I seem to be going from one thing to another at the moment, if the leg wasn't bad enough I've now got some inflammation in the face which is causing a degree of deafness!
Maybe one day i'll be back to reasonable health!
Anyhow, you don't want to hear to much about my woes, you want writing and so today you can get the next Gaby chapter, Invalid.
Elsewhere, my enforced inactivity does mean I've been writing, over three chapters so far this week which means that hopefully on Sunday i'll be able to make the next chapter of Girl's on Fire available - should make some good reading for Easter! Then, if all goes to plan, it should be completed before the end of April. This volume is packed full of Gaby adventures from racing to work to weddings - a regular smorgasbord of Gabyness!
bye for now
Okay I made a boo boo but you can now read the correct chapter 32 here and then follow it with chapter 33 here
Sorry for the mix up
Madeline Anafrid Bell
oh 2 for 1 special