Getting Better

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To say Ihave been depressed for the last while is an understatement.

Looks like My paralyzed leg has decided to work in tandom with mr good leg Evey day I wheel my wheelchair in front of the kitchen sink. I use my good arm and hand to grab the edge of the sink and counter and with assistance drag myself up and stand and balance for as long as my strength allows the dead leg is helping me stand though I still need the assist small l baby steps is the ticket to walking someday

Thanks to everyone has posted stories I live for them.


Frankly Wendy,

I'm just glad I don't live in the US and particularly not in the 'Bible Belt'. In the UK I don't know of any standard I.D., document that employs finger-prints. It's mostly done with photographs and computerised numbering. However, the police take your fingerprints if the arrest and detain you.

At least with an I.D., photograph one has some idea of identity but even then, if a person dyes their hair or grows a beard, things become blurred. Our passports even have digital information and that can help. because most information held by the government is on data-banks anyway.

Happy transitioning girl.


it is for background checks

Wendy Jean's picture

tomake sure I'm not trying to hide from law enforcement I truly look like a different person now, Because I am! Transition is done Now to recover from this stroke

Bible belt is a nightmare.

MadTech01's picture

I live on the edge of the bible belt in Texas and it reaches farther than they say the belt does.
somme of the religious arguments you can get into are un-real because people put things into the bible that are not here.

I was in a local oil change shop talking about my concerns with fracking for oil and natural gas on the fresh water aquafers and climate change wit another customer.

Then this old lady (70 plus age) lady then said there is no reason to be concerned God will come down and prevent something bad from happening. I had to do a double take on that. I then asked does the bible not talk about free will, and also about how god says to be good stewards of the earth.

She then says that does not matter he will not let us destroy the planet he will come and fix it.

Some people scare me in what they say the bible says.
They get real mad when i ask for them to show me.

"Cortana is watching you!"

Glad to here there is progress.

MadTech01's picture

i always get scared now when authors drop off the face of the map without warning. From seeing all those names added to the memorial wall it makes me worry something happened to them.

"Cortana is watching you!"