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Josh Peterson has just scored the job of a lifetime - or at least the best job he can hope for without leaning on his parents for references - as a janitor at The Magic Kingdom, but when fate intervenes and he finds himself alone with the costume of his favorite Pixie Hollow character, his life takes a whole new turn.
The first thing off of Silvermist was her wings. The girls each had their own privacy screens, plus a few more leaned against the wall. Silvermist’s even had a picture of her movie likeness depicted on the front.
Olivia who was Tinkerbell all day called over. “So since it’s against the rules to call you Silvermist outside of work, what is your name? I’m not going to call you Miss Peterson all night because that would make me sound like a teacher,” she teased.
Josh laughed. “Um,” he said, thinking on his feet. “Sarah,” he finally concluded. Sarah wasn’t a name that had any particular meaning to him. It just sounded pretty, and sounded nice with his last name. It was also the first name to pop into his head.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Olivia Harris, and Periwinkle who will be joining us in a few hours is Kelly Brown. I believe Christina is going to be joining us later as well. You know her as Alice.”
“I’m not convinced she’s not the real Alice,” Josh, now Sarah, laughed as she sat down to wash off her makeup.
“Sometimes neither am I. She and Scott are very convincing aren't they?” Olivia came back out in the main pixie booth area wearing a yellow and black skirt and a powder blue tee shirt.
“I felt like a kid getting to meet them in person, once I got over the shock of being caught trying on Sil’s costume,” Sarah sighed sheepishly.
“Oh, Sarah? Don’t take this wrong because you're very very pretty, but I read you. Do you want to let Peri know or should we just keep that between us?” Olivia made it known again that she knew Sarah’s secret.
“Yeah, it’s probably best as few people as possible know that I’m not a real actress,” Sarah answered, again not catching the pitches Olivia was throwing.
“Ok.” Olivia answered. “No matter what, just remember, that Kelly and I have your back. You are a Pixie Princess after all.”
“Still not sure how my parents are going to react to...” she trailed off. “Oops. Um, nevermind.”
Olivia began giggling, “Oh gosh, you thought I was throwing out that you weren't an actress.. I’m sorry Sarah, but I know the other thing as well.”
“... Oh. OH!” Sarah answered, paused, and then asked, “... I wasn’t that obvious was I?”
“Nope, but I had a brother, now a sister, in your shoes. To anyone else, you kinda look like a tomboy getting out of her shell - speaking from experience. You even walk and talk like a girl.”
“I guess I’ve always been kind of androgynous. I never thought of myself as a girl, but at the same time none of this really bothers me either. I’m having so much fun being my favorite pixie.” She giggled as Rachel came into the room.
“So, Miss Peterson,” she said, “I’ve picked out a couple of looks for you to choose from for tonight that I think you’ll look stunning in. Nothing you’d want to wear out of here of course, but you’re welcome to take whatever you like home.”
“Thank you Rachel..” Sarah sighed, and looked in the mirror, “I think I need to move out on my own if this keeps up.”
Olivia perked up, “Hey, I have a spare bedroom at my place. Georgia, my old roommate, moved back to California so it’s me alone in that big apartment.”
“Oh, are you sure you wouldn’t mind? My parents told me I could stay as long as I want, but I don’t want to live under their roof forever, you know?”
“Not at all. I miss having someone else there, plus we have the same work schedule, so we’ll be home at the same times.” Olivia babbled on as she finished getting her street on, including her makeup, which was extremely different than her Tinkerbell persona. Where Tink was a down and dirty tinker fairy, Olivia really liked to go girly.
“Got your cell handy? I’ll give you the address so you can stop by and get ready for tonight there.”
“That would be so amazing,” Sarah answered, taking her cheap-o Android Straight Talk phone from her jeans pocket to hand to Olivia, while she continued getting changed, herself. “I mean I’ll still tell my parents what’s going on and everything, but this is so much less awkward.”
“Oh yeah and I can show you your room too when you stop by!” Olivia gushed. “It’s kinda girly though. I mean Georgia was definitely a California barbie girl. Oh and we so have to upgrade your cell phone. No respectable girl carries around an old brick like that,” she teased.
“An O.G. LG at that,” Rachel chimed in. “I didn’t think they made those things anymore.”
“Clearance special,” Sarah laughed. “Social butterfly, I was not, so I didn’t think I needed anything better.”
“You're a Disney Princess now. Things are definitely never going to be dull for you ever again girl.” Rachel laughed.
“Well, yeah, but it’s not like I’m Cinderella or anything,” Sarah said, trying to downplay her role.
“Oh no, You’re just Silvermist,” Olivia giggled. “Ask any girl in the park to name three pixies, and I guarantee you most of them will list Silvermist right after Tinkerbell.”
“Most girls have a hard time placing who Periwinkle is.” Rachel chimed in.
“Wow, that’s a shame. Peri and the fairy whose name I forgot, who sounds a lot like Selena Gomez, are my two favorites from Secret of the Wings,” Sarah giggled. “But I had a small crush on Selena for awhile, so...”
“Me too!” Olivia giggled. “I got to meet her on one of her birthdays here a few years ago. It was kinda crazy.”
“Oh God,” Sarah laughed as she pushed her hair back and mussed it up a bit to look like the scruffy janitor that came in that morning. “I would’ve fainted dead.”
“Almost did.” Olivia giggled and hugged Sarah, “Come by your new place after you talk with the rents, k? Since we live in Celebration, and work here at the park we get a discount on rent, so your half will only be $250, and whatever food you want.”
“Can’t wait!” Sarah bubbled. “Since I’m getting an advance on my first paycheck because of you guys inviting me to dinner tonight, I’ll pay my part up front as soon as it clears.”
“That’s great.” Olivia said as she picked up her purse then hugged Sarah. “See you tonight!”
“So,” Rachel said as she walked up behind Sarah and grinned. “Need a crash course for tonight, or are you good already?”
“Ariel gave me some tips.” Sarah giggled.
“Oki doki. If you need anything just let me know. I’m the lead makeup artist for a reason,” she said with a wink. “No sense having our newest star look less than her best. By the way, how’s the costume fit, and the shoes?” She paused to grin. “And I promise to leave you in peace after this.”
Sarah laughed, but blushed a little at being called a star. “You’re fine, and they’re perfect, The costume’s a tiny bit tight in the top, but the rest fits like a glove,” she said as she finished removing the fingernail polish and stood. “I’d better put my broom away, even though I won’t be needing it anymore. Thanks for everything Rachel.”
