I apologize for not being able to post the rest of the unicorn story as I’d
intended. I will be posting fairly frequently as I rewrite it, but I can’t
guarantee to be posting at specific times as I have been. The good news
is that I do type quickly, and I have a very good memory for this story.
More good news is that my editor is newly back from a successful world
tour, and will now be able to try to help me again. (Poor sod.)
So! Please be patient, and try to understand that although I’ll go as fast
as possible, I will not rush this story so much that I sacrifice quality. It
means too much to me, and I would rather post a little more slowly than
to have you all think I didn’t do my very best.
I also have say that the comments and the votes that I am getting are so
very encouraging to me. If it were not for all your many great kindnesses,
I’d have been in the corner in a fetal position crying. That’s not an
extortion, it’s a fact. So thank you, and please do keep those coming.
Lastly, if I should seem less responsive with PM’s than usual, please try
and be patient with that too.
I’m a busy girl. I am. I am.
Sarah Lynn Morgan
Go at your own pace
Sarah, it's good that you are pacing yourself.
If you rush things, you may not be happy with what you produce. The quality of your story has been very high so far and if we have to wait for a while for new chapters then, I'm sure that it will be worth the wait.
I agree with Sue
I agree with Sue. Please take all the time you feel you need Sarah, so that you can maintain the excellent quality of this wonderful story.
In the immortal words of
The SOS Band, take your time, do it right.
We all love the story, and it is definitely one worth waiting for.
Melanie E.
Getting it right
Sarah you've done an amazing job writing this. I'm not fool enough to tamper with something this special and wonderful. Just do what you've already been doing. Remember to take time for yourself too! All work and no play, even when it's work you love, can make Sarah a ..... Well you know the rest. Thanks for the wonderful story so far!
Darn I used wonderful twice! How about Amazing? Nope used that one too. Okay Thanks for the Great Story you've written!
Sarah You Have Created A Wondrous Story
In Unicorn's Gift. It is the equal of the classic fantasies by Tolkien and Lewis, both of which have had movies done on their books. Your story is a modern classic that touches the Heart.
I agree with Sue Brown too.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
all that was is still ther just hidden
Sarah all that was is still there if you or sombody elce has the knowlage to retrive it most pcs do an auto backup every day at the same time. have you tryed dooing a restore back to before your cat had its accadent just a thought mayby someone elce has a better idea
love the story will wate .
Melissa C
Good lord
Maybe I'm thick, but I didn't realize that you'd lost the rest of the story. I thought it was only part nine that was scrambolated.
Good luck with the rewrite, and take your time. I think the story is memorable enough that whenever the next part appears it will still be fresh in our minds.
Man, I know I've been out of it with everything that's going on with me, but I completely spaced the fact that it was the rest of the story that was lost as well! By all means, take your time to recall, rewrite & enjoy your story - it's a wonderful one and I know I can wait, if impatiently!!!!
He conquers who endures. ~ Persius
May the wind be at your back...
The feries be attentive, the path be smooth, the fruit in the bushes delightfully tasty, and may you feel at ease; knowing that you are among friends who have had the same thing happen to them. :)
Many Blessings
Rewriting Unicorn ?????
Why? To me it is one of the most perfect fiction stories I have ever read. I am confused.
Many Blessings
Khadija Gwen