You're My Bitch Now part 4

You're My Bitch Now

Part Four

For what seemed to him to be the umpteenth time over the past few days,
Rick blushed scarlet and thought he would faint.

‘But I'm not wearing panties,’ he said, looking anxiously over his
shoulder to see if Steve was in earshot.

‘Don't worry about him, he's tied up on a call. Look, I know you are,
Rick. You were helping the moron from hell over there with something
when you knelt down beside his chair and your jeans gaped at the back. I
could clearly see a very pretty pair of panties, a thong to be exact.
They weren't boxers or tighty whities for sure.’

Rick wished a hole would open up and swallow him. He started to gasp for
air and his heart hammered inside his chest. His career here was
finished; they probably wouldn't even give him a reference. For Rick,
embarrassment and humiliation now seemed a way of life.

Rhona saw his distress. ‘Calm down Rick, I don't care what you wear, so
long as it doesn't interfere with your work here. It's none of my
business what you do in your private life. I just thought you should
know that other people could see what you're wearing.’

Rick started to breathe properly again. There was no point in denying it
any further, so he just mumbled, ‘It won't happen again, I promise.’

Rhona had always thought Rick quite a pretty boy when he was recruited,
but hadn't thought any more about it until she saw the panties peeking
out of the back of his jeans. He was a good technician, better than most
she had worked with, and for some reason she hadn't quite understood why
she liked him.

‘Are you gay, Rick?’ she asked, staring him straight in the eyes.

Rick's heart almost stopped. ‘Who, me? No, no, I'm not gay, honestly.’

Rhona took another bite of her doughnut and licked her lips. Rick
couldn't help but watch her tongue slip out and slide along her lips.

‘So then, are you trans?’ She wiped her lips and then her fingers on a
paper napkin. Rick's eyes dropped to the floor, he didn't know what to

‘I mean, Rick, what other reason would you have for wearing panties.
They're not your girlfriend's, as you don't have one. So, it's not as if
she gets a thrill out of you wearing her lingerie. You say you're not
gay. You share a flat with a guy, so I'm guessing they're not his...’

Rick's eyes flicked up and then away. Rhona did not miss the glance.

‘Well, well...’ A big knowing smile spread across Rhona's face and Rick
felt his insides freeze.

Steve interrupted them by shouting that he needed some help. Rhona
smiled and said, ‘Rick, be a sweetie and go sort out the idiot for me,

Rick scuttled away, his face still burning with embarrassment. ‘Shit,
shit, shit. I'm so fucked,’ he thought. ‘She'll tell everyone and I'll
have to leave.’

Steve had completely screwed up, and it took Rick a couple of hours to
sort out the mess. He had the uncomfortable feeling that Rhona was
watching him all the time. By the time he had finished cleaning up after
Steve's cock ups, it was time to leave. Steve disappeared quickly and
Rick was about to follow him out the door when he heard Rhona's voice.

‘Not so fast Rick. We need a word.’ Rick's heart sank, she's going to
fire me now he thought. ‘Let's go for a drink.’

‘Huh?’ He was taken completely off guard.

‘Come on. I'll buy, sweetie.’ She grabbed his arm and pushed him out of
the door. She kept hold of his arm all the way to the pub. Not the usual
one they used for a drink after work, but one further away he had never
been to before. They found a table in a quiet corner and Rhona fetched a
beer for Rick and a gin and tonic for herself. Rick had recovered his
wits by now and was determined to apologise and hope he might just get
away with not being fired.

‘Rhona, look I'm sorry about what happened. I promise it won't happen
again and I'll do anything, anything. Extra shifts, I'll do all the
shitty ones that nobody else wants to do. You name it and I'll do it.
You said I was a good team player. I need this job, please give me a
second chance. Please.’

Rhona sipped her drink before saying anything. ‘Rick, it's OK, don't get
your knickers in a twist.’ She giggled. ‘I'm sorry, that wasn't
deliberate, but come to think of it it's very funny given what you're

Rick was scarlet again.

‘Rhona, I promise you it won't happen again. It was a joke. I lost a
bet.’ He had been thinking how he could explain away the panties and he
thought he had come up with an explanation that Rhona would believe.