“No problem sweetie. It’s what they pay me for,” Rachel answered with a wink.
“Mom, I’m home.” Josh called out. His sister Annie practically tackled him at the door.
“Ohmygosh you’re never going to believe the day I had thank you so much for those passes!” she gushed in one long stream of consciousness as she hugged him.
“Oh I saw you at the park.” Josh said. “I was kinda busy, but I noticed you got to meet Silverbell and the other pixies.”
“Silvermist!” Annie giggled out.
“I’m teasing.” Josh laughed and hugged her. “You know I know her name.”
“I also got to meet Megan Stuart at the wild safari park thingie.”
“Cool, that must have been wicked,” Josh answered excitedly. He was genuinely excited after all. “Is mom in? I need to talk with her.”
“Oh yeah she’s in the basement doing laundry,” Annie answered, nodding. “I’m gonna go see if Megan emailed me back yet,” she giggled out as she raced upstairs.
“Oh, tell her that the two pixies said they would sign whatever it was she wanted them to sign. She just has to show up when she wants it done.” Josh called as he went downstairs. Strains of loud Euro metal could be heard all the way at the top of the stairs as Josh entered the basement. Their mother was folding clothes with her back to the stairs, oblivious.
“Mom!” Josh called out over the music.
“Oh!” Helen said, startled, and grabbed the remote to turn the music down. “Sorry,” she said sheepishly. “I didn’t think you’d be home this early.”
“It’s ok mom, actually I had an early day since it was my first. Also I meet a girl.. and she asked me to room with her, and not in the sexual way before you go off.” Josh laughed.
She muted the stereo, turning to give him 'The Look'. “I hope she’s not just some random park visitor.”
“No, I work with her.” Josh shook his head. “You can’t even be a mass murderer and work at that place you know the background check they ran on me? It was like FBI, CIA, NSA, MI5...”
Helen laughed softly at that. “You know your father’s lawyer called twice wanting to know, and I quote, who the hell you had angered to get so many background checks crossing his desk.”
Josh laughed, “Disney Parks Entertainment. Anyway my coworkers name is Olivia Harris, and she’s really cool. My part of the rent will only be like $250, and I’m sure she’d have no problems with you stopping by randomly to check on me.”
“Well that’s not bad at all, especially for Florida and this close to a major park,” she answered thoughtfully. “I’d certainly like to meet this girl sometime, but your father and I agreed that once you turned eighteen, we wouldn’t meddle anymore.”
“Well yeah but you’re still my mom, and I know you. You’re going to be checking on me. I even have a 20 dollar bill saying so.” Josh teased his mother. “There is one... other thing, I’m not really sure how to explain. I have a new acting gig,” he trailed off.
“Oh? At the park?” she asked, assuming he didn’t just quit his job after one day.
“Yeah. I’m not really allowed to talk about it because Disney is super secret about their projects, but um, my character is a girl, so... I’ve been encouraged to live as a girl as much as possible.”
“That’s an interesting way of coming out,” she answered half-jokingly. “I’ve been kinda waiting for you to tell me that I had two daughters for a long time now.”
Josh laughed a little. “Seriously?”
“Or atleast tell me you are gay or something.” His mom laughed. “I mean you were pretty adamant about not having breast reduction surgery when your gynacanastica kicked in. And you do wear some pretty lacy bras. I do your laundry remember.”
“Like I told Olivia earlier, I just always considered myself more androgynous. But if I’m being brutally honest, I had more fun today than I have in awhile. I love my character, and if I wasn’t under contract I’d tell you every last detail about her.”
“I’ll talk to your father about it, and we’ll pay for you to see a therapist sweetie. Do it right; don’t do it the easy way.” Josh’s mom hugged him tightly. “We’ll still help you move your things to your new apartment though, if you’re sure that’s what you want.”
“And I’m going to have to yell at Daddy right, I mean he is going to..” Josh paused, “Did I just call him Daddy?”
“The transformation’s already begun,” she said in her best ominous mad scientist voice.
Josh giggled like he had been doing all day, “Ok so as I was saying, I’m going to have to tell Dad.. that I don’t need him paying my rent, I can do it on my own. That’s why I drive a scooter instead of a car. I mean God knows if I wanted a car he’d be buying me one.” he sighed.
“Probably a Dodge Viper too,” she teased, biting her tongue. There was a surprise coming, and with Josh moving, it’d come sooner than expected, but it was almost ready anyway. “I almost dread your sister turning 16.”
“At least we’re not as spoiled as we could be.” Josh admitted. “She’ll be fine. Now I have to go tell the duckling I’m moving in with a girl.” he moaned.
“If you thought my look was bad, wait until her dirty little mind starts working,” Helen laughed after him, adding, “Do you have a name you’d prefer to use instead of Josh, sweetie?”
“I told them to call me Sarah.” Sarah answered. “I should have asked you and dad first though..” he sighed.
“Not at all. Sarah’s a beautiful name, and it suits you. Rolls off the tongue nicely, too,” she added. “I had a friend like you in college you know? Auntie Bev?”
“No way. Auntie Bev?” Josh stopped at the stairs, giving her a shocked look.
“Yup,” she laughed. “But before she settled on Bev, she tried some of the strangest names imaginable. My favorite was Zorlinga. She was on some good drugs that day.”
Josh laughed as he walked up the stairs leaving his mom to finish laundry, “Hey Duck.” he called out for his sister.
“Yo-yo,” she called back. “It’s open, and I’m not like naked or anything,” she giggled.
“Ok thank God.” Josh laughed as he walked into her room. She was sitting on her bed, mixing some fingernail polish to look like Silvermist’s. “I’d have to burn my eyes out if I ever saw that. You need a bit more silver.” Josh corrected her.
“I knew it looked off,” she said. “I guess you got to meet her too, huh?” she bubbled.
“I work at the park Annie.” Josh smiled, “How do you think you got your tickets today.”
“Silvermist stole them from the Mad Hatter’s pocket?” she answered with a knowing grin.
Josh shrugged, “So I just told mom, I’m moving out. I met a girl, and I'm going to be rooming with her, and not in the sexual way perv.” he laughed.
She stopped, looking up at him, and asked anyway, “Who are you and what have you done with my introvert brother who wouldn’t even ask a girl out a month ago?”
