Nikki made it to her car before she could no longer control the frustrated tears. She grabbed some napkins from the center console and blew her nose and wiped at the free-flowing tears that continued to blur her vision.
Officer Estrada would not see to reason. He and his female superior officer insisted that she wear a wire while performing at Lil foot’s party. As if it wasn’t as dangerous enough. She a Morpher who Lil foot was unknowingly searching for was already going to have to perform for him, his gang and his grandmother. Now she was to wear a wire to record. They were also asking her to describe who was there and what they were doing. How in the hell was she going to do that and not get caught She had seen enough cop shows to know that wearing a wire was a bad idea. She wanted to bow out and say “screw it”, but this drug dealer shot her friend. If she didn’t do something about it, she wouldn’t be able to live with herself.
She finally cried herself out, but felt drained and emotionally raw. She looked into her visor mirror and almost screamed in horror. Her face was a mess. Raccoons had no claim on a mask compared to her face. Nikki grabbed another few napkins wet them from her water bottle and began cleaning up her face. She didn’t have enough time to do a great job, she needed to pick up her little sister before she got into too much more trouble.
Nikki pulled out of the police station and headed for the mall; taking advantage of the red lights to continue cleaning up her face.
Are you ready to go? Nikki text her sister.
Are you still in Bitch mode?
No. Sorry.
I found the cutest shoes. You’ve got to come in.
Not really in the mood for shopping.
Nikki parked the car.
Coming. Where are you?
I’m in the boutique next to the bed store,
Nikki dug her sunglasses out of the glove box and covered her bloodshot, burning eyes and hurried into the mall avoiding everyone’s gaze. She found the boutique and scanned it for her sister.
“Check these out.” Alicia bounced around clothes racks.
Nikki slid her sunglasses off and looked at her sister’s feet. “Cute.” She stated. Now can we go?”
“Hold on Sis.” Alicia took Nikki’s arm. “I’ve got something for you to try on.”
“I’m really not in the mood.”
“You will be once you see this.” Alicia flung her arms out in a horrible imitation of a model on the ‘Price is Right’.
“That is cute.” Nikki agreed, “but not my style. Sorry, I’m just not in a great mood.” She turned around and spotted something that had her jaw drop open. She rushed forward to the white dress and began looking frantically for her size.
“What did you find?” Alicia came up behind her.
“I’m not sure, but I think it might be perfect. Aha!” Nikki grabbed the dress and almost sprinted to the dressing room.
She slipped out of her clothes and tried it on. Her heart fluttered with excitement. It looked perfect, it fit perfect, it was perfect.
“Let’s have a look.” Alicia demanded from outside.
Nikki opened the door and took two steps towards her sister before spinning three-sixty.
“Holy Shit.” Alisha swore under her breath. “Dad would never let you out of the house wearing that.”
“He doesn’t have to know.” Nikki gave her sister a hard look.
“For Landon?” She raised an eyebrow.
He’d probably like this, she thought. “We could call it my ‘lucky’ dress.” She grinned. She strolled back into the dressing room and slid it off. “I won’t say anything to mom or dad, but I’ll want a favor.”
“Are you blackmailing me?” Nikki looked at the price tag and bit her lip.
“No. I just would like to call in a favor at a later date.” Alicia said from outside the dressing room.
Nikki walked out the dressing room with the dress over her arm and took it to the cashier.
“Are you serious?” Alicia questioned her sister when she saw the price come up.
“It’s important for me to have this dress.” Nikki told her sternly.
“Whatever, its your money.” Alicia shrugged. “After you get lucky, though, I may need to borrow it.”
Nikki looked at her sister. “Are you serious? Dad wouldn’t let you wear this.”
“That might me my future favor.” Alicia wound her finger through her hair.
“We’ll see.”
Nikki tossed and turned through the night. Anxiety was not the same as stress, thankfully. If she were to morph again, she’d swear she’d wake up in the hospital. She turned her alarm off and staggered into a shower.
“Hurry up.” Alicia demanded from outside.
“Sorry, I’ll be out in a few minutes. She pulled a razor up her leg. As a guy, she’d never thought that she’d like the feeling of silky smooth skin against bed sheets or skirts. She decided that this was one of the benefits of being a woman, a gendermorph.
Nikki, wrapped in a towel, exited the bathroom just as her sister stormed in.
“You better not have taken all of the hot water!” she growled.
Once in her room, Nikki padded her skin dry and relished the feeling of the terrycloth against her denuded legs. She smiled as she slid skinny jeans on over her calves. Her legs tingled as she slid the jeans up over her hips. She pulled a red, loose blouse over her head to sway around her waist.
