Amadeus Irina and Story Thefts...

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Hi All,

I appreciate your patience as I struggled with how to deal with the issue that so many of us are dealing with in terms of our stories being pirated and outright stolen.

At first, I almost decided to let them win. While I have no hope that we will be able to stop them--I also can't just let the story hang. How this will ultimately impact my writing--or better said, posting--of stories, I don't really know.

For now, though, I have every intention of completing the series--however long that may take. :)

Amadeus 18 is posted for those who are interested.



Please keep going.

I like the way it is going I know adding your little ditty is apaine too do . Wish bad pirson's Too live in inresting time's.

Inspiration for my work

AuPreviner's picture


Chapters 7 - 9 of A Friend in Need owe their existence to Amadeus Irina Chapters 1 - 5 which had me in tears.

Just thought you should know they can't steal that away from you ....

Thank you,


"Love is like linens; after changed the sweeter." – John Fletcher (1579–1625)


Thanks for letting me know! I appreciate it!

BTW... Yours had ME in tears!

I still love your Avatar!


Except I identify with ...

AuPreviner's picture

My avatar is fun. But I identify with Idefix. I am always barking at someone.



"Love is like linens; after changed the sweeter." – John Fletcher (1579–1625)