“I’m your outgoing sister now.” Josh teased.
Annie laughed. “I know. You look good in silver.”
“Wha ... Oh, don’t tell anyone ok?” Josh asked with a sigh, “It’s against the rules, and now I have to ask my co-worker what to do if you guessed.” He laughed a bit despite himself, and pulled out his crap phone to text Olivia.
“I won’t tell,” Annie giggled. “I don’t want to ruin the mystery. As far as I’m concerned Silvermist is still this amazing pixie who hangs out at the park, who you just happen to sort of look like,” she teased back as she got up off her bed, walked over, and hugged her new sister. “But you still made my whole year today.”
“How long did it take before you knew it was me?” Sarah asked.
“Pretty much from the start. I actually figured the ‘janitor’ thing was just your cover story.”
“Oh hey,” Sarah laughed, “Good idea! I have to use that!”
Olivia texted back, ‘Bag her and tag her, bring her with when you come over, we’ll have to discuss details.’
“Uh oh,” Sarah said. “Looks like you’re going to meet Olivia. She wants to talk about you knowing.”
“That’s fine. I want to meet my sisters new girlfriend anyway.” Annie grinned innocently. “So what do I call you now, when I’m not calling you Yo-yo?” she asked.
“Sarah.” Sarah answered. “I thought it was a good name.”
“Oh that’s pretty,” Annie answered. “Just let me put a cap on these bottles so I don’t forget and jump in bed later, and ruin another blanket.” She giggled, capping the nail polish bottles she had been experimenting with while Sarah ran back downstairs to let their mother know.
“Mom, I’m taking Duck over to meet Olivia if that’s okay?”
“As long as she wears her helmet,” their mother called back.
The pair soon arrived outside an extremely lavish apartment building on the ritzy side of town. Immediately Annabell looked up at her sister and asked, “Are you sure this is the right address?”
Sarah laughed a bit. “Honestly? No, not really. I’ll buzz the apartment and see if she answers, but this can’t possibly be the right address.”
“Hi!” Olivia called out over the intercom, “Sarah?”
“Hey Olivia,” Sarah answered. “I wasn’t sure we had the right address.”
“Oh hey, I’ll have the front desk buzz you in.” Olivia quickly responded. A moment later a large security guard approached the front door and opened it, stepping aside to let the girls in without a fuss.
“Thanks,” Sarah said. The security guard nodded, smiling back and closed the door behind them.
A woman at a large desk near the elevators smiled and stopped them, “You must be Sarah right?” She nodded towards Sarah.
“Yes ma’am,” Sarah answered, approaching the desk.
“I’m just going to need you to sign your name on the lease.” The woman said, adding, “And let you know that you can get your mail here.”
“Thank you. I’m still waiting on the advance on my first paycheck to clear, but as soon as it does I promised Olivia I’d pay my part of her rent,” Sarah explained as she signed, without a second thought, ‘Sarah Peterson’.
“Don’t worry, Olivia’s already paid this months rent.” The woman answered.
“Oh. I guess I’ll just reimburse her,” she said sheepishly as the woman took an electronic keycard and placed it on the desk.
“That card will allow you into the main building as well as elevator access rather than having to use the stairs, and access to your apartment. If you should lose it please notify us immediately so that we can change the electronic lock algorithms. You can also request an additional keycard if you like.”
“Well I’ll talk to Olivia first, but I don’t think it would hurt to let me kid sister have one.” Sarah giggled.
“I’d have to like, take a bus,” Annie laughed as they headed for the elevator. “Thanks though. Actually I think my friends live nearby too.”
Olivia was waiting for them when they emerged on the 8th floor, grinning. “Hi Sarah, and Annabell right?” she asked.
“Annie to my friends.” Annie corrected. “And since you’re my sister’s new girlfriend that makes you a friend-mmmph!” she squealed as Sarah hastily covered her mouth.
“Sorry, I told her we’re just roommates. Mom gave me the same grief,” Sarah groaned.
Olivia shrugged, “It’s all cool.” she laughed as she ushered them into a very posh living room area, the floors were hardwood and polished nicely, there was a massive 120” TV, and entertainment center, as well as a very comfortable couch. There was also a grand piano in the center, further back towards the windows, she could see a small indoor pool through an open door, as well.
“Mother of God,” Sarah and Annie said in unison. It wasn’t as though they weren’t used to a little luxury, but this was less an apartment than an 8th floor mini-mansion.
Olivia laughed, “Blame my folks.” she said and led Sarah over to a set of doors, “The one on the rights mine, and the left is yours, down there is the bathroom and each bedroom has its own full bathroom as well.”
“When you said apartment, I thought you meant... well... apartment,” Sarah laughed.
“It’s a converted apartment, this used to be a luxury hotel that disney built and then gave over to the city when it abandoned it.” Olivia laughed.
“Man,” Annie said as she poked her head around the corner to check her new sister’s room, “I stand by what I said earlier today. I think I wanna work at Disney when I grow up.”
“And with that.” Olivia laughed, “You have to promise on threat of lawsuit that you never speak of your sister being Silvermist outside these walls ever.”
“Already did,” Annie laughed as she turned around to face them again. “But I promise. It’s like I said after she freaked out and texted you, as far as I’m concerned, Silvermist is a really cool pixie who hangs out at the park, and just happens to look a lot like my sister.”
“Good, keep it that way, and when you come to the park, she's just Silvermist.” Olivia laughed.
“Yup. I don’t want to spoil the fun for my friends.”
“I sound a lot like Lucy Liu, I know, I used to get teased in School about it, the boys used to call me Lucy Liu.” Sarah laughed.
Olivia giggled. “If they only knew, they’d be tripping over themselves to ask you out instead.”
“Except I’m not into boys.” Sarah laughed, “I’ve had my fair share of dangly bits. I don’t want them on my partner.”
“Oh, I was serious about my crush on Selena. I’m mostly over it now, though.” She winked at Sarah.
Annie hugged them both, taking that as her cue to give the lovebirds some privacy. “Hey, I’m going to go over to Gretchen’s place. She lives a few blocks from here. I’ll call mom ok?”
“Want a ride?” Olivia asked.
“Na I’ll walk.” Annie said and shook her head. “I hear Celebration is like the safest town in Florida.”
“Oh hey before you go,” Sarah said, turning to Olivia. “Would it be weird if I asked to get Duck a keycard?”