At her vanity, she took brush and blow dryer to her hair, combing the sides up and the top back creating a mohawk type look. Light bronze eye shadow, mascara and shimmery lip gloss to finish the look.
Nikki grabbed some earrings and slid into some nude heels before grabbing her pack and heading down stairs.
“Breakfast?” her mother asked.
“Quickly. Landon should be here any moment.”
Nikki’s mom handed her a bowl of steaming oatmeal. Nikki didn’t even taste it as she shoveled it in before chasing it down with a small bit of milk. She grabbed a disposable cup of coffee just as there was a knock on the door.
Her heels clicked as she walked across the tile entryway floor and opened the door. Landon, smiling down at her, made her heart flutter. She wondered how this guy could affect her so.
“You look cute.” He gave her a once over.
“Thanks. How are you doing?” She asked. “What did your dad say about the Jeep?”
“I’m fine.” He smiled. “Not much dad could say about the Jeep. I should get it back in a couple of days. I brought the truck.” His smile widened.
“Oh?” Nikki tried to look around him, but he blocked her view.
“You’re forgetting something.” His eyes sparkled.
Nikki’s mind raced as she tried to remember what she had forgotten.
Landon chuckled and tapped his lips with his finger.
Nikki flushed and went up on her toes to feather her lips across his.
“Much better. We need to get going.” He took her hand and turned towards the driveway.
Nikki was astonished to see a large beat up, rusty old farm truck with high sides on its bed. “That’s your truck?” She asked stunned.
Landon laughed. “Yep. He came with the house and barn.”
“Yes, Clyde.” He shot her a bemused look. “Don’t you name your cars?”
Nikki shook her head. “Clyde?”
“Short for Clydesdale. He’s a work horse of a truck. Oh, don’t mind the smell, I didn’t have time to empty his bed before leaving this morning.” Landon opened the passenger side door and helped her up into the tall seat.
Nikki bounced on the faded seat cover and looked over her shoulder through the small window into the back of the bed but it was obscured by a dark substance mixed with straw. Nikki pulled her seatbelt on as Landon hopped up on the driver’s side.
The large truck rumbled to life. Nikki half expected to be enveloped in a cloud of black smoke. Landon smiled at her and turned the antiquated radio on to a country western station.
Nikki grimaced. “Really?”
“It’s a farm truck, gotta go with it.”
Nikki felt like hiding as Landon pulled the large truck into the school parking lot. Everyone was staring and pointing. Some started laughing as Landon parked the truck taking up three spaces.
“Three spaces?” Nikki looked appalled.
“I don’t want anyone dinging or scratching Clyde.” Landon laughed.
Nikki rolled her eyes, opened the door and slid to the ground. More people started laughing as they saw who had exited the beast of a truck.
“Hey.” Landon joined her and hugged her to him as they walked towards the school. “Don’t be embarrassed by Clyde. He serves a purpose and any who laugh, well, they just aren’t worth out time.”
Nikki knew that he was right, it was just that she was already struggling in school being a gendermorph and all, she really didn’t need to add to the pressure of not being bullied. A warmth washed over her body as she realized that Landon really did seem to be above all of the pettiness and yet he still seemed to like her of all of the people at school.
“Nice truck, Surfer boy.” A jock threw at them.
Landon smiled. “Thanks, He’s a real work horse.”
The others around the jock began laughing.
“You know, he was being sarcastic, right?” Nikki asked.
“Yep.” Landon smiled at her and then smiled at the others around them. “You go on to class, I’ve got to meet with the school security. I’ll meet you in band.”
“I hope they have footage.”
“I do too.” Landon kissed her on the forehead and gave her hand a squeeze before heading off.
Nikki put her things in her locker and headed to her first class.
“Nikki.” T.J. greeted. “Someone said that you and Landon drove a dump truck to school?”
“Not a dump truck but a large farm truck,” Nikki flushed slightly. “It came with the house that his dad bought.”
“That’s weird.”
“Landon seems to like Clyde.” Did she really just call the truck by a name?
“Clyde?” T.J. was puzzled.
“He names his cars.” Nikki shrugged. “The farm truck is Clyde.”
T.J. just shook her head.
Nikki was sitting in band, wetting her reed as Landon strolled in and started setting up his sax next to her.
“Did the cameras show who vandalized your Jeep?”
Landon sighed and shook his head.
“I’m sorry, Landon.” Nikki put her hand on his knee.
