Not My Cup Of Tea

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Would you wear stuff like this?

Men's Fashions


Sadly I don't have the arms

Sadly I don't have the arms or legs to pull off any of those looks. Nothing wrong with them, my arms and legs just won't look good in them.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime


I very much doubt they would be in my size that errm XXFB( xtra xtra fat bar steward ) to the masses out there .
although I suppose I could ask the age old ladie's question.
does this make my Butt look to big?
is it really a fashion trend or did the racks get messed up in wardrobe?

Self control

Podracer's picture

Admiring the models for their restraint. I didn't detect one eyeroll or choked off giggle in their expression.

"Reach for the sun."

They don't look very happy

Makes the Pink Jacket and Trousers I bought from the Kings Road in the late 1960's (1968) look very plain.
The market for this load of basically crap won't be very big at all.
If I'm wrong then a lot of non 'T' people are going to get outed by mistake.

Uh Nope

Makeup sucks, hems too high, they do not seem happy, who did those hair shearings?

Ha Ha Look at the sissies!

laika's picture

It looks like something the sissy subculture would go for. Wanting to be feminized and humiliated while still appearing identifiably male. I'll admit I don't really understand the appeal of sissiedom but at least they're not hung up on being macho, which is something I understand even less; or the commenters down there below the article foaming at the mouth like it's the end of civilization and howling for blood. I'd rather hang out with the sissies...

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


See Boy George is before his time!!!!!!

The top right one

I think I saw that drawn as an illustration for a sissy story. Same pose and everything.

I hope most Siisies have better taste than those outfits.


This is from his show for New York Fashion Week. Nobody ever wears the designs you see in these shows, male or female. Its haute couture. At some point some elements of the designs shown at a fashion week may be used on actual clothing. NYFW is but one of several fashion weeks. There's one in London, one in Paris, and a couple of less important ones in other cities.

These are like those elaborate hair styles that turn up in the glossy magazines. Nobody is expected to actually wear them. Some designers only do one week, others do two or three. Arguably the most important weeks are New York and Paris. But these designs are intended to catch the eye of the important people. Get a spread in a magazine like Vogue and a contract for actual clothing may come your way.

These shows do set certain standards, if one of the major houses uses something different like say men's cut double-breasted jackets on their female models then look to see that in the clothing that is for sale. They don't always work though, remember when they tried to switch from the miniskirts to midis. The buying public pretty much ignored them and stayed with the short skirts.

Watch for the RTW shows, (Ready To Wear). These are the designs that will actually make it to the racks. The knock-off manufacturers avidly pour over those shows so they can get product out to ride on the designer's coattails. The houses claim to be annoyed to pissed off about that. But if they are so upset, why do the reps get invited to the shows? Some have actually tried to short circuit the knock-offs by collaborating with mass market sellers. That's why we see XYZ house for Target or Walmart. That stuff is usually sold out in a couple of hours. Then they show up on ebay at five to ten times the list price. A very affordable skirt that sold for $100-$125 will turn up on ebay for a $1,000 or more. And people pay it!

I like to watch the fashion week shows, they are usually entertaining. I look to the RTW shows to see what is going to happen in the real world.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

I can't

tmf's picture

I can't even picture most women into those cloths...

Peace tmf


I thought ru paul was over the top.




From the looks on the models' faces, they were not told what they were going to be wearing.


Models, especially the ones walking for the major houses, know to never smile. That would detract from the clothing. In some cases the designer will specify what expression they want on the model's face. Their appearance, head to toe, is controlled by the designer. Fail to deliver on even one tiny thing and the model is out the door.

Being a model is not glamorous, there is a lot of hard work and pain. For example, the designer brings the shoes and you wear them, and only them. Shoe too small, wear them. Shoe too big, wear them. One magazine shot pics of the model's feet during fashion week. The models in demand have feet that are bloody and bandaged. One well known model walks with her little toe outside the shoe because her feet are too big for the supplied shoes.

There are a number of stories here and on FM about some t-girl that is snatched up and made a model and lives happily and richly ever after. Don't believe it. The aspiring models work like hell to expand their book and get enough attention to be signed by one of the agencies. Then its a lot more hard work going on calls trying to get selected. I've only seen one realistic story about a t-girl making it as a model and I can't think of the name. Sadly it wasn't finished and I've given up hope.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Bathroom police

A whole new category for them to worry about. Interesting to read the comments, some are more over the top than the clothes (in a very ugly and bigoted way).

My eyes! My eyes!

Talk about utterly horrid! Some of those remind me of the things the character Ruby Rhod (Chris Tucker) wore in the movie "The fifth Element"

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.


Daphne Xu's picture

How to write out the sound I'm emitting? I think the web site name is appropriate.

-- Daphne Xu

Well there goes my retins

I shall now and forever have lost several minutes of my life never to return thanks to the twisted desires of the one who provided us with the link and no warning.

And so as my retina's proceed to escape from the inner of my eyes I will forever be scarred as I looked at those horrid and vile images that someone deemed worth to waste who knows how many pixels. Such a waste of digital space even with what is constantly placed here for unsuspecting kids to unearth thus costing their parents untold wealth as they seek treatment before committing genocide by abstaining from sex so as not to reciprocate more vile creatures.

Another to for neutering oneself. OMG, OMG, OMG where's the hitchhikers guide when you need them. Calgone take me away.

But why?

Why are models makeup made to look like they were drinking for a week straight, and then someone denied them "hair of the dog", and made them pose for the photoshoot... In some pictures they look seconds away from projectile vomiting from alcohol and substance abuse...

Casting call

I thought it might be photos of actors at a casting call for the remake of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Number 9 (if you count left

Number 9 (if you count left to right as 1,2, then back to left as 3) harks back to the 1700's in men's fashions, and number 13 looks like what Freddy Mercury might have worn. 10 is Boy George all over.

18 would be pretty good for a woman, but it requires hips to carry off.

21 appears to be from the DuPont corporation, or maybe Glad - possibly Hefty.. probably not, no cinch.

23 looks like John Travolta from the 70's, being abused by a gay tailor.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

There are some that would be

There are some that would be good - if you had the right body shape for them. Look at how most of them hang - they're not designed for straight torso, narrow hips!. (well, maybe the Glad Sack)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


I admit there is a flowery sheer blue number in the Orlando collection I think would look good on a number of people.