“Nope, Annie, just tell them downstairs that we’re cool with you having a key.” Olivia said.
“Wow, thank you,” Annie answered. “I promise not to like bring friends over and abuse your wifi,” she teased.
“We’ll it’s summer break. You guys can come over use the pool, play games on the PS4 or Xbox One, watch movies, whatever, I don’t care.” Olivia said, and, as Annie left, exhaled. “That went better than I expected.”
“What did you expect, a monster?” Sarah asked.
“No, but I didn’t expect her to be so easy going about keeping our secret. Your sister is awesome.”
“Annie and I are really close. I pretty much helped raise her since Dad is always gone, and mom...” she trailed off. “Well, she’s a flake sometimes.”
“Sounds like my parents. Mom’s one of those new age spiritualist types. She means well, but I couldn’t take anymore Enya,” Olivia giggled.
“Oh my mom’s a punk and metal groupie.” Sarah laughed. “Thats how she met our dad.”
“So what brought you to Celebration anyway?” Olivia asked as they sat down on the sofa to continue talking a bit, before they had to start getting ready.
“Oh, we don’t live in Celebration, well I guess I do now, “ Sarah sat down as well in one of the recliners, “We got a McMansion in Four Corners because Mom’s got family there.”
“Ohh,” Olivia answered, and then gave Sarah a sheepish smile. “I guess I should tell you why I’m here, but you’re going to laugh.”
“Whys that?” Sarah smiled.
“I specifically moved here because I wanted to be a theme park entertainer,” Olivia answered sheepishly. “Ever since I was a little girl, and Cinderella took me on a carriage ride through the park, I knew I wanted to live here.” She paused to laugh. “Of course that was a few Cinderellas ago.”
Sarah nodded, but she did laugh just a little bit. “I wanted to work at the park because I’ve been a huge Disney fan my whole life. When we lived in California when I was little, Mom used to take me to Disneyland at least once a month. I really want to be an artist, but acting is fun too.”
“For what it’s worth the company likes to hire in house, so if word gets out that you’re an artist they’ll be beating your door down with projects,” Olivia laughed. “Just ask Alice - err, Christina. She’s done voiceover work for everything from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse to Marvel.”
“Really?” Sarah asked surprised.
“Yeah,” Olivia said, nodding. “Oh, did you see your room?” she added. “You really won't need to bring any furniture other than maybe any specialty furniture you have.”
“Knowing my parents I’ll probably have a new debit card on my nightstand back home by morning with my new name on it, and some ungodly high limit to buy new clothes,” Sarah groaned. “I really try to be independent, even wanted to try the starving artist thing, but my parents...”
“They try to make up for feeling guilty at not always being there. Yeah, I’m in the same boat,” Olivia answered with a reassuring smile. “But at least they care, in their own weird way, right?”
“Yeah, but I feel like crap when I try to refuse.” Sarah sighed as she got up to go and take a peek in her new room. The carpet, thick and plush, was an almost white pink with a huge canopy bed holding up a sleep number mattress. There were other furnishings as well like a solid wood vanity and dresser, and a pair of double doors, currently open, revealing a massive walk in closet. There was also a closed door which Sarah assumed was the bathroom. "Is that a princess bed?”
“Yes,” Olivia giggled as she came up behind Sarah. “Georgia didn’t want to pay the exorbitant shipping to have it moved so she asked me if she could just leave it here for my next roommate to have. Oh don’t worry, the mattress is clean. Georgia was more of a neat freak than me.”
“That was nice of her.” Sarah giggled, as she walked in and put her backpack with her new clothes on the bed. “I think Rachel thought we were going to have dinner with the governor though,” she said as she pulled out a low cut sequined black cocktail dress. “The other one was ritzier than this thing.”
“Oh God,” Olivia said, laughing out loud. “Well, we’re pretty close to the same size. Why don’t you come over to my room, and we’ll get you sorted with a skirt and top? It’s not a fancy dinner. Sheesh Rachel.” Olivia giggled.
“I’ll give her an A for effort,” Sarah laughed as she followed Olivia. “The shoes looked pretty daunting too. I’ve never worn heels in my life.”
“Yeah, no,” Olivia said, shaking her head. “You don’t start off with heels, especially really high ones. You start out with a one, maybe one and a half, then work your way up as you get more comfortable.”
Olivia opened her closet revealing a wardrobe any girl who called herself a Girly girl would die for; Sarah stared in disbelief for a moment.
“Okay, it’s official,” Sarah said, glancing at Olivia. “You’re coming shopping with me later.”
“I planned on it.” Olivia giggled. “I’m going to make you the best girly girl girlfriend on the planet.” she teased.
“Silvermist is a total girly girl from what I’ve seen, and I’m supposed to get in touch with my inner Silvermist...” Sarah trailed off into giggles, not wanting to admit that the thought of going full on super girly girl kind of sounded fun. It was one thing to admit she wanted to be a girl, but somehow ‘super girly girl’ felt a little scary yet.
“I think from all the movies, it’s safe to say Silvermist is the biggest girly girl pixie in the group:Sil or Rosetta” Olivia nodded, “Heck Tink is a tomboy, but I know how to do that. I was a tomboy when I was a teen.”
“Wouldn’t know it looking at this closet,” Sarah laughed. “But that’s true. The first thing she did when she got her new wardrobe was make it as comfortable as possible.”
“Exactly.” Olivia nodded. “And she never complains when she gets dirty.”
“Rosetta is definitely more dainty than Sil, but Sil has that refined lady thing going for her,” Sarah nodded as Olivia pulled her into the closet further to hold up outfits against her, trying to find the right one. Olivia and Sarah settled on a Baby pink black pleated skirt, and a velvet powder pink top.
“Totally girly girl there,” Olivia said approvingly.
“Oh this is cute...” Sarah giggled, turning this way and that to the floor length mirror. “I think it’s actually longer than my Silvermist skirt too,” she teased.
“Probably by an inch or two. I feel like the Pixie skirts are meant to be sexy but kid friendly at the same time, to attract the adults over as well.” Olivia teased.
“I do have one question though,” Sarah said as she sat down on the edge of Olivia’s bed and stepped into a pair of low heels in a muted coral pink. “That guy that plays Jack Sparrow ... He’s not the real Depp is he?” she giggled. “Because damn.”
