Edit: Changed the title to be less... chaotic ♥
Ugh, like, seriously, can we NOT have another year like 2016? Ever? The Sweet Witch is back, more or less ♥
This is going to be long and kind of gritty, but I promise there's good stuff at the end. If you want to just scroll down to the last paragraph, please feel free :-)
So I've talked endlessly about this on Twitter, and probably mentioned it a few times on the Book of Faces as well, but I'm not sure if I mentioned anything here. It's so easy to just assume everyone checks the usual social media outlets, which is really funny considering, up until recently, I despised FB. I still don't trust it, and keep a couple of ad/script blockers active, and I'm careful what I post, but that's beside the point.
Hatter looks in. "What was the point again?"
Uh... Oh yeah. The drama over the holidays. Ho-lee-
"Hey you can't say that, there are children watching!"
"Well that's better then."
Okay, silliness aside, basically a whole lot of crap piled up at once. The short, short, VERY short version is, there's this side of my family, a clan if you will, who continues to blame me and my parents for their mistakes. They can't pay the rent, it's OUR fault they spent all their money on drugs (Not. Even. Joking.)
We got in the middle of it to save two of my cousins from being put into foster care while their dad got his crap together. They blamed us for their mother having the sheriff come and collect them from our care because their father didn't want them. They tell us they want nothing to do with us ever again. We say "Fine", and that's that.
Then the patriarch of this backwoods crack den suddenly dies. They come literally beating our door down asking us to pay the $5,000 for funeral arrangements. Oh, by the way, my dad's very sick. He was already hospitalized twice, so we've got mounting medical bills, and now they ask us to pay for a funeral we can't afford because we can barely pay for food at this point.
You can guess how this went.
Dad's a whole other issue. He's somewhat stable, now, but basically what happened was that a few months before all this, he decided to switch cigarette brands. Two months later he's on an oxygen machine, and can't go five miutes without it or he suffocates, due to the massive damage those cheap cigs did to his lungs.
All this, on top of the Anti-LGBTQ government that's been put in place, has had a very negative impact on my stress levels. I have social anxiety disorder anyway, so it really just caused me to withdraw a lot more than usual. But things are stabilizing. Finally.
The good stuff :-)
This is why Left at Eden, Magic of the Kingdom, etc all ground to a complete halt. Ashly and I still collaborate constantly. Honestly if it wasn't for her, I don't think I'd be here right now. She is my lover, my soul mate, my sounding board, and my best friend. We've written, I don't even know how many partial stories, short pieces, and full length epics together ♥
There's one story in particular that I really, really want to finish though. We tend to be a little ADHD about writing, working on one story one day, anotehr one the next, but I'm hoping we can stick with this one until it's finished. ;-)
Don't want to say too much until we're further along, but I will say this: it's one of the only books I've ever worked on that had people from outside our community reading it ♥
Edit: By the way, I updated my author page with a better bio and social links and stuff. :-)
With Trump's election, folks like these have been emboldened. It always amazes me that there are so many trans-conservatives because ultimately they will try to take away the rights of anybody who is Christian White and rabidly right wing.
Getting worse
by the day it seems.
There was a leading member of the Tea-party on the Radio a little while ago. His rhetoric was IMHO close to that of the KKK.
I watched a BBC-4 Documentary (there is a web site posting at http://www.bbc.co.uk/guides/z3xhhv4) on how the KKK was moddled on the Scottish Clans because their first prominent members were of Scottish and Irish origin. It was scary, very scary.
With the forthcoming attacks on womens rights (to terminations) it seems to me that there are a lot of Old White men in positions of power that are bent on turning the clock back more than 100 years.
I agree, Kimmie
I'm really afraid to hear/watch the news these days. Worse, even if they take out tRump for foreign money or being insane,etc., Pence is like pure evil. You know, as Jesus always said, kill everyone who's not exactly like you...or was that Isis?
BTW you're last sentence needs a 'not'.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Yep, left out the 'not'
Just to be official about it.
Problem is, there were so many voters who thought his OTT rhetoric was just that. Too many younger voters just took these rights for granted, not thinking they can lose them just as easily.
I also blame those submissive women looking for security in an aggressive alpha male type *Melania* *cough*.
I am more sorely disappointed in Americans who voted for the hate filled rhetoric, believing in the fake news that fuelled their own prejudices, self-righteous anger for being 'wronged' somehow etc not understanding that it is their own shortcomings that need to overcomed.
Updated my author page too :-)
Because I have insomnia bad tonight :-P I've gotten some writing done (Not a lot, Ashly's actually asleep), got some drawing practice in, and now worked on my author page, adding some background, social links and stuff.
Updated Author Page
Oh! I should add my DeviantArt page too. I mean it's not much. I'm just learning how to draw and paint, but every so often when drawing a billion circles starts to wear thing I just turn on some music, let my mind wander, and see what happens, then upload the (awful) result.
Yes, I'm totally rambling. Like I said, insomnia. I've been going slowly insane as the hours pass :-P
Link's Not Working...
Well, it is, sort of. But what's coming up is a page that says "books" at the top, followed, mostly in alphabetical order, by the bylines of just about everyone on the site's authors page, along with some story or collection titles. No "background, social links and stuff."
Well, crap
I must have copied the wrong link. LOL I'll see if I can fix it
And, yup, I did. This link should work :-)
If 2017 keeps on the way it has started, we may long for the days of 2016.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Just Wondering
What about Left at Eden
We'll get on it asap :) LOL
We'll get on it asap :) LOL We're just now getting back into things :)
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Have a mew of a day!