The latest in transatlantic technology with Virgin

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See attached video but take note of any numbers you see.



& a happy april fools day to you too. Another Brian

And of course...

...the numbers mean something to the whole of the world except...


tmf's picture

except for a hols lot of peoples.

My sides hurt from laughing

laika's picture

Not just that the wings flap but the way they flap!!!
I thought it was just gonna be a Da Vinci ornithopter or something.
And the whole smug corporate self-promotion tone of the piece was dead on.
~LOLZ, Laika

What borders on stupidity?
Canada and Mexico.

Like with so many other April fools jokes...

I wouldn't wonder if that too becomes true one day. While the wing movement itself is a dead giveaway, the concept itself may have some merits. The wings of passanger planes are 'flapping' quite a lot and by using piezo crystals one could harness this energy and convert it to electricity.

>> There is not one single truth out there. <<

Not really

It's fundamentally unworkable. The wings vibrate because the engines are pushing the plane through the air. Any attempt to 'harness' that will impose more drag, and force the engines to work harder. First and second laws of thermodynamics: you can't get owt for nowt, and you can't break even. Think of it as being like a watermill mounted on a motor boat to drive the electrics; in the end, the energy comes from the motor, and you are simply imposing more drag. Perpetual motion machine fallacy.

Ahh but...

You neglected to look into the engineering behind this new technology. The electrothermoelastopolymer sheeting used in place of the aluminum commonly used for aircraft skin, has properties that make the movement simple, and with the way the new skin surface reacts by compressing when an electrical current is applied, the flapping can be done simply by applying the opposite current to the upper and lower wing surfaces, causing the electrothermoelastopolymer sheeting to expand and contract.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

I'm not an engineer...

laika's picture

but I'm fairly sure the miracle substance flubber is involved somehow.

What borders on stupidity?
Canada and Mexico.

It may be..

...but I think that 'flubber' is the sound such wings would make.

April what?

Just love a good leg yank !


Almost matches San Serife!

Remember the Guardian's spoof so many years ago? As one whose birthday is 1 April, I ought to be more attuned to these. Unfortunately I did not see this till 3rd so, as is usual, the joke is on me.