“I know right?” Olivia laughed. “The mannerisms, lazy speech and everything are so perfect I sometimes suspect Johnny of coming to the park dressed as Jack to mess with people,” she teased, as the intercom buzzed, and a familiar, but unfamiliar voice spoke up.
“Hey, it’s Christina,” the voice said, but absent its faux British accent or high octave fluctuations that were so iconic to the Alice character.
“And Kelly!” Another voice called over top of Christina. Christina giggled.
“Oh,” Olivia laughed. “I’ll go buzz them in,” she said as she raced to the spacious living room area. Sarah got up to follow, albeit slowly. The low heels were a bit like wearing cowboy boots, but she hadn’t worn those since that one goofy homecoming spirit “cowboy” day in ninth grade. It didn’t take her long to adjust though, and by the time the girls had reached their door, she was comfortable walking in them.
Olivia opened the door on two very different women than Sarah remembered. One, about Alice’s height, had honey blonde hair rather than Alice’s platinum blonde, and was dressed in a cute kelly green ‘keyhole’ off the shoulder top and black skirt. The other girl had short red hair, and wore motorcycle leathers, a leather skirt, and a neon pink motorcycle helmet under her arm.
“God damn.” The red haired girl laughed as she looked around. “Princesses playing Princesses.” Though Kelly had been out to eat with Olivia and Christina a few times now, this was her first time at Olivia’s apartment.
“In my defense,” Sarah laughed, “I was told the rent would be $250, so I expected something a little... less.”
“More like a dive.” Olivia laughed. “Miss starving artist,” she teased, causing Sarah to laugh.
Kelly laughed, “It’s all good, really. I live in a dive though, over in Orlando. I had to have my place bombed for roaches.”
“You should’ve said something,” Olivia frowned. “I would’ve offered my spare room to you.”
“It’s not too late actually,” Sarah added.
“No way! I can’t break up the Princesses.” Kelly laughed again. “No it’s fine, really, I’m staying with my Aunt Julie this week while the apartment fumes out. I haven’t seen her or her family since I was in diapers.”
“By the way, just getting it out in the open,” Christina said, stepping closer to hug Sarah. “Your secret’s safe with us.”
“Uh?” Kelly said, confused.
Sarah laughed. “You got me. I’m kind of between genders right now, and if Olivia has her way I’ll be the biggest girly girl on the planet soon - not that I’m complaining.”
Kelly blinked, turning back to Sarah again. “... Whoa. Seriously?”
“Doesn’t matter.” Christina added, “You’re still a Princess, and one of our sisters.”
“Yup,” Kelly said as she pulled Sarah into a hug. “You’re one of us, girl.”
“And don’t let the tough act fool you,” Olivia teased. “Kelly is the sweetest girl you’ll ever meet. It’s Christina you have to watch out for,” she teased.
“My dad’s a Hell’s Angel, so I have to act tough.” Kelly laughed.
“And bite your tongue,” Christina laughed. “I am every bit as innocent as Alice ... Most of the time.”
“More like American Mcgee’s Alice.” Kelly shot back..
“I wanted to do that for Halloween last year, but the boss was worried people might recognize me,” Christina giggled. “It’s a fair point though. I’ve had people ask me if I voiced the Alice ride even on the street. I wish. I’m not as lyrical as Kathryn Beaumont.”
“You almost had me fooled with the British accent, except my dad has a real one.” Sarah said..
Christina giggled. “I went through so much coaching to get that accent to sound British, without sounding too British. It’s especially hard still when I’m laughing - which happens a lot around Scott.”
“Scott is such a ham.” Olivia laughed, “I love that guy like a brother.”
“God me too,” Kelly giggled. “I've only been with the park a short time, and he’s been like a big goofy brother, always looking out for me.”
“We had fun today.” Sarah admitted with a giggle. “He really takes his role seriously.”
“I’m not going to lie,” Christina said. “When you reached in his hat to take Aladdin’s fez, then ran off, I almost peed myself laughing.”
“I totally improvised.” Sarah giggled. “I was just going to tell him it was in the hat, and I was like no, just grab it and run, any self respecting Pixie would do the same.”
“You’re a natural,” Olivia giggled out. “I can’t wait until we have a full cast of pixies running around the park and Pixie Hollow.”
“If they’re half as fun as you three,” Christina laughed, “Hatter might just be driven sane.”
Sarah giggled, “I’d pay to see that.”
“So who’s limo are we taking?” Kelly asked, paused, and grinned. “Just kidding.”
“Don’t look at me,” Sarah laughed. “I rode in on a...” she paused, glancing at Kelly. Kelly groaned.
“Oh God. You’re the dork on the Vespa?” she said, trying to look serious, but then started laughing too. “I’m kidding! Nothing wrong with scooters. They’re cute. Seriously, we’re all friends here. And if anybody gives you crap, Periwinkle’ll kick their asses.”
“Now that, I’d pay to see,” Christina laughed. “We can take my car if you’d like though,” she said, her Alice slipping in just a bit, not in tone or pitch, but in her choice of words. “It’s a 4-door.”
The girls all went down and go into Christina’s car and she drove to a small quiet 24/hr burger joint, “Told you nothing fancy.” Olivia laughed. “You should see the sexy cocktail dress Rachel picked out for her.”
“And the strappy stilts,” Sarah groaned. “I like Rachel a lot, but her idea, and our idea, of a casual dinner are two veeeery different things.”
“Maybe she thought it was a date,” Kelly teased.
Olivia grinned evilly, “Maybe this is a double date.” she teased Kelly.
Christina laughed. “I would never be so devious. Not without getting you drunk first,” she teased back.
“You know, I actually don’t drink. It’s weird.” Olivia laughed. “One wine cooler and I’m out on the floor drooling.”
“Oh thank God,” Kelly laughed. “I was afraid something like that might come up where I’d have to politely say ‘hell no’. I’m hardcore allergic to alcohol. Can’t even take cough syrup with it.”
Christina laughed, “We’re a dry group of friends eh? When we go clubbing, we drink soda.” she hugged Kelly, “You’re safe.”
“It’s all in fun,” Olivia added with a giggle. “But, and please don’t take this the wrong way, but I can’t help but giggle a little at the daughter of a Hell’s Angel being allergic to alcohol.”
“And half Irish, half German to boot,” Kelly added with a giggle.
