well i'm back after a hiatus from everything and getting back into writting and everything else.
there has been a lot of turmoil in this life in the predeing months and alot of trying to cope with mental illness. No i dont count being trans gendered as a mental illness but a state of being.
I have fought off another severe episode of depression and continued with my life as best as i am able too and will still do so and alot of my other things have taken a back seat as i cincentrate n doing what i do best. that is weaving words and creating stories
to all of you out there who have read my works a thank you and to all others a hug
be well and safe
yours Allie Elle Townsend
Welcome back, hon.
I've fought some of the same battles you mentioned, and I know how lonely it can be. I'm glad you decided to come back to us. If I can ever do anything to help, even if it's just a shoulder to cry on, I'm here for you, if you want or need me to be.
Hugs 'n love from,
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.![Y_0.jpg](/topshelf/system/files/u105/Y_0.jpg)
National Alliance on Mental Illness
I suffer from long term depression, PTSD, PTSD combat related, and ADD. I am in recovery thanks to NAMI and some of their programs. You may want to contact your local NAMI Association and ask about Peer to Peer. P2P teaches one how to identify an oncoming relapse and prevent it from being a disaster.
Then there is NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group. They meet weekly for 90 minutes. The purpose is support not therapy.
I facilitate two groups in central Delaware, plus I am a state trainer for the NAMI Connection facilitators.
The program has helped me get my life back. I transitioned permanently while in a Peer to Peer class. I used to be wishy washy, that is in and out of my true being. Doing and being what others wanted.
I am accepted by NAMI as a female, I am involved as a Peer to Peer mentor, a NAMI connection facilitator, a consumer and a state trainer. All of this in my true self.
I am me and if others don't like how I present me real being, not my problem. the may have their own issues
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
thanks to you both
my thanks to you both for your kind words and support, it does mean alot when you go down a route of deciding enough is enough and actually its about time the world can go to hell in a hand basket its one of the hardest things to do.
alot of the community as writers we are made up of groups that would be called missfits by most, we are CD's TS' TG LG some even AT (Adult toddlers. we all strive to find that balance and being there in the bloggs and other things in our lives we can heal and be healed.
Jill unfortunately i am always aware of when an episode is as they are every day, for me i now use the term unrecovered nervous wreck. therapy helps me alot and my writing, most of the projects you talk about arent available in my locality being good old blighty but there is good support.
to any one else suffering with survivor issues or likewise needs a shoulder please drop me a line i will get back to you and we will chat over a cyber coffee
to hug is to be and to be is to be hugged
view the world through the eyes of a child and relearn the wonder and love
Allie elle loved and cared for and resident of the kids camp full time
to hug is to be and to be is to be hugged
view the world through the eyes of a child and relearn the wonder and love
Allie elle loved and cared for and resident of the kids camp full time