My dog and constant companion of almost ten years and best friend, passed away unexpectedly late last week. I don't really feel much like writing right now. I've always been a bit socially awkward so I don't have many friends. Coming home to her after a day of work was always the highlight of my day.
I'm so sorry for your loss :(
I'm so sorry for your loss :( I know the pain of losing a loved pet. It's horrible and never really goes away, but it gets easier as the years go by. Maybe one day you can get another furry friend who can help fill in the loneliness :)
Not a fox
I'm sorry for the death of your dog. I know this hurts a lot.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry for your loss. *big tender hug*
Erin of Wis <3
It is a source of wonder and pain the size of the hole our little friends leave in our heart. Take your time, you need to grieve a bit.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Sorry to hear your sad news
Been there, done that, got the tee shirt and still miss them. All you can do is care for them when they're with you and try to give them a good death. There are many pets who need homes, please consider sharing your love with another in the not too distant future, not to forget your old friend but to share the love you gave her with another.
I am sorry to hear that
I lost what was essentially my cat (though the neighbors who owned it might disagree) as he welcomed me home every night, greeted me in the morning at my front door, came when I called etc. Until he was severely hurt by somebody and had to be put down. It was a wonderful 2 years having that little tux be my friend.
So, yes I totally get it. At least it was a natural death, it was her time I guess, so take some comfort in that.
Pets are never just an animal.
They are family and anyone who says otherwise never had one.
They work their way into your heart and then stake a claim.
When you are upset they try to comfort you or distract you to change your mood, and so much more.
They are family, they just are not the human kind.
"Cortana is watching you!"
Sorry to Hear About Your Fur Friend
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.
I vividly remember when my fur friend -- a dachshund -- passed away in 1985. I still miss him and think about him quite a lot. I put up a photo montage of him in my bedroom. That helps bring back fond memories and keeps him close to my heart.
I couldn't bring myself to get another dog but a couple of years ago, I did finally get two feathered friends -- two parakeets. They help liven up the place. I wish I would've gotten new pet friends sooner.
You have my condolences. *hug*
- Terry
So Sorry
I'm sorry for your loss. It's never easy losing a close friend like that. My dog of 12 years passed away this summer, I'm still not over it so I know how you feel :(.
For the love of dogs
My dog turns eleven tomorrow. I just went and picked her up from the groomer and she is all fluffy and excited. We must cherish them while we have them, and enjoy their company while we can.
I grieve a little whenever I hear about the passing of anyone's pet because we all know that we only have their love for a time and then it will hurt for a time and then we will be ready to love and be loved again.
Remember the bright and sunny times, those memories last. When your dog made you laugh and smile and when your dog laughed and smiled at you. It will be sad and it will hurt but when you are done grieving, the happy memories remain.
A string is only as long as it is and there is a knot at the end, but as long as you have the memory of the string, it's still just as long as it ever was.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
So sorry....
One of our dogs passed away last year, i still miss him..... hoping he waits on the other side....
Thank you all, it warms my
Thank you all, it warms my heart to have gotten so many condolences. I do intend to get another dog eventually, but once I feel the time is right.
Have a delightfully devious day,