Christina shook her head, “Really? Oh wow, I feel bad. Last time I went drinking was with my older brother, and his friends and I drank them under the table. But I’ve been dry for a year now. I don’t see any reason to break that.”
“I’ve never even had alcohol, if that helps,” Sarah added as they found a booth to sit.
Olivia hugged Sarah close, “You’re not missing much girl. Shiz is nasty.”
“Aside from putting me in the emergency room,” Kelly giggled, “It tastes like piss.”
Christina grinned, “And you’d know what piss tasted like how?” she teased.
Kelly laughed. “I’d tell you but I’d have to tickle you.”
“Ut oh, busting out the weapons of mass destruction.” Olivia laughed as a young waitress approached their table..
“Hi gals, what can I get you?” she asked brightly despite looking a bit weary.
“Oh hey Sue, I didn’t think you were working today.” Olivia said.
“Oh hi Liv!” Sue replied warmly. “I took a double shift since Lisa’s down with the measles. It’s cutting into my study time, but the money’s worth it.”
“Damn girl, oh anyway, these are my friends from work. You remember Christina and Kelly, and this is our new girl, Sarah. Sarah, Suzanne’s been my regular waitress since I’ve been coming here. If she ever quits I’ll have to find a new diner,” she said jokingly.
Sue laughed. “I’m working on it. Just a few more classes and I’ll be a registered nurse, and I can leave this place behind. But I’ll totally come back once a week for free to wait Liv’s table,” she teased.
“Good. I don’t want to have to break in a new waitress.” Olivia giggled. “I’ll have the usual myself.”
Sarah looked at Olivia and then Sue, “Whats her usual?”
“Medium well burger on a whole wheat bun drowning in ketchup, with a side of garlic fries and a Dr. Pepper,” Sue answered without missing a beat.
“I’ll take the same then.” Sarah said hungrily. “That sounds good.”
“Oh, me too, but make mine well done and cheese please,” Christina asked more than stated.
“Yeah, why not,” Kelly laughed. “Light on the ketchup, heavy on the garlic please and thank you.”
“I’m actually allergic to cheese if we’re being honest.” Sarah laughed. “Most Dairy actually.”
“Ouch,” Christina answered. “I don’t know about you, but growing up I couldn’t live without my sugar coated sugar blasted cereal and milk.”
Olivia stage whispered, “She still can’t. It’s how she stays so perky at work.”
Sarah giggled, “I take medication so I can eat dairy, but I still like to keep it down to a minimum. I hate pills, especially after the horse pills for anti depressants I used to take.”
Christina nodded. “I can sympathize. I know everyone thinks I’m so together now, but I used to have major problems with depression too.”
“My older sister tried to kill herself a couple of times before she finally came to grips with her gender identity issues,” Olivia said quietly. “I can’t pretend to know what she went through, but I understand about depression. You guys are in safe company.”
“How did your parents take it? I bet it was nothing like my moms reaction.” Sarah asked.
“They kind of went through the five stages of grief, but finally accepted it when they realized that it was accept having two daughters, or lose one of them to a graveyard.”
“My mom acted like I was born a girl.” Sarah laughed.
Kelly giggled softly. “Well, you do look the part, and your voice acting was so perfect I had to google you on my break to make sure you weren’t Lucy.”
“I used to get called Lucy Liu in school.” Sarah laughed. “I mean i went to school with like five different guys who had higher timbre voices, but I was the ‘lucky’ one to have the voice and girlish good looks. I wore a lot of baggy clothing.”
“So Olivia gets to date Lucy Liu, and I get Lilith over here huh?” Christina teased, giggling. “No, but seriously, you have an amazing voice and an amazing talent. Anyone that teased you for that should have their head examined after having it slammed in a car door a few times.”
Olivia nodded, “I totally agree, even with the gratuitous violence part too.”
Christina gave her best ‘Alice’ sweet and innocent smile. “Don’t let this get out, but I’m a kickboxing champion.”
Sarah laughed , “Really? I'm not a master or anything but I'm really good at Tai Ji, or more commonly called Tai Chi.”
“I used kickboxing to deal with a lot of my depression and anger issues, but when I discovered acting, it was like I was ‘home’. I knew what I wanted to do the rest of my life.”
“Same with me. I used Tai Chi to focus my mind, and not think about my problems.” Sarah smiled a little at that, excited to meet another martial artist.
“Yeah, exactly,” she said as Sue brought out their drinks. “I might bother you to teach me someday. I’ve wanted to expand my studies without going back to kickboxing. Having an Alice with super toned muscles would be ... unsightly.”
“I still do this ritual every morning.” Sarah winked at Olivia at that. “I’ll definitely try to make sure I’m clothed and quiet.” she teased.
Olivia laughed. “Oh, the apartment’s entirely soundproofed.”
“Reeeeeeally,” Kelly said, grinning evilly. “What were you and your last roommate doing again?”
“Georgia played guitar,” Olivia laughed, “Pervert.”
“Plus you saw the grand piano,” Sarah laughed. Kelly shrugged, still grinning.
“Can’t blame a girl for fantasizing. Georgia was hot, even though I only met her once before she moved.”
“She was also straight as Merida’s arrows.” Olivia laughed.
“The deathknell to every potentially great relationship,” Christina laughed. “If I had a dime for every time I found a nice girl, amazing friendship, who had a huge crush on my brother... God, no wonder I had depression issues.”
Sarah laughed a bit at that. “I kept fighting with my sexuality as well. I was like, I’m a boy, liking girls is alright, but at the same time, I was like um, I’m not a boy, I like girl stuff too much to be a boy. So liking girls shouldn’t be ok. I mean I beat myself up over it forever. I’m still not sure 100% who I am yet, but I know where I’m headed.”
“I’ve got names of really good therapists if that helps,” Olivia said. “My sister went through several before she found someone who really listened.”
Sarah nodded. “My mom said if I found one, she and dad would pay for it, because I sure the heck can’t afford it on the park salary. I snuck a look at the bill for the one I saw in High school, and holy hell they’re highway robbers.”
“A-freaking-men to that,” Christina laughed raising her glass. “$250 an hour to listen to me whine about my problems meeting lesbian girls. Kickboxing turned out to be cheaper, and way more fun.”
“The one my parents sent me to, was $450 an hour, and he was a dick.” Sarah laughed, “All he ever said was ‘And how does that make you feel?’, never tried to help beyond prescribing meds.”
“Maybe I should become a therapist,” Kelly laughed. “I’m not a dick, and for 450 bucks an hour I’ll listen to anything anyone has to say.”
“I really wanted to tell the ass, it makes me feel like ripping my weiner off and shoving it down your throat.” Sarah giggled. At that moment Sue approached with their burgers. She either didn’t hear Sarah, or chose not to let on that she heard, as she simply smiled warmly.
“Let me know if you need anything else,” she said brightly.
“Thanks Sue.” Olivia giggled.
“Thank you,” Sarah echoed. “Oh can I get a little saucer of Ranch?”
“Sure thing,” Sue answered, and stepped away again.
Sarah blushed deeply, “Oh God, I didn’t mean for her to hear that.”
Olivia was nearly in tears laughing. “She’s heard far worse from me, trust me.”
“I’m sure you never said you wanted to rip your weiner off and shove it down someones throat before either.” Sarah giggled, still blushing.
“True, but this is where I come to unwind after work. Sometimes I’ll drag Christina and Scott here, or a girls’ night like this. If the air isn’t blue, someone’s not trying hard enough,” she teased.
“I’m a little surprised you like girls though, Christina,” Kelly added. “The way you and Scott interact I totally thought you were... y’know...”
“And why’s that?” Christina laughed, “You know Scott’s gay right?”
“Seriously?” Kelly and Sarah answered in unison.
“Seriously, hes been with his partner for a few years now. I think they met in school.” Christina said.
“I’m hoping we can make this a regular thing,” Olivia said around a mouthful of hamburger.
Christina grinned, “Oh I don’t know if I want to interupt your date nights with the new girl.” she teased.
“Well, that’s why Kelly’s here too,” Olivia teased back.
Kelly shook her head, “Ok Seriously, what's up with the whole that’s why Kelly’s here thing?” she was either really dence or really dence.
“I’m sorry,” Olivia answered. “It’s just-”
“Shhh!” Christina said.
“SHHH!” Christina answered, blushing.
“No, I’m not going to sssh about it.” Olivia giggled, “Kelly, Chris has a massive crush on you. There the cat’s out of the bag now.”
“It’s why I get so damn tongue tied every time Scott and I came by Pixie Hollow the last couple of days,” Christina sighed.
“Really? I mean I thought we were all adults here. You could have just told me.” Kelly giggled. “I always thought you were out of my league. I mean, apart from thinking you and Scott were dating.”
Christina laughed. “Um... Ditto, actually... I play this innocent, sweet, lovable character, and don’t get me wrong, I adore playing her, but I was afraid you’d think that was how I really am too.”
“Bah, the last time we were here, you were trying to describe how girls can write their names in snow with pee just like boys can.” Kelly laughed. “I know better than you being sweet and innocent.”
Sarah had to take a moment to process the mechanics and logistics of girls writing their names in snow. Christina laughed.
“Okay, so I overcompensate a little when we’re ‘unwinding’... Truth be told, I’m not really at either extreme, but somewhere in the middle, and I really want to get to know you better.”
“And since cats are out of the bags.” Olivia laughed, “The moment Christina brought that cute pixie to the hollow, I knew I had to make her mine.”
Sarah blushed deeply as she slowly put down her hamburger. “I don’t have any cats to let out of bags, but um, I’m really excited about sharing an apartment with the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met, who also happens to be smart, funny, talented, and loves kids and entertaining as much as I do?”
Christina and Kelly laughed, “I think she’s proposing to you Olivia.” Christina spoke up.
“Hey,” Sarah laughed. “I don’t propose until the second date.”
Kelly laughed, “How many girls have you asked to marry you then?” she teased.
Sarah counted on her fingers, then on the other hand. Christina raised her eyebrows as Sarah continued counting for a few more seconds. “Counting Olivia? This is actually my second date ever, and I only just found out it was a date a few seconds ago.”
Olivia giggled quietly. “Sorry for tricking you and Kelly.”
Sarah laughed. ‘Oh I don’t mind. I’m having fun, and the company is great.”
“And I don’t have to go home and take a really long, really cold shower tonight,” Kelly added. “So I’m good.”
“No, she can come to my place and take a nice warm relaxing swim in my bed with me.” Christina teased.
Kelly said, in her best Mad Hatter impersonation, “But I don’t know how to swim.”
“Oh then I can give you mouth to mouth resuscitation after saving you from drowning.” Christina teased again.
“Ooooh, my daddy warned me about girls like you,” Kelly giggled. “I’m so glad he was right. You sure you’re alright with dating a biker chick though?”
“I watch Sons of Anarchy.” Christina giggled. “I know it’s just TV, but I’ve heard it’s pretty close. I’m fine it, really. Besides, I know it’s just an act,” she added with a wink.
Sarah laughed, “I like that show. SamCro forever.”
“Weirdly, me too,” Kelly laughed. “You’d think I’d hate it or be indifferent, but it’s really good.”
“I cried when Opie died.” Sarah frowned. “What made me even more sad was Jax wasn’t very sympathetic towards his death, even though those two were like best friends throughout their school years.”
“I think it was an act,” Kelly said, nodding. “He had to hold it in to keep up appearances when in reality that would’ve shaken anybody up. But that’s coming from someone who lives on keeping up appearances,” she teased. “Peri is like, my ‘Oh thank God I don’t have to be Kelly Brown for awhile’ mode.”
“You do an awesome job with that.” Sarah said, “I mean we didn’t get to hang today, but when we did you were really into being Tink’s sister.”
“I even shadowed Olivia for awhile to try and pick up some of her quirky mannerisms that she puts into her role.”
“That’s awesome because in the movie, they had never met before and they acted almost alike.” Sarah giggled.
“They even had those weird cotton balls on their shoes,” Christina laughed.
“Yeah.” Sarah giggled, “It was like no matter how far they were their beings were almost touched by each other, not much is said of what her job is in the ice kingdom, I bet shes a tinker fairy too.”
“That’s like the one thing that bugged me about that movie,” Kelly said, nodding. “Every other season’s fairies have specific jobs, but winter fairies just kind of existed as they were presented.”
“I hope they make a follow up eventually, and explain more.” Olivia nodded.
“Gosh me too,” Sarah said, “But I have to give them props for explaining Hook’s origins in Pirate Fairy.”
“I agree that was a good movie,” Olivia said. “I had to watch it twice.”
“And this is why I love you guys,” Christina laughed. “We went seamlessly from sex jokes to our favorite parts about Disney movies.”
“Violent ripping penis’ off and shoving them down throats, to beating boys heads in car doors too.” Kelly laughed.
“We should get more actors to hang out here,” Sarah laughed. “Make it like our version of a cop bar.”
Olivia laughed, “I think they’d throw us all out of here on our ears.”
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As enjoyable as the rest :) And Sarah is the best name, yay! :)
loving the story
loving the story
Having known a major
Having known a major illustrator (Dale Oliver) for Disney, and meeting a few of his friends, a couple of times; this banter back and forth between the girls is nearly the same as what I used to hear from his group of friends. He was a Chief, Illustrator on "The Fox and The Hound" movie; and I, and my sister, and brothers were given copies of some of his "pencil art" ** when he was first designing the Hound character. If I recall properly, I was about age 16 at the time. My Dad and Mom knew him because Dad and he flew together in WWII as Glider pilots, so we kids got introduced to him and his family.
Sadly, he died about 20 years ago. About 4 months ago, I was at Disney World with my family and went to the Animation Studios, and was looking at all the great "CELLs" hanging on the walls around that area.
A woman named Audrey was working at the Artist Desk and was working on doing a "CELL".***
I asked her if there were any by Dale Oliver hanging somewhere there.
She looked at me and said Dale? I replied, yes, Dale Oliver and she said you know him? I replied yes, but he had passed away some years ago.
She then told me when she had been hired at Disney World 25 years earlier, as an artist/illustrator, when Disney World was first opening, they sent her and several others out to LA and Disney Studios there for some training and Dale was her first Disney art/illustrator teacher.
We wound up talking with each other for almost 2 hours. Very, Very interesting indeed.
** Pencil Art is where the illustrator assigned to a specific animated character starts developing his/her interpretation what he/she feels the character will look like. It is as the name implies is done in pencil and on paper, so it can be erased and fixed as required during the development stages. This was back in the hand done days.
***A "CELL" is a picture done on heavy cellophane, hence the "nickname". It is an enlarged completed picture of ONE FRAME of an animated movie, that has been done by hand, at least back in the day. Now most are done by computer or some other form, and very few are hand done now. If the CELL is from a famous Disney movie and is an original, it can be worth Hundreds of Thousands of dollars and a few have gone on auction for a couple of million.
Ones that you can purchase, such as Audrey, the woman I met, was working on, can range from $75.00 to several hundreds of dollars. Again the price is based on the subject character and/or movie scene being done.
Janice Lynn
Very Nice!
you know... this story had me on a Disney binge the other day lol
I am laughing about the cheap Android thing
As I have an old 9 year old Nokia feature phone. In a lot of ways one can envy the lack of drama Sarah's transition: Posse, check. Supportive family, check. Work support, check. Partner support, check. Story needs some kind of tension to keep it interesting, which you mention comes in book 2.
Torn from the headlines?
Lisa has the measles.
Wow, anti-vaxers are insane.
I will say one thing, Sarah's new posse has a diverse background.
Oh, I can totally get the 'not missing anything by not drinking thing'. A lot of people probably would find it blasphemy though. But having lived with an alcoholic, it only reinforces how I feel.
Actually, I think that is one
Actually, I think that is one reason I will like this story myself. :) I totally agree.
Samirah M. Johnstone
You had me worried for a second!
I was worried for second there that we wouldn't be getting a new chapter for quite a while. Glad I was wrong but it was worth the wait to read the first three Robin books this week!
"The pen is mightier than the sword ... if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp"
"While the pen, in the long run, is mightier than the sword, at any given moment the sword speaks more loudly and convincingly." - Leonard Wibberly {more or less}
Wanted you to know...
I am enjoying this story. I even pointed it out to a friend I know who works at the parks. I won't say what she does, but I heard back from her on FB this morning and she said she couldn't stop laughing at this story so far. She gave it two thumbs up! (She asked me to pass this along as she doesn't want to post it herself due to issues with her workplace.)
And I have to agree with her. This story is looking more and more fun. I just don't like being patient lol.
Samirah M. Johnstone
Tell your friend Thank you,
Tell your friend Thank you, and that neither of us ever worked for Disney, and have no idea how things work on that end of the park, but we are having fun writing it :)
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Have a mew of a day!
I really like where this story is going. One thing that did kind of tweak my brain a bit though was the opening scene of the kids being anywhere near the locker room. Having been backstage before they guard that area very jealously from kids. They want to make sure that no one sees a headless Mickey! The Mouse is very protective of things!
I can't wait to read more though!!!!!!!!
Headless Mickey...
I remember reading, probably decades ago, that they got sued by the parents of a young kid who they said was traumatized for days after being sent by park authorities into a back area that had Mickey's disembodied head.
Did some work
for WDW in Orlando a few years ago with their networking crews. I got to met some of the actors who play the deferent characters. It was the best time I ever had on a job. I really have to hand it to those kids. A lot of practice goes into be a prince, princess, or any of the many charactors that walk around enteranting the parks guests. And beleive you me the park staff do their very best to protect the identies of the actors. One of the network told me that his girlfreind was the current 'Airel' and was over heard by his supervisor. The young amn got a verble warning about breaking the Magic Code. He was told that the next time it he could lose his job. One of the reasons for this goes back to an incodent that happened in 1982. The girl who played Cinderila at the time had a stalker, when her stalker found out who she really was, he hunted her down after work. The police say that she spend the last hours of her life in fear and pain. Ever sence then WDW has gone out of their way to protect the guests experance and their employees safety. That is one of the biggest reasons for the security around the back stage areas.
May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf
" I know where I’m headed"
"I’m still not sure 100% who I am yet, but I know where I’m headed.”
and that's a good thing to know.
Who doesn't love little puppies. kittens and PIXIES?
Made me go back!
After reading this chapter, and it's a first time for me, I had to go back and watch The Pirate Fairy. Can't believe I have missed this one, and not sure what I was clicking that I ended up on the story anyways, but I'm glad I found it. One of my favorite movies is The Pirate Fairy, Z is awesome! Not to mention, her look when she gets back to Pixie Hallow is the coolest of them all.
So now, On with the story!... and sequel since I am fortunate enough to find this story after it, and the sequel are done!
The next day is going to really interesting.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna