So there I was, no longer a slave to the tobacco corporations, free from the addiction that dictated much of my day.
Then I had the bright idea about starting a daily serial, and I'm planning my life around writing enough to post... and popping onto the sight umpteen times a day to see if anyone's left a comment. I've even taken a couple of holidays today and tomorrow, so I can write Stevie's progress up to the end of her first week.
OK it's not entirely obsessive, my assistant K, is going home to India for a fortnight's holiday, which means I'll actually have to do some real work, and not sit there daydreaming all day. So, two more of Stevie's days to get down, and then a short break to write the second part of my 'Merrimount Abbey' story (it's plotted, just needs getting down on paper), and if I'm still standing, back to the eighth floor.
Posting everyday
can become addictive, however, I've found that I outgrew it --maybe it happens after the first three hundred posts? 8)
Replacing Addictions
Years ago when I was a marathoner I was surprised by how many runners were recovery drug or alcohol addicts.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
i'm that strange breed
I not only have an addictive personality, but an obsessive one too. I was never just a smoker I was the heaviest smoker you'd ever meet (and had the jazz fingers to prove it). Back when I was a drinker it was only a tendency to fall over, that saved my liver.
I had to cut out alcohol(excepting Grand Slam dispensation) when I first developed MS (it pretty much locks down the left half my body), and my body is nine tenths bran these days, so I'm more or less vice free. I may even be the most vice free person you've ever met :)
I've still a full complement of sins tho...
At least this one isn't unhealthy -- unless it costs you some exercise. Of course, it's good exercise for the mind.
I'd Never Wish 300+ On You
But I do enjoy your stories, and I'm getting hopelessly addicted to Stevie, and, yes, the Blytonesque feeling of Merrimount. You're pushing all my buttons and I love it,
a fortnight's notice
I had a little bit of foresight when I started Stevie's story by restricting it to a two week trial period, so at the current rate about 25 parts... I could of course leave her decision open ended, and possibly come back to her story...
I'm surprised by how well Merrimount Abbey's been received, I didn't think anyone who didn't know the Malory Towers books would get it, so there may be more stories, but definitely not another serial.
The biggest pain has been the historical stories I've been working on. I've abandoned two attempts at an introductory story for my Natty Sharp / Trixie Smart character, instead just writing a story in which she is fully formed (but dropping in bits of the backstory as I go along).
I've another Edwardian story that's quite Gothic, about the son of missionaries who's emasculated by Boxer rebels in China, and is consigned to a mental asylum by his family because he is seemingly catatonic when he is returned... he's rescued by a young doctor and his wife, and disguised as a domestic in their house... it's tricky cos the character is completely mute, and gives no indication of his internal life, other than them finding the passages he reads in his Bible... it has a couple of scenery chewing villains too, in the governor of the asylum, and his chief porter... I will get round to writing it before the end of the year, it's called 'Tabula Rasa' and should be novella length... I'm not even sure it's a tg story, as he is a prisoner of what's done to him, and is of strong religious faith. Not a barrel of laughs :)
I'm not kidding
That anyone would even think of attempting such a story here makes me so proud I'm weepy. :) Good luck, it sounds very difficult to write.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.