Isues with this websites ad's

A word from our sponsor:

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I realize the ad on this site bring in Money that the site needs.

HOWEVER they do not need to have the images that they do. I understands some do not have an issue with this, but I do and will be keeping my Ad blocker turned on until they change.

I am Trans* myself, but I do not care for the images in the ads for several reasons.

Rebeca Lynn
2Wolf Design


I Agree

I wonder if those ads are effective. I can't imagine that they are.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


If they weren't effective they wouldn't be running them. Advertising is a cutthroat business, one bad ad and you are out the door. There is always a competitor out there willing to slit your throat

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Adverstisements are necessary

We need to keep in mind that Big Closet is supported by donations. That means that Erin and team need to find sources of income to keep the place in operation. I'm contributing as much as I can afford and I know that others are as well. If we did not have advertisers here, it is possible that BCTS would have to shut down.

I understand fully.

But I disagree with the images in the ads. This is a site about stories. The images in the ads are not needed, plainer ads would do much better and would not be as overly visual.

I understand they need the ads and donations. I have no problem with this, I run ads on two websites that I built and run. They are a necessary evil.

I do believe

that the ads should be screened much more effectively before allowing them to uplink onto our page so that WE can choose what shows up here or not instead of the ad provider. We already see what the ad provider wants to send us.



Ad Blocking & Donations

I know that I am not alone in blocking ads from the internet regardless of the site. AFAIK, most ad slingers use some google services for this. This is all part of my never ending quest to reduce the amount of data relating to my life that gets slurped and used for god knows what. So far, the real me is not known to Google. Long may that remain.
I do however contribute far more in donations to this site than they could ever generate from me from Adverts.
Just saying...

My Only Gripe

joannebarbarella's picture

Is the positioning of the latest one at the end of a story or story chapter. When I have just read a serious, dramatic, or thrilling episode it is a bit jarring to be confronted with a picture of a close-to-naked girl which has no connection to what I have just read when I am wanting to post a comment.

Yes, I do realise that all revenue helps BC but perhaps a bit of negotiation with the advertiser as to where the ad is displayed would not be inappropriate.

Re: My Only Gripe

I agree with Joanne. When I finish a story, I don't want to see an image of a girl who seems intent on getting into some sort of sexual escapade. The ad is supposed to be for breast forms, but it comes across as a sexual "come on" attitude.

Hmmmm... to me, it's not just where the ad is displayed, but what is displayed. It's for breast forms, it should SHOW breast forms.

Edit to add: The ad is now at the top of the home page, and is a nine second long video, not just a picture. I viewed it twice, and like the picture before it, you never actually get to see breast forms, so it raises issues again as to its relevance.

Funny, I was only thinking about this the other day

Angharad's picture

I don't like the sprawling blonde either but once you start censorship, where does it end? Personally, I don't like erotic stories very much so i don't read them and I also try to ignore the sprawling totty.


Ad's on smaller screens

I've recently installed ad block for the simple reason the adverts get in the way of text. With adverts enabled on my 7" Andriod tablet, I often have the homepage looking like this:

The adverts don't always scale down with the left column, so I end up with them overlapping the main column obsuring content. Its more comfortable to hold the device in portrait, but I sometimes have to rotate into landscape in order to use the home page. Doesn't ususally affect stories. I tend to do more readin on this site on a tablet than a desktop or laptop.


I had Samsung Tab that size, and this is worked for me. Use it in landscape mode and from the drop down menu on the right (the three dots, not there in windows) select "Request Desktop Site". This gives you a screen very much like the one in Firefox. I use it in lieu of most of the proprietary apps. FYI: This is using Firefox for Androids.

That has worked on every Android I've used, even the cheapies. You may have to turn the pad to portrait mode from time to time, but not very often in my experience.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Ad Block

Could we have an option to block graphic content - display only what ever text is used to identify graphic?
Yahoo e-mail server does this to reduce bandwidth



Other prudes like me?

It took me a while to understand the ad that is being talked about, and yes it is over the top to me, not that I have never seen them, but that was years ago. I would not want to have someone walk in with that add up.

-My Account- Page

I assume most people know that from the My Account - Edit page, one can toggle many (all?) of the home page ads on or off.

But there's apparently no way at present to get rid of that graphic "Explore Your Fantasies" ad on the story pages. In answer to a PM on the 21st, Erin wrote back "It's not a block. We're working on how to make it disappearable." Hope they succeed soon -- or at least ask the sponsor to substitute something less provocative.


Thank you, Eric

I went into my "Accounts Page" and managed to remove most of the front page graphic ads. This makes it more comfortable when someone might be looking over my shoulder. I also have been offended by the more graphic ads, most of which I have no interest in anyway.

Much Love,

Valerie R

For me, I'm not so much

For me, I'm not so much offended as I am bored. They should be running variations on them, not the same one every time.

i also agree that there should be text-only ads, or at least low graphic versions.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.