Landon shrugged. He was quiet as he put together his instrument and began running through some scales before Mr. Hill started class.
After they were through warming up the show band, Landon put his hand up.
“Landon?” Mr. Hill asked.
“Bathroom pass?” he asked.
Mr. Hill ripped off a pass from his pad and held it out. Landon gently put his sax down and scurried past the director grabbing the pass as he went.
Fifteen minutes later, Landon returned with a skip in his step.
“You really must have had to go.” Nikki muttered as Landon sat beside her and picked up his sax.
“It was a big load of crap.” Landon chuckled.
Nikki couldn’t help but giggle as he smiled at her.
They were walking hand in hand out of band when people started running towards the parking lot.
“What’s going on?” Nikki asked aloud.
“Probably nothing you know how dramatic High schoolers can be.” He gave her hand a long squeeze.
Students and teachers returning from the parking lot were laughing. The teachers were trying to hide their mirth, but unsuccessfully.
“What is happening?” Nikki started walking faster, her heels clicking on the smooth concrete.
“Nice, Landon.” A guy high fived Landon as he walked by.
“What did you do?” Nikki demanded.
“I did find out who vandalized my Jeep.” Landon admitted.
“You didn’t.” Nikki’s heart started pounding as she quickened her step.
A large group of students gathered around something in the parking lot.
“I’m going to kill you, Landon.” A jock screamed red faced.
A hand fell heavily on Landon’s shoulder. “We need to talk, now.” The principal demanded.
“Yes, sir.” Landon winked at Nikki before leaving with the principal.
Nikki pushed through the throng of people and saw the star running back’s car sticking out of a pile of horse shit and straw.
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So 3-1/2 Years Later...
...we meet our cast of characters again. (Actually, it's not even the longest hiatus that ended this month -- that was 7-1/2 years -- and it certainly beats the alternative.)
That said, Nikki seems to have forgotten, be unaware, or feel too intimidated to realize that she has the leverage here, not Estrada. She told Estrada "no wire" when she agreed to do this. Yes, she feels obligated to work for him because of Vic, and she believes that she's in mortal danger as Nick while Lil Foot's free. Estrada agreed to have her house watched only if she's employed as an informant. But she gave him her boundaries before she started, and he's ignoring them. Estrada's not the one who gets raped and/or killed if the wire's discovered.
nice one!
and glad to see this story isn't dead!
I hope it continues. When I first read it I was disappointed it was unfinished.
I had to reread it to get back the plot. Darn old leaky memory cells.
Guess Landon saw "Back to the
Guess Landon saw "Back to the Future" if he decided to fill the star running back's car with horse manure. Ah well, such is life "in the fast lane".
Ha, Ha, Beautiful return "gotcha".
Long Wait
I had to go back and skim a little but it all came back to me quickly enough.
I love Nikki and how girly she can be. I also like her relationship with her sister. I wonder if a gendermorph can get stuck as one gender. They probably would if they got pregnant but I mean other than that. It's a very interesting idea.
Oh. I still suspect Landon of being a gendermorph. I'm still waiting to see if that's true. Just sayin'.
Thanks and kudos (number 32).
- Terry
Happy Surprises!
I found this site late last year, and have been hooked on a lot of stories, not long ago it was this one. Then I finished chapter 9 only to find out that it wasn't a conclusion (feelings of sadness ensued). So a week or 2 ago, I see a chapter of "Jem" in the 180-190s, and I'm like Kewl! It's not unfinished, but it's also not finished.... That many chapters, ya gotta take a break here and there, and check out the new stuff others are doing, so I see Untitled... I sure hope my comment from that story (hope to see more of it as well) helped revive this story. This is pretty much a feel good story and I'm loving the way it's going...
And I knew I needed a Break from Jem, when I checked on new stories/chapters today when I see this and my 1st thought was "Yayness" This was a Great Break for that. Just hope to see more of it soon, much like the Erika chapters :)
"A big load of Crap" INDEED
When he said that.... I KNEW what he did LMAO! Epic I LOVE IT!!!! The price he pays st school is WELL worth it after all what they did to his Jeep will cost PLENTY to fix horse manure a GOOD wash job and some air fresher for a month or two & it'll be fine UNLESS it was a convertible with the top down then.... it's a different matter.
Now the local drug dealer and the job at the nursing home and what the police want her to do and what she REALLY saw.... Nick/Nicki I fell sorry for him/her AND his coworker. As if life isn't stressful enough being a teenager.
Love Samantha Renée Heart.
That is some serious karmic justice
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna