authors of Whateley Universe. I am not going to intrude. There is no way I could match the writing skills of such talent. This is a one off and may never be completed. (like more than a hundred other stories scattered across dead computers, hard drives, jump drives) I'm damn hard hard on electronics as my presence seems to fry them sooner or later. Usually sooner.

Have fun with life, you only get one chance to make this life cycle work so give it your best shot


Mindy was walking out of Poe Cottage and stopped. There were two girls walking toward her. One was dark skinned and gave off vibes like canned energy if it could be packaged. The other was an unbelievable beauty and definitely not a standard human girl. She had to be an elf. Or more precisely an elf princess.

Fey had her head turned talking to Toni when a feeling of something came to her. She didn’t have to scan far as “it” was dead ahead standing in the entry to Poe Cottage. Fey stopped.

When Fey suddenly stopped, Toni immediately turned her senses outward. She looked for trouble immediately focusing in on the same girl Fey was looking at. “Trouble?”

Fey shook her head. “I don’t think so. She’s…,”

Mindy walked toward the two girls. As she passed them she looked Fey in the eye. “Princess.”

Toni turned to watch the girl walk away. “You know her?”

Fey also had turned to watch. “Never saw her before now.”

“She called you Princess.”

“She probably calls everyone princess.”

A hint of a smile touched Toni’s mouth. “She didn’t call me Princess.”

Fey rolled her eyes. “Maybe next time.”


Interesting List

BarbieLee's picture

I didn't try to count the number of actors-actresses in or passing through Whateley. Let's just narrow the number down to "a lot". (there are over 1700)

Any good writer does hours, days, weeks, months, possibly years in research depending on fiction, no fiction, what genre, and how accurate to detail he or she seeks. I've read non fiction which should have been labeled fiction for all the lies and propaganda inserted as fact. I've read fiction which would have been labeled non fiction except for fear of litigation or death if labeled such.

Going through the list will take time as I'm only interested in a couple students ie Fey. The main permanent personnel, teachers, instructors, professors, security seems to be scattered randomly through the list. Finding the character I need, finding the story(s) he or she is in and getting a feel for the way their author inserted same in the story has to be done.

At the quiet girl's lack of quick answers, Ms. Carson, snapped. She rose from behind the desk, walked over to where the timid girl was now drawn up and cowering in her chair. "Your slow stupid answers will not be tolerated in this school."

She slapped the girl hard enough to knock her out of the chair and onto the floor. The shy girl curled up into an even tighter ball and began whimpering.

"STOP THAT CRYING! This school has no place for sissies." Ms. Carson opened the door and called to security. "Get this crybaby out of office and out of my sight!"


Obviously to all fans of Whateley this is totally out of character for Ms. Carson. Any author who would insert such maligned tale into a Whateley story would either be totally unethical or a really bad author not doing the research for said Whateley actress.

Thus I plod on digging for the right actors and actresses, researching their author's intent. It takes effort to drop into another persons universe and not make a mess of it. Maybe, cross my fingers, I won't screw up too bad.
thanks for the lead

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Feel free to stop by the

Feel free to stop by the forums in the Whateley Academy site... we've got a good community of Whateley readers and writers that are happy to help people... and a section of the forums geared toward fan-written stories that is only available to other authors so if you'd like to ask questions there it won't spoil your stories for future readers.

The list of Actors I needed

BarbieLee's picture

Valentine, thank you. It is the list of those who are in charge of what classes (subjects) I was needing the most.
The Whateley URL does NOT work for me for some reason. I have always had to go to Google, do a search for the name of who I want along with "Whateley" and follow the Google link into the story. Not sure if the software I'm running shuts down the links on the site as malicious or maybe the site is asking for info from my computer and again, link terminated. It only happens at the Front Door. Following Google into the story is no problem.
Following the links you give me is no problem. I'm allowed in.

To everyone who gave me links and heads up. Many thanks. I copied everything off to a worksheet so it doesn't get lost in the ether as this blog slides further down. Sometimes BCTS goes wonka on me and I can't access past blogs so yep, I have this data trapped now.
Many thanks
Hugs Hon

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Bad URL?

It sounds like you may be using the wrong address for the Whateley site... I know we went through here a while back and tried to get any wrong links taken care of... some still went to or and that site was attacked a while back and forced us to relocate and rebuild. I went through and worked with Chaosdancer to fix the ones we could and post links where possible to note the wrong address being used where we couldn't. The current site of should be working for you... is that the one you're having issues with?

Edit: Hmmm... weird. for some reason clicking on the link to the correct url which reads as above instead loads in my browser as an https link which DOESN'T work... if you take out the S it works fine... I'll look into that. clicking on the link in this Edit WILL work fine.