First of all, My apologies to everyone. The delay in getting this last post ready was
far too long. Suffice it to say, that real life has a way of dictating what we must do
over that which we merely feel a desire to do. I hope that for reason alone, that
something like this never happens again; and further, that I have not alienated any of
the nice people who were willing enough to want to follow this story.
For those of you who have expressed an interest, my small fuzzy companion, despite
several smaller seizures, does not see any of this as a good reason to stop trying
to lay on my arms as I type, or to sit in front of the middle of my computer screen to
stare lovingly up at me as I write. (Which he is trying to do right now!) Thus, he
is still with me, my constant companion of 18 years, and I can only say that this my
hobby will have lost an ineffable pleasure when we can no longer share it together
Thus my apology, one last time, for my unavoidable breech in the confidence you've all
shown so generously to me.
On a related note, I wanted to share something that I found most distressing as I began
to reproduce these lost sections of this story. I found that although I remembered every
small part of this story fairly clearly, I had great difficulty in the beginning, because
no matter how I wrote the words they just didn't seem true to the original. This alone
cause a delay of weeks, as I first wrote and discarded the first chapter of part ten three
separate times.
What is more, and as this is the part of the story where many of the threads that were
begun in the earlier chapters are being drawn together, I had significant difficulty in
again deciding again just when to tell the reader which bits of information that he needed
to know. This was, distressingly, perhaps the most difficult aspect of this rewrite.
I was just wondering if anyone else has ever been comfronted by this.
As of its posting, I am satisfied with the work as it is, even though it can never be exactly
as it was. I trust that those of you who choose to read it will feel the same.
Please feel free to let me know.
Sarah Lynn Morgan
Lucky Kitty
I'm a little envious of your cat. He gets to read your story as you type it! :)
As I've said privately, you simply must take care of yourself and your family first. That includes work because you have to earn money.
I'm not sure if I've recommended this before but I write and type an outline and notes for my stories. For The Distant Queen, I had the last section written out before I started the story. I didn't want to forget it! The outline and notes really help me. :)
- Terry
The idea of rewriting...
I know it must have been very challenging to you. I hope that you never have to do it again.
Many Blessings
Well, there's what we should do and what we do do.
My files are all on an SD card, which lives in my purse. This card is backed up onto a USB memory card which lives in my safe. Copies are also kept on my desktop PC. My firewall software also has a data vault facility which I should use but keep forgetting.
When I worked, I kept a copy of everything in my desk, some ten miles from home. I had to practice what I preached; I was a Computer Service Recovery Consultant!
Overkill? Not when you consider the hours of work represented by the contents of the SD card.
Good to see that you are back in business anyway; I've already commented and voted. I know you did your best with your own backups; shame it didn't work out right. You can plan all you want but Sod's Law has a mind of its own!
And your little friend helping you to work? I had a Jack Russell Terrier who loved playing football and whose other idea of fun was fidgeting on my lap while I was trying to drive the car. Tricky!
Me, I Enjoy
Your stories. You have a gift of creating wonderful stories that touch the heart.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Your Work
Hi Sarah
i personally have enjoyed all of your work so far and cannot wait to read more
thank you
Carpe Diem