‘What bet?’

‘Yesterday, I told you I went to the football. We had a bet, whoever's
team lost would have to pay a forfeit. I lost, and he said I had to
wear these panties to work.’

He felt the full force of Rhona's stare. ‘I suppose he has girls’
panties lying around the flat in case someone loses a bet?’

‘Oh, I think he said they belonged to an old girlfriend. She had left
them behind.’

Rhine took another sip of her drink then leaned towards him. ‘Rick,
that's the biggest pile of bullshit I've heard in a long time.’

‘No. no. it's true, it was a bet.’ Rick was panicking now, and his voice

Rhona's eyes were fixed on his and he felt transfixed by her stare.
‘Tell me about your flatmate. You know, the one who makes you wear
panties. Oh, I mean for a bet, of course.’

‘I told you it was a bet, and I lost and I had to wear the
panties...that's all it was.’ He was gabbling and wanted to disappear
into a hole in the ground.

‘What's his name, this flatmate of yours?’ Rhona wasn't going to let up.

‘Chris, his name's Chris. He works in a bank.’

‘So you said. Has he got a girlfriend?’

‘No, no he hasn't.’

‘Is he gay then?’

‘What? No. I mean, I don't know. How should I know?’

‘Well, he makes you wear his panties. You did say they were his panties,
didn't you?’

Rick was now so flustered he couldn't remember what he had said.

‘Yes, I mean no. They're his ex-girlfriend’s panties.’

‘It's a bit of an odd bet, isn't it? I mean, I could have understood it
if you had to buy the next round of drinks, or to pay for you to go to
the next football match. That's what blokes do. But, to make you wear
girls’ underwear for losing a bet? And you did it too, Rick. I have to
say that all sounds a bit gay to me.’

‘We're not gay!’ Rick almost shouted and then went red as a couple of
people looked over at him. He dropped his voice. ‘We're not gay.’

Rhonda smiled, ‘OK, OK, Rick. You say you're not gay. It wouldn't matter
to me if you were. You do know this is a gay pub, don't you?’

Rick whirled round to see for the first time that the customers were
couples, some female but mostly male. ‘Well, I'm not gay,’ he hissed.

‘If you say so, Rick.’ Shell earned back in her chair and gave him
another starching look. ‘Let me tell you what I think. I think your
little flatmate is playing games with you, and you're going along with
him. You don't know what you've got yourself into. Well not quite yet,
anyway. I'm sure you're going to find out soon enough.’

Rick blushed to his roots. Rhonda smiled, ‘I can see I'm right, Rick. I
wonder what Chris has got planned for you next. Oh no, that's right, it
was just a bet, wasn't it?’

Rick couldn't look at her. ‘I told you it won't happen again.’

‘Listen Rick, I don't care what you wear as long as it doesn't affect
what you do at work. I'm not going to report you to HR or fire you or
whatever you think I'm going to do.’

Rick felt elated, but then slumped back into his seat. ‘There's a but
coming, isn't there?’

Rhona smiled. ‘Well, maybe a small one. I won't do anything about today
so long as you turn up wearing panties to work, at least until I tell
you to stop.’


‘It's very simple, sweetie. You wear panties to work and we go on as we
have done. No rubbish shifts, no having to do the shitty jobs. But, you
have to wear panties under your clothes.’

‘And if I don't?’ he said, fearing what was coming.

‘If you don't, I guess you wouldn't want everyone in the office to know
you wear cute little panties, sweetie.’

‘Why? Why are you making me to do this?’

Rhona smiled again, ‘Well, because I can and because I like to have some
control over things. Besides, I get the feeling you won't fight me too
much over this, will you, Rick?.’

Rick squirmed in his chair, but he knew he was going to have to do what
Rhona said. He lowered his eyes and nodded. Rhona smirked, ‘Good boy,
Rick. I'll see you tomorrow, and I'll be checking for what we've


Rick got back to the flat just as Chris was about to disappear into his

‘Where have you been, Rikkie? I thought you wanted a bit more of what
you had last night.’

‘I got held up at work, my supervisor wanted a word.’ Rick thought a
half-truth would be enough.

Chris grinned at him. ‘Still wearing them I hope? Show me.’

Rick went pink, but he did as Chris asked and undid his jeans pushing
them down far enough so that Chris could see he was still wearing them.

‘Good, Rikkie. Here, take this fresh pair. We'll have to get you some of
your own, won't we?’ Chris handed Rick a pair of white lace panties. He
stood there with them in his hand, his pulse racing. What did he mean?
Get me some of my own?

Chris leant forward and whispered in Rick's ear. ‘Tonight, baby, I want
you to come to my room wearing just these. Nothing else.’ Chris reached
up and touched his fingers to Rick's hair. ‘Oh and tie that lovely hair
of yours back in a ponytail. Don't disappoint me.’

He blew Rick a kiss and walked into his room. Rick stood there
transfixed. He couldn't wear these and nothing else, could he? He
stroked the flimsy lace in his fingers and as if by magic his cock began
to swell in his jeans. He scuttled into his room and threw himself onto
his bed. What should he do? He rolled onto his back and without thinking
brought his hands up to his face. He had completely forgotten he still
had the panties clasped in his hand, and he started as he felt the soft
lace settle over his face. He breathed in through his nose and he
thought he could smell a faint aroma. Had Chris washed these or was what
he was smelling the scent that Chris had left behind?

Oh my God, what is happening to me, thought Rick. I'm sniffing the
panties of my flatmate who has asked me to wear them. He brought them
back up to his nose one more time and breathed in. He felt intoxicated
by what he was doing. It was scrambling his brain. Surely I can't go
ahead with this crazy idea? Even as this doubt flashed through his mind,
his body betrayed him and he felt his cock stiffen once again.

Rick remembered what had happened the previous night and his cock grew
even harder. He moaned and sat upright on the bed. With shaking fingers,
he pulled off his jeans and shirt, leaving him in the panties he had
been wearing all day. He stood up and his cock, small as it may be, was
tenting out the front. Shivering slightly with excitement, Rick pushed
the panties down and stepped out of them. He hesitated a fraction before
picking up the new pair, they were white lace bikinis with little pink
rosebuds around the waist.

With trembling fingers, he pulled them up his legs and let out a sigh as
they nestled around his cock and balls. Rick closed his eyes and fought
one last despairing mental battle against what his body was telling him
to do. He ran his fingers across the lace and his knees sagged, and he
knew he was lost. He remembered what Chris had said about his hair and
he quickly pulled it back into a ponytail and fixed it with an elastic
band. He sometimes wore it like this, but normally he let it hang loose.

Taking a deep breath Rick opened his door feeling foolish as he checked
to see if the coast was clear. Who else did he expect to be there? His
fear of embarrassment ran deep. He walked across to Chris's door and

‘Come in Rikkie, you don't need to knock anymore.’

He gingerly pushed the door open and Chris stood there wearing the short
robe Rick had seen him wear this morning. He had the wig on once more
and his face was beautifully made up with dark eyeshadow and bright red
lipstick. Rick's tummy did a quick flip as he took in the way his
flatmate looked.

Chris giggled as he saw Rick's hands were covering his groin. ‘Bit late
for that Rikkie baby.’ He walked up close to Rick and looked at his hair
with a frown.

‘Oh, that won't do. That's how boys wear their ponytails. Let's do this
properly.’ Chris stood in front of Rick, his robe draped against Rick's
body. Rick thought he would faint as Chris raised his hands and put them
behind Rick's head. Chris undid the ponytail, gathering the hair again
and retying it higher on the back of his head.

‘There, that's much prettier. That's how a girl should wear a ponytail?
Now shake your head and see how nice that feels.’ Rick moved his head
from side to side and felt the ponytail move as he did do. It felt odd
yet exciting. Chris dropped his hands onto Rick's shoulders. ‘You can
breathe now Rikkie, I'm not going to bite.’ He paused for a beat, ‘Not
yet, anyway.’

Rick let out the breath he had been holding and looked straight into
Chris's eyes. Chris smiled and bent his head forward and kissed Rick on
the lips, his tongue flicking out to push through into Rick's mouth. He
broke the kiss and stepped back, loosening the robe and let drop to the
floor. Rick's eyes widened as he took in the black lace suspender belt
and panties which Chris had been wearing under the robe. Rick felt his
pulse begin to race, and his cock started to swell as he stared at

Chris spun around. ‘Do you like it Rikkie?’

Rick closed his mouth which had fallen open at some point. ‘It's
beautiful,’ he managed to stutter.

‘This is where I need your help Rikkie. I want you to help me put on my
stockings. Will you do that for me?’

Rick's mouth was dry and his pulse was racing. He thought he was about
to hyperventilate, but he managed to nod his head.

‘Ok, Rikkie, that's so sweet of you. No. I'm going to sit on the edge of
my bed and I want you to roll each stocking into a doughnut shape and
then roll them up my leg. Kneel on the floor in front of me, it'll be
easier that way.’

Rick sank to his knees in front of Chris and looked up at him. Chris
smiled back down at him and opened his legs a little to give Rick a
flash of his bulge. Rick's eyes flicked to Chris's crotch where he saw
the arched back of the dragon tattoo disappearing down into the panties.
Rick couldn't stop his tongue poking through his lips at the sight.

‘Do you want to touch it? The tattoo I mean,’ whispered Chris.

Rick s eyes flicked up at Chris, and he nodded.

‘Go ahead, Rikkie. See what it feels like.’ Rick held out his hand, and
gently touched the tattoo making Chris's tummy shiver. It almost looked
as if the dragon were alive and undulating as Rick stroked the skin.

‘It's beautiful, isn't it?’ Said Chris and Rick nodded before taking his
fingers away. ‘OK, I need to get dressed for my show now. Are you going
to help me?’ Chris picked up a black stocking and handed it to Rick.
‘Rikkie, first roll it into a doughnut. That's right, now I am going to
put my foot into it and then you slide it up my leg. Mmmm, that feels so
nice, your hands are so soft on my skin.’ Chris extended his leg and
placed it on Rick's shoulder.

Rick's hands were shaking as he rolled the stocking up Chris's leg. He
felt himself becoming aroused by the way the stocking felt in his
fingers as it slid over Chris's smooth skin. When he reached the top of
the thigh, Rick thought he was about to faint.

‘Now, take the little clip of the suspender and fix it on the stocking
top. There's one at the front and one at the back.’ Rick found the clip
and saw how the little button fitted behind the stocking top and into
the clip. His hands were shaking so much he found the first one
difficult but the second one much easier. All the time Chris was cooing
encouragement to him from above.

‘That's lovely, Rikkie, we'll have to get you some of these for
yourself. Now, do the other leg.’

Rick repeated the process with the other leg and soon enough Chris had
both stockings attached to the suspender belt. ‘Now for the shoes,
Rikkie. They're over there. Be a darling and crawl over there and fetch

Rick started to get up. ‘No, Rikkie. Crawl on your hands and knees.’
There was an edge to Chris's voice which made Rick sink down again and
crawl over the few feet to where the shoes lay. They were black shoes
with what Rick guessed were five inch heels. He picked them up and
crawled back on his knees to Chris.

‘Hold the shoe up to my foot and I'll slip into them.’

Chris slid his stockinged foot into first one shoe and then the other as
Rick held them.

‘That was sweet of you, Rikkie. I think you deserve a reward for that.’
Chris stood up and pulled Rick to his feet. With the heels Chris was
wearing he was now taller than Rick. ‘Now, stand there and close your
eyes, and don't open them until I tell you.’

Rick couldn't tell you what he felt at this moment. Hormones were
surging through his body sending wave after wave of pleasure racing
through him. He had never felt like this before. It was exciting and
decadent, humiliating and intoxicating. Rick closed his eyes as Chris
had instructed; he was by now incapable of doing anything except what he
was told by Chris. He wanted, no, needed to please Chris.

Chris smiled to himself, this was almost too easy. He needed to be
careful and not to go too fast and scare Rick. He reached down to pick
up his tube of lipstick and twisted it open. ‘Pucker your lips, Rikkie,
and prepare for something